Chapter Six; It was a pleasure

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*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED: A half naked Jess Mariano smoking a cigarette in Rory Gilmore's drive way at Eight o'clock in the morning. Seems like they did something under the covers, and we aren't making anything up. Seeing the love bites in Queen R's neck while she and L haven't been seen together for what a week? We know what that means. Drunken nights and mornings filled with regret... If anything more than a kiss happened we suggest our Queen R might need a check up, we surely hope she didn't get an STD.

"But principle, Sir I had nothing to do with this. This isn't mine, I have been clean for four months. I am being set up Sir!" Jenny managed to say through tears. She knew exactly who was responsible for this. "Dear Jenny as much as I would like to believe you, you have pulled stunts like this at Chilton before. I have no choice other than to expel you. You can still go to school for the rest of this week and to the Paris trip beginning next week, since your parents already paid. But from the twentieth of January to the first of March you will be expelled. You are dismissed, try to stay low on my radar or the consequences will get worse. Now get out, go to class. I hopefully will not see you again anytime soon." As Jenny was leaving the office of principle Charleston she heard him mumbling about how unstable she was if she had blow in her locker. She didn't know why R would go so far, well she knew. But she was going to fight back. Finally back in the Chilton hallways she saw Rory waving and mouthing 'War is on' following a text saying 'this is just the start, Paris will be hell, look up'
J did as the text said, and down comes yogurt pouring on her head. "Oops, Sorry J we'll watch out next time" Madeline said innocently. Covered in yogurt J stormed off to the bathroom. "J, did you actually think I was going to play nice?" Rory said entering seconds after her. "No but" J spoke being interrupted by Rory again "Just be careful don't want to see you get hurt" Rory smiled as she went to put on her Chilton uniform. "Just know that I fight back" J said overwhelmed by the feeling of betrayal, she finally knows how Rory must've felt.
J read the GG blast and was quite surprised that Jess and Rory were possibly a thing now. "So Rory how are my sloppy seconds?" J said confident. "Excuse me?" Rory said exiting the stall. "You and the guy I lost my Virginity fucking? Never thought you'd be with my exes"
"Did you think I was going to go for your boyfriends? Oh wait you can't keep a guy to actually stick with you I forgot. I'll leave the stealing other peoples significant others and faking that I lost my virginity to a certain someone up to you. Yes I know that too, I know you better than you know yourself. So you better watch it with your tone. I can ruin you, trust and believe me when I say I will. Bye J it was a pleasure as always" Rory left J alone in the bathroom. J was going to fight dirty if she was planning on winning and she knew exactly how to hurt R, she'll just sleep with L again. Couldn't be easier right?

Rory walked down the Chilton steps. She saw Jess' limo but she didn't see anybody near it. Rory hesitated for a while, should she get in and wait or just stand next to it and wait. She sat on the back of the limo and waited for Jess to appear. She already texted him to keep their 'relationship' on the low. He would do anything to make her happy and let their relationship work. He wasn't himself with her but at the same he was exactly who he is deep down. She brought out the best in him. He smiled while walking trough the door thinking of the previous night where he fell asleep next her. He had carried her tired body to her bed. She fell asleep on the sofa and Jess wanted an excuse to stay the night. As he walked down the steps he noticed that there was a beautiful girl sitting on his limo, he started to walk faster towards her, until he heard his name. "Aah Jess there you are!" Logan yelled from the doors. "Logan whats up?" Jess said actually not wanting to have this conversation with him. "Let's go for a drink buddy" Logan said while spotting Jess' limousine. "L, Jess how wonderful seeing you both here" Rory said with the sarcasm evident in her tone. Logan excused himself to make some phone calls leaving Jess and Rory alone. "What a shame your trust fund is here Rory" Jess said softly to Rory. "Why, did you have something planned for us?" Rory asked. "Just making out in the limo, getting a drink followed by more making out and planning a take down at your place. You know since your grandparents are still out of town." Jess said quick. Rory noticed that Jess was exited to be alone, she wanted to really tease him. She lifted her Chilton skirt just a little of her thigh, so you could catch a glimpse of the lingerie she was wearing. "Really princessa you shouldn't do that, I might spontaneously kiss you in front of L" Jess said biting his lip. Seeing that, seeing her, he could barely hold it together. "That's what I'm doing all this for" Rory teased noticing the way Jess looked at her, and well seeing the hard on print on his black jeans. Rory fixed her skirt when she saw Logan walking back. "Boys let's get a drink together, my treat." Rory offered. They all got in the limousine and were almost ready to go when Logan suddenly said "Jess get out I need to talk to Rory". "Logan this is my limo, mine, as in I own it. You get out!" Jess spat back angrily. Rory was in shock when Logan demanded her to get out. "Logan you're acting insane, what is wrong with you?!" Rory asked confused and upset by his behavior. "This, him" he said pointing to Jess "he is my problem" he continued. "Bro seriously get out, come back when you have calmed down a little" Jess said while kicking him out. As Logan stood outside the limousine dumbfounded he saw the window opening, "Your car is parked behind the school, drive yourself home" Jess said while he drove off.

{A/N; Sorry that this edit sucks, I had no to little inspiration for it. Also the chair scene I used as the inspiration for the literati moment is fave. My tumblr is still; enjoy !!! }

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