Chapter 25

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"I'll try to come by before I leave tomorrow," Niall said coming in to give me a hug.

"Okay," I said with on final sigh before getting out of his car.

Without so much as a look back, I made my way up the driveway. I quietly opened the door and sat in my room. This felt so wrong. I shouldn't be here; I didn't want to be here. I should be home, in my new home where I always felt welcome.

I looked around my pathetic childhood bedroom. It was exactly how I'd left it a few years ago before Uni. I couldn't believe that it had been so long.

As I looked through my old drawers, memories started swirling in my head, some were good but most were bad.

"I can't believe you even thought for a second that I actually liked you," he scoffed.

The fresh tears stung my eyes and I wanted to run away but there were too many people surrounding me.

"Y-you don't mean that," I stuttered. He couldn't have been acting this whole time. He told me he loved me, how could he not mean it.

"Wow, you're so stupid. Just let it go, I used you don't you get it?" he mocked me.

I stood there in awe as the first person that had ever "loved" me stomped on my heart in front of the entire 8th year.

"But, why?" I inquired. People started filing off, maybe they'd seen me in pain long enough or maybe they just didn't care enough to stay.

"Because you're an easy target, you believed every lie I fed to you," he admitted.

That was it, I couldn't take anymore of this. Instinctively, my right foot connected with his crotch and I took off running only looking back once to see him groveling on the ground surrounded by his idiot mates.

"That bitch," I heard him say. I scoffed at his accusation seeing as I had only done the reasonable thing to do.

I kept on running as fast as my body could take me until I reached the destination that had been subconsciously decided. His front door.

I shook my head, riding myself of those awful memories. Those kind of events were the reason that I moved in the first place. I was trying to forget.

I needed to get out of here. I threw on a pair of old leggings from my pajama drawer. They were a bit snug but they'd do. I found my old running shoes and I went outside for a jog.

The harsh winter air nipped at my exposed cheeks as my feet lightly hit the snow leaving a trail behind me. I watched as Christmas decorated houses passed by. I had completely forgotten that Christmas was only a couple weeks away. I still needed to go Christmas shopping.

I zipped my jacket up a bit more and turned and headed home.

After a much needed shower, I checked on my brother before going to the nearest shopping centre. I found myself only wanting to buy things for Niall. Everything I saw reminded me of him. I went to the music store and bought him a copy of Silence & Faith, The Scripts second album that Niall told me he didn't have but wanted.

It felt almost silly buying him a gift since he could buy anything that he wanted. I wanted to give him something that he couldn't buy but I had no idea what. So, I kept the CD just in case I couldn't think of anything.

I went to the nearest Target and bought my mum a new jumper and a couple of Aztec printed scarves. If she didn't use them, I surely would.

For my dad, I bought one of those "indestructible" wallets. It seemed like a good idea at the time seeing as he's had the same wallet for forever and it was falling apart.

I entered a Toys "R" Us and walked around baffled by the prices. I decided to get Anna a set of dolls from the movie Frozen. It seemed fitting seeing as one of the main character's name was Anna as well.

On my way to the register, I passed the One Direction section of the store. My heart swelled a bit when I saw a poster and a cardboard standee of Niall. I actually considered buying one for myself but decided against it. I wasn't going to be here too long. Just long enough to make sure that my brother stayed out of trouble.

As for Gavin, I had no idea what he would want. I clearly didn't know him as well as I thought I did. I just got him a gift-card to the whole mall that was worth €50.

Now that my shopping was finished, I went back home and stuffed all of the presents into my closet.

"Hey, Jules?" Gavin said knocking on the door.


"Are you sure you don't hate me?" he inquired tepidly.

"Of course I don't. I don't agree with what you did but I could never hate you. Especially not just because of one mistake, even if that one mistake nearly gave me an anxiety attack," I said.

"Thanks," he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For understanding and not being mad," he explained.

"Well what would be the point of staying here and hating you?"

"I don't know but I'm glad you're back," he said with a smile before awkwardly exiting my room.

"Jules?" Anna said coming into my room a few minutes later. I hadn't seen her since I got here and I wondered where she was when everyone was at the hospital.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" I asked opening my arms for a hug.

"I lost a tooth!" she exclaimed pulling down her bottom lip to give me a better look at the newly formed gap in her mouth.

"Awesome!" I said equally as excited. "What'd ya get for it?"

"A whole dollar! I'm rich!" she said. I laughed to myself, I remembered thinking the same way.

"You are rich," I said picking her up and spinning her around making her giggle. "So what are you gonna buy?"

"Mum said I can have one thing from the dollar store but we need to go so I can see what they have," she said. Anna was very smart for her age. She always knew what was going on and how to get what she wanted.

"How exciting," I told her.

"I know! So what are you doing?" she asked looking around me and into my room.

"Well, nosy Rosy, I was just about to wrap some presents, wanna help?" I inquired. I knew she probably wouldn't.

"But I want mine to be a surprise," she said.

"Okay, darlin' you'll get your surprise," I said patting her on the head messing up her hair. She crinkled her nose at me as she fixed it.

{sorry for not updating but I have been SO BUSY. thank you if you have checked out my new fanfic it really means a lot! I'm really excited about it my best friend read it and she told me that she loved it and she's a writer so coming from her that means the world. Wow that was irrelevant, thanks for reading, I love you all. Also if you like my fanfics please follow me! I'll follow back}

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