Chapter Nine; Victor/Victrola

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{A/N; Heey, this is the longest chapter so far and it was so fun to write and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. I'm writing a new literati story so I might not update as often but I'll always try! That was all :)) Enjoy! Xoxo}

*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED; Queen and kingdom strolling through Paris. The Paris streets are snowed in and look like a wonderful winter land. Here in Hartford things have been quiet since all of Chilton's Junior class has left. And if you still haven't found your winter ball date you might want to be fast, last one to get a date always gets humiliated at the ball. And do not forget to get you customized dress ready for cotillion. It's just around the corner.

It was cold. Not just cold, no it was freezing cold, literally. Rory could not feel her feet in her new ManoloXRihanna boots. The class was currently walking through the beautiful snowed in Paris streets. Rory was clutching her hot chocolate as everyone else was walking ahead. She didn't feel like walking, at least not with the disease called Logan harassing her every minute. She could be asking for a bathroom break and he would make another snarky comment. Jess was of course nowhere to find, just when she desperately needed him. She hasn't seen him at any of the history field trips. Hopefully he would make an appearance when the literature trips start. Even when she was at the expensive suite he would be busy with his phone or laptop. She had decided to pack her stuff and stay in Paris' room. She didn't feel like being ignored all trip. Let's give him a taste of his own medicine. How will he survive without me forcing him to eat, shower, get fresh air? We are about to find out.
"Hey Rory can I talk to you?"
What was he doing here, talking to her. "God Logan what do you want?" Rory asked getting a little pissed off by the fact he was still trying to be a good boyfriend, he had his chances. "Rory, I know that we have had a rough patch but I think we should start fresh." Logan said in a sigh of relief. "Excuse me? I never hurt you in any way possible! You are always cheating, neglecting my existence. You love to pretend I don't exist. And now you want to make up? Now after all this time? You are going to do more than that, I am not going to forgive you that easily." Rory said finishing her rant. Why is he trying to make amends now, now that it's going fine. Now that she doesn't want or needs him. "Meet me for dinner tonight, I think I'll meet your expectations." Logan said grinning like a four year old. "You know what fine, dinner. Pick me up at seven, don't be late." Rory said walking to Paris. "So Gilmore what was that all about?" She asked. "He wanted dinner, tonight at seven. I need to get ready let's bail on the last street?" Rory said trying to convince Paris into getting make overs. Not that Rory needed one but Paris could use one.

"Red or pink?" Rory asked holding two lipsticks in her hand. "I think the red one would look good with that black velvet Chanel dress over there." Paris said pointing to the dress. Rory agreed, a little surprised that Paris would be so helpful. "Thanks Paris you are the best." Rory said smiling genuinely. She was happy she shared a room with Paris. Rory took one last look in the mirror before putting her black Christian Louboutin peep toe heels on. There was a knock on the door, Paris rushed over to open it. Rory picked up her clutch and her cigarettes. "Logan, she will be right over." Paris said disgusted with his presence. Paris had never been a huge fan of him, she thought he was a waste of time, a waste of money and had nothing to offer to anyone. Rory smiled as she walked through the door. "Hey Logan." She said looking down. "Hey honey." He said placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek. They both walked silently to the elevator, it was a short awkward walk. Once in the town car Logan decided to break the silence. "So Rory, are you curious about what we're going to do?" He asked with his charming grin plastered on his face. "No not really, you wanted to talk. So talk." Rory said not making eye contact with him the entire time. "Look, I took you for granted. For a long time I neglected you. I really miss you Ace. We should try again, we should make a come back." He said grabbing her hand. "Fine, I think I can try. But as friends, we'll see were it'll take us." She said showing a small smile. They drove off to the restaurant. When they arrived Logan did the basic holding the door, pushing her chair and paying the cheque. They ate their dinner in peace and made polite conversation. The only thing on Rory's mind was Jess, how was he doing, what was he doing, was he even missing her? All these questions and she was sitting here listening to Logan. Logan dropped her off at her door, and when she walked in there he was. With peonies in his left hand and macarons in the right. He looked at her in disbelieve. "I came her to apologize for my behavior. I haven't been your guy lately because I was planning something, I bought a club. A burlesque one to be precise, I wanted it to be a surprise. But now, just now I see you moved on. Already? It has been what a day? Rory you are fucking unbelievable. I--" he was interrupted by Rory. "Jess, he wanted to be friends again, it's not like I slept with the guy. He wanted to be my boyfriend, I said we should start with being friends. He missed me Jess, and you weren't here with me. I missed you." Rory said tears spilling from her perfect blue eyes. Jess handed her the presents, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Princess, in two days the club opens, come by if you can." He said walking out. His heart hurts, doing that was probably the hardest thing he'd ever done in his life. He missed her terribly. The last week had been bittersweet, missing Rory but building this club surprising her. He walked into the elevator, and saw a familiar face. "Jess my pal, my buddy. How are you on this fine night? Not good I'm guessing, I finally got our girl back to me. Yeah she wants me, us back. But I think I'm just gonna bang her and then leave her. Really she is a bitch and no-one wants her but then again there is a certain appeal to her. Perhaps the fact that she is still a virgin, maybe the fact that I own her, or just to mess with you. As a bonus I could sleep with her and J and make them fight over me again." Logan said in a cocky tone with a smirk on his face. "Please Logan, just fuck off." Jess said and walked out on the right floor. Entering his room his head was blurred with questions, but one thing was clear he had to let Rory know that Logan was going to hurt her again. He cared about her so much that he will pick up the pieces of her broken heart and put them together again but he just wanted her happy. Her happiness would mean his happiness. What was hers was his. She was him and they were one. At least that is what Jess thought all this time. He sat on his bed head in his hands thinking about what should've been and what he has to do now. He gave Rory the time she needs, he does not want to force anything.

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