Chapter Seven; Someone who loves Her

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*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED: A lost little Logan outside Jess' limousine. Word on the street is that they were fighting about the precious Queen R. What happened to bro's before ho's Jess? Let's hope she is worth it all, we don't want anybody to end up hurt or alone.

Rory sat paralyzed in her seat, what was going on with Logan? Was he jealous of her and Jess? Why did he bother to care, it's not like was monogamous. He cheated on her almost everyday but the minute GG mentioned Jess outside her house he flipped. Jess noticed how she was still in shock and confused, he picked up her hand and gave it a little kiss and held it tight. He told his chauffeur to go straight to miss Gilmore's house. "Of course Jess, but please keep the backseat a little clean." Arthur, his chauffeur chuckled. Arthur never judged Jess for anything, the amount of different girls that had been in the same seat as Rory, the drunken nights that always ended up in Arthur breaking up the bar fight between Jess and some random boy. The partition went up again leaving Rory and Jess alone in the back of the limousine. "Want a glass of champagne?" Jess asked breaking the comfortable silence. "Yes I would love that." Rory said in a calm voice. She just needed to let whatever happened go. She focused on Jess and how he was able to spill nothing of the champagne while driving. "A toast to us, our lowkey relationship and making it work." Jess said before giving Rory's hand another kiss. "To us, making it work!" Rory said while their glasses clinked. They both drank the champagne as fast as possible. The limousine stopped and Rory saw her house through the window. Without any thought she gave Jess a kiss on his cheek before exiting the vehicle. "Come in when your ready!" She said playful while entering the mansion. "Miss Rory, I have hot shower upstairs for you with new soap!" Anastasia, Rory's maid, said. "Oh Ana you didn't have to! You go relax in the spa behind the pool, you deserve it. I'll call in time for dinner!" Rory said trying to get Ana out of the house before Jess walked in. Anastasia was just like a second mother to Rory. Her real mother was never around because Emily banned her from this house, and even though Rory and her mother had a good relationship it was not the best. Anastasia was also Rory's favorite maid, she had flown her back from Poland when Emily fired her once, that's how much Rory cared about her. Anastasia also cared a lot about Rory, so if she would find out about boys being up in Rory's room she would threaten to send the Polish mafia out to assassinate him.  It was her little girl, and she would not be impregnated before marriage, no way. Ana hesitated but agreed and left to the pool house. Rory sprinted up the stairs to her room. She decided to take a shower, she didn't know how long Jess would take and she wanted to try the new soap Ana got for her. She undressed as she walked to the bathroom leaving her clothes scattered, forming a sort of path for someone to follow. Jess had the spare key of Rory's house in his hand when he told Arthur to just go home, he'll call if something was needed. Arthur smiled to himself and drove off, he muttered something like 'crazy kids'. He walked inside the living room, Rory was no where to be seen. He decided that she has to be in her room, her oasis, so he casually strolled through the hallway before reaching her bedroom door. It was open. When he stepped inside her room he heard the shower on and Rory singing. She couldn't sing for shit. He still thought it was adorable. He took his jacket and shoes off, losing his Chilton tie. He walked into the bathroom, fully aware of what he was doing. The little shit just wanted to see his princess. Rory heard footsteps and thought Jess forgot about her, clearly not you idiot. She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body. "You know Jess you really should learn how to knock" she said sarcastically "If you're going to be in this bathroom you are gonna have to shower or get out." She continued. "I will be honored to shower with you princessa." Jess said while biting his lip. 'He sure did that a lot, not that I mind' was all Rory could think. "Oh really, I'm sorry to inform you but you'll have to shower alone. I don't need any help in here." She said while moving closer to him. "But I do think I need some help princess." Jess whispered in her ear. He knew by doing that she got nervous, she got hot. "I'm sorry Jess, you're a big boy. You're going to be showering alone today." Rory said and walking into her room leaving Jess alone in the bathroom. "I also have a big boy, if you know what I mean!" Jess yelled from the bathroom smirking at Rory. She threw a towel that hit his head. "Ouch." Jess said faking the pain rubbing his head, laughing a little. No girl had ever refused to have sex with Jess, no virgin had ever refused to have sex with him. He was stunned but ready for the chase. He was going to get there eventually, she wasn't ready and he respected and accepted that. Unlike Logan who tried forcing her numerous times. Which resulted into Rory having extreme trust issues if someone ever came that close to her. Jess took a quick shower before heading back into Rory's room wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He saw her sitting on her bed smoking a cigarette. "You shouldn't smoke in your room, you should do it outside on you balcony." Jess said sitting down next to her. "You have been working out." She said changing the subject. "You noticed?" Jess said quite surprised she looked at him. "Who wouldn't?" They laughed a little. "Jess?" Rory asked.
"Yes princessa?"
