Chapter Eleven; The Silver Porsche

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*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED; J getting her lips purple and swollen from no one other than L. Yes you heard it here first. And if you don't believe me, I have the photo to proof it. Sorry Lonely boy, if you have a problem with this you should visit Queen R. I bet she could do you a massive favor. As for cotillion, better have your escort and dress ready. And you might want to bring an extra dress with you, incase something happens to the first one. You know you love me, yours truly
Xoxo Gossip Girl

"Can you believe this?!" J said running to an exhausted Rory. She was holding her phone with the Gossip Girl blast on it. The bright screen caused Rory to flinch back, it was only seven o'clock and J was already on her bed talking about her hate for Gossip Girl. Rory took her time to read, re-read and process the post. "Well what can I say. I saw you with my own eyes. Thanks to you the too much tongue kiss is burned on my eyeballs. I can't believe you cheated. Well not that you can cheat since you aren't dating the boy." Rory said sitting up straight. "Well actually. We are, me and Dean. He is a wonderful guy and he treats me right. He has shown me an amazing new perspective on things and a new lifestyle." J said while scooting closer to her friend. "A new lifestyle? Oh please, we both know how 'a new lifestyle' ends up with you." Her best friend looked at her with a confused look on her face. "J! It usually ends up with you all alone in a motel room overdosing or tripping on some sort of new experiment drug. It ends up with you hurt and blacking out. I won't let that happen to you. Not anymore. I will--" She was interrupted. "Rory! Dean is different. He isn't from Hartford or the elite for that matter, he comes from a small town. It's called Stars Hollow." J smiled at Rory's direction. Rory knew she had heard the name before. She thought while J was talking on and on about how bad she felt towards Dean. Rory finally knew and said loudly "My mom! That's where my mom lives." She said smiling at her hands, J was one of the few people who actually knew her mother. "What?"
"Stars Hollow, it's where my mother lives."
"Really? We should visit when I go see Dean there and finally meet his parents."
"Meet the parents?!" Rory choked out. Never ever would she did she think those words were going to come out of J's mouth. "Yes meet them." J said looking for Rory's hand to hold. "I have changed remember R?" She said with a desperate gaze. "Yes, until you cheated on a good guy with a bad guy." Rory said pressing a soft kiss against J's hair. They gave each other a warm hug before getting ready for school. The girls sprinted down the stairs and grabbed a vitamin water from the table. Rory grabbed the keys to her car and went outside. Once entering the hallway the girls walked to their clique making everyone swoon. "Ladies, what is on our schedule for today?" Rory said after clearing her throat announcing her arrival. Madeline and Louise checked their phones and mumbled something about having PE now. Rory sighed as she really wasn't in the mood to run around playing hockey.

"So? What is the deal between you and J?" Jess asked walking to Dean on the courtyard. "Excuse me?" Dean asked the boy he had never spoke. "You heard me. Let me introduce myself; I'm Jess Mariano--"
"I know who you are, I'm just curious why you're talking to me." He cut Jess off. "Because I want to know what a loser from a small town wants from someone like Jenny; a beautiful and rich socialite." Jess said tilting his head a little. Dean shook his head and walked away mumbling something about not needing to explain himself to anyone. Jess texted Rory to say that he had a 'talk' with Dean.
Rory rolled her eyes as she read the text Jess send. They were currently sitting on the Chilton steps eating their yoghurt. Just when Rory wanted to look at the new students who were transferring to Chilton the next semester J walked over. "Rory can I have a word with you?" J said sounding quite angry. "Ladies will you excuse me." She said standing up straightening her skirt. The two girls walked away from the group. "Now that we are out of earshot what is wrong?" Rory said looking at her best friend with her big eyes. "You and Jess need to stop harassing Dean. I am going to tell him about what happened at the airport but I'll do it when I'm ready." Jenny said searching for her best friends hand. Rory nodded her head before saying "Just do it before he finds out through Gossip Girl."
"I will trust me. I'll do it tomorrow, let's just enjoy the rest of the day."

Rory was walking alone through the school halls. She made her way to the door before hearing a familiar voice echoing in the hall. "Rory! Rory stop!" Logan shouted as he ran to the girl. Rory slowly turned around already aggravated by whatever he had to say. "What do you want?" Rory said raising an eyebrow. "Good afternoon to you too. I just wanted to ask you something. Start off as friends again?" He said scanning her facial expressions. Her face didn't move before she said "Fine, tomorrow lunch don't be late. I'll text you."
Logan smiled to himself when he held the door open for Rory. Rory stepped outside feeling the winter wind on her skin. In two days it would be Christmas.

Jess pulled up to Rory's house and saw the silver Porsche. He shook his head in disbelieve, this could not be true. He rang the doorbell hoping that Rory would be here soon. Emily opened the door and welcomed Jess and send him up to Rory's room. He knocked softly opening the door a little. He saw her on her bed reading in peace. He sighed in relieve. "Hey babe." He said making his way over to her. "Hi honey." She said kissing his forehead. "Did you get a new car?" Jess asked referring to the Porsche outside. "What?" She asked confused by what he was insisting. "The silver Porsche--"
"I forgot to tell you, Logan borrowed me his car this morning he is coming to pick it up later." She said before kissing him, trