Marry Me?

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I heard alarms blare above me. Amber was here. I grinned. Time to meet my old friends. I ran into the hall and stood next to Adam, waiting for them to come.

"Welcome back Lily."

"Missed me did you? And I know your passcode. But I don't mind. You're nice."

"Thanks. Ready to meet up with them again?"

"Any time. They're here for me. I met them, as Liz. But Liz is gone now. She was just a ghost. A snowflake in the wind. People kept saying this to me, 'In a world full of locked rooms, a man with a key is king.' And I found my key. Now all I need is a crown."

"I have missed you. Alot. Notch will pay for what he did to you. And that starts tonight."

Ashley appeared at the end of the hall. When she saw us, she stopped. And they brought Nya.

"As you can see, Herobrine has redcorated. Do you like it? He does miss you. He told me about what you did to him. BUt I don't think you care. I think you assume that because Herobrine did what he did, that he has no heart and can therefore not feel pain, or love, or sorrow. You assume that he is just a computer program, who can only feel rage, anger, and the need to destory. Nya, meet my husband." Her eyes widdened. Now she knows what she has coming.

I raised my hand at Amber, who had just joined Nya and Ashley. I shot.......and missed. Dangit.

"Wait.........I thought you didn't know who you are?"

"Well think again princess. I looked into the void. Herobrine helped me. He has always been at my side. Even when I never knew him. I remembered everything. How Lily is not just a friend. How I have a sis, Tay. And how I left her. I would've gone back but someone let slip to Notch that I was marrying Herobrine. And Notch couldn't believe his ears. He ordered me to be destroyed in the way that it would be most painful for his brother. What better way to do that than kill me on our wedding day. Christmas Day. Thanks Nya." I hissed at her. Her look of fear turned to a look of shame. "I remembered the fight we had. The cuts on your hands. I remember Lily. How powerful Herobrine is. And now I will kill all of you for taking me away from all that."

"NO...Lily, this is not you!" She cried. Then she took a picture out of her pocket. "Remember all those times we laughed for no reason? Just because we could? You are not evil Lily."

"You are right Amber. I'm not. I'm just awake." I shot another lightening bolt at her. She deflected it with water and It hit Ashley.

"NO!" She ran over to Ashely and knelt beside her. "NYA HELP!!!!" 

Herobrine appeared and pinned Nya against a wall. Her eyes turned red and he let go of her.


"Later Lily. Later my love."

Nya raised her bow and I a lightening bolt. We both shot at Amber and both hit home. Amber fell to the floor. Her eyes closed.

"Welcome back to the team Nya. Want some coffee?" Adam smiled at her. I grinned.

"Adam, take Nya to the cafe. Herobrine and I will be busy." I turned to Herobrine. He kissed me and pulled me into a dance.



"What did my christmas gift show you? Why did you lock me out of the Mind Palace?"

"It showed me your death. I saw Notch with you in the graveyard. And I locked you out cause I thought, If you do die, die in peace. Not with a monster like me."

"I burned. I burned in a place far from home. Then Notch killed me. He took Lily away from me and made me Liz."

"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. I thought you could help me find yourself. Silly me."

"It's ok. I got to see you again."

Then he leaned close to my ear. Four words mad my life worth living. Four words, 14 letters.

"Lily? Will you marry me?"

"Yes, any day."

Herobrine's Tale: The WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now