Without answering his question Rory kissed Jess. It took him some seconds before realizing what was happening and started to kiss back. They broke this kiss up to catch a breathe. They started to make out again, Rory tangled her hands in Jess' wild hair, while he was laying her down. They locked eyes before Jess continued to kiss her neck. She moaned softly trying not to make Anastasia hear her. "Jess wait" Rory said as he looked up with his big bambi eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly actually wanting to continue the damage he was doing to Rory's neck, the mark was already turning purple. Proud of his mark he kissed it once more. "I hear footsteps, quick get under my duvet." Rory said panicking, who would come up at this time of the day? Jess quickly got under the duvet hovering above Rory's sweet spot. Removing her towel Jess started to kiss her, you know down there, Rory knew exactly what he was doing. She was squirming trying not to make a sound while enjoying every single flick he made with his tongue. Grabbing her pink silk sleep mask, covering her eyes, she pretended to sleep. "Miss Rory!" Ana ran into her room. "Miss Rory wake-up!" Ana said panicking. Removing the eye mask Rory had just put on Ana sat down next to Rory. "Ana what is wrong?" Rory tried to stay calm, how can she stay calm there is a boy under her duvet doing his best pleasing her and she has to stay calm? Ana was stuttering and mumbling something about how she could not believe who was sitting in the dinning room. Jess' head moved up a little causing the duvet to puff up and shift a little. "Don't you just it when the duvet puffs up like that." Rory said clearly not pleased with Jess' actions. "Miss Jenny downstairs miss Rory" Ana said silently. Rory was in to much ecstasy to respond properly. She nodded and said "I'll be down in an minute!". Ana was shocked and went downstairs, she overheard the conversation between J and someone else. She heard something about double crossing miss Rory. Ana opened the door and saw J flinch. "Miss Rory will be down in a second, you want a drink?" Ana said looking closely at J. The minute Ana left Rory's room she pulled the duvet of her. "We have to end this." Rory said tired of him and her being a secret. "I thought I just did." Jess said smirking. She rolled her eyes. Rory stood up picking up a slip dress and a robe and wore it. "I'll right back." She said making her way out of the room. She had no idea why J was here, she thought she made herself clear. She walked in the room. "So why are you here?" Rory said cutting straight to the point. "What I said and did was wrong, I'm asking for forgiveness. I miss you R" J said trying to be sincere. "I know, I miss you too J. Forgive and forget? You are my best friend." Rory said already aware of how fake J was and trying to mess with her. J thought that it would be harder. Rory knew that J had no clue she was faking the entire thing, Rory was going to get J arrested in Paris. She was going plant another hard drug on her and to top it all off any jewelry that was J's taste. J was going to beg Rory for forgiveness. Any thing else won't give her the satisfaction. "Now that we have made up, you need to tell me everything!" Rory said a little curious if J would tell all of her secrets. "There is something you should know, I do like someone.." J trailed off. "Spill!" Rory said enthausuasticly. "It's actually L, look R I know what you think, but I don't plan on making a move. I swear!" J said fast. "Do what you want hun, I plan on breaking it off anyway." Rory said nonchalant. "Really?" J asked surprised. "After you slept with him the love and happiness disappeared. He was a cheating asshole and I could not care less. I found someone else, someone who cares about me. Someone who loves me." Rory said feeling relieved and a little happy. She had her best friend back. Rory didn't want it to be fake, but it was too good to be true. J has something up her sleeve, Rory just needed to find out what. "Spill R!" J exclaimed happy. J was just as happy as. She had her best friend back, she even considered not going through with the plan. "Not yet, I have business to take care of. I'll call you later!" Rory said basically shoving J out of the house. With that being done Rory skipped up the stairs to her room. She strolled through the hallway all the way to her bedroom door. She peeked through the door and saw Jess reading on her bed, duvet covering his lower half and smoke coming out of his mouth. She adored him in this state, relaxed and calm. She walked in dropping her robe next to the bed. She climbed into her bed, settling next to him. He looked at her face while she was scanning the page of the book he was holding, trying to figure out what book he was reading. Jess put out his cigarette in the ashtray next to her bed. He kissed her nose, her face scrunching up. "Jess stop it!" Rory giggled as Jess started playfully kissing her face, then her neck. "Make me." Jess whispered in her ear, winking when she looked at him in disbelieve. Rory started kissing him back, passionate and quick. It started to escalate and Jess started tugging on the hem of her slip dress. Demanding to take it off. Rory pulled away not wanting to lose her virginity like this, so ordinary, so boring. She was Rory Gilmore, she deserved something better. They both breathed heavily before Rory gave him a kiss and telling him that he had to go. Jess didn't know what came over him, she was kissing him and two seconds later asking him to leave. "Fine, I'll see you when?" Jess said pissed off. "Paris trip!" Rory said kissing him goodbye. She needed to clear her head, re-evaluate the whole J situation.

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