Chapter Two; A little fun wouldn't hurt anybody, would it?

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*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED: Awe, our little J is all grown up, it feels like our queen R send J to boarding school just hours ago. J is back and we heard that she is seeking comfort with some old friends, let's see who she'll run first to R or L... all we know is that neither will be happy to see her, welcome home J!

Rory read the blast for about three times before coming to a complete shock. Tears were in her perfect ocean blue eyes, porcelain skin beginning to look redder with the minute and small figure shaking from anxiety. J was back. The bitch who ruined me is back. Lorelai needed to leave a couple of hours ago for some stupid client and Rory thought she could handle it. She couldn't, she broke down. After all the pain she had previously caused our poor Queen R you really would've thought that she would stay away. No she had to come back, she had to ruin everything all over again. Rory's new rose gold iphone 6 buzzed: Logan; Come over, I'm having a party and without you it feels kinda lame;)
Gross. Another lame ass fuckboy wants her to come over and get high. Well yeah this fuckboy happened to be her boyfriend but it was a trustfund boyfriend not a 'Im so in love with you' kinda boyfriend. With a little hesitation Rory decided to go, she could use the distraction. Popping at least four different kind of pills in her mouth she washed it down with a vodka redbull, a little fun won't hurt anybody, would it? Rory got in her brand new Porsche and drove off to Logans house. The minute she arrived she regretted it, sweaty body's everywhere, the smell of bad weed in the air. He was getting scammed by his dealer and she knew it, Rory was intelligent but definitely not a good girl. She had done pretty much every drug she could get her hands on. She could separate the good drugs and the weak, bad ones it seconds. Since she couldn't find her boyfriend anywhere she decided to make herself a drink. Once she had her drink she looked for her lighter, she needed her nicotine now or she was gonna kill someone. And Manolo's aren't made for carrying body's and neither were the petite Gilmore hands. "Looking for this?" Rory recognized the husky low voice. "Jess Mariano, fancy seeing you here" she said in a flirty attempt, the girl was bored and wanted some fun. Oh god not like that, she is pure until marriage or the right fuck. "Thank you" she said while he lit her cigarette, she batted her lashes a bit. "So how are you and you know your 'boyfriend'?" He said a little curious. "Did you just airquote?" She laughed "We are doing great Jess, just great"
"Then why is he fucking the strawberry blonde bitch in the other room?" Jess asked in a rather cocky tone
"Because sweet naïve Jess, it's all a money game. Since he and J fucked I lost my respect and love for him" she said through gritted teeth. He was startled amd for the first time he didn't know what to say. "What's up Jess? Cat got you tongue?" Rory said a little bitchy before grabbing the lighter and walking to the indoor pool. Jess quickly followed wanting to continue this conversation. A conversation with a funny, beautiful, so high off medication bitch. It could turn out really fun. "So rory"
"Hmmm" she said while smoking her cigarette
"I heard from a little bird that you my dear are still a virgin"
Fuck off Jess was the thought that came to her mind. "If you must know yes I am. Do you have any problems with that?"
"Well actually.."
"No save me I don't really care" she cut him off.

{A/N: Yes chapter 2, I know the chapters are short but I am working on them.... two chapters in one day, might do that every time I upload. Please leave a comment and share with others and if you want check out my tumblr: :) that's all have a great day!!}

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