Chapter 30

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***Comment if you think I should make a sequel to this book!***

"Do you want another drink?" Niall asked.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I asked in response.

"Maaaaybe," he said drawing out the "ay."

"Well then I guess it working," I said handing him my cup. Niall walked to the kitchen and I stood to follow. That's when I realized just how intoxicated I already was. "Actually," I said using his arm to steady myself, "I really don't need another."

Niall chuckled when he realized that I was holding onto him for support. "Okay then, want to dance?" he inquired.

"I can barely stand," I giggled.

"Come on!" he said taking my hand.

I stumbled forward and then caught myself. I leaned on Niall a bit and mentally commended myself for not wearing high heels.

"Julia! There you are. I've been texting you all night," she said taking my hand.

"Sorry, I think I left my phone at home," I said.

"So I see you and Niall got right at it," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Jane tapped on the obviously noticeable red mark that I'd tried my best to cover up with foundation before I left.

"Oh," I blushed.

"I'm glad you came!" Jane said changing the subject.

"Me too," I said.

"I'll let you get back to your hot date," she winked.

For the first time I thought about how weird it was that by best friend was my boyfriends biggest fan. She probably knew all about him and I didn't really like that.

I shook my head riding myself of my dumb jealous thoughts.

"It's so hot in here," I said to Niall while fanning myself with my hand.

"I think it's just you," he said. I blushed a little. I really couldn't help the way I felt when he complimented me.

"Can we go outside for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure," he said reaching for my hand and pulling me through the heavy crowd and out to the backyard that was surprisingly empty.

The contrast from the temperature outside to the temperature inside was a vast contrast. I took in a deep breath of frigid air to relieve my lungs.

I dusted snow off of a small bench near a gardening shed. I patted the spot next to me signaling for Niall to have a seat.

"So, how've you been?" I asked trying to start a conversation. My brain was still discombobulated by the alcohol in my body.

"Honestly, I've kind of been a wreck, I can't remember what I did before we were dating but since you left the only time I would even leave my house was when I have to rehearse for shows," Niall said.

"Me too. I think we're way too dependent on each other," I commented.

"Like Romeo and Juliet," he said.

"'O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou, Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet.'" I uttered lines from a scene of that play that I had once committed to memory.

"'Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?'" Niall recited in return.

"You like Shakespeare?" I asked.

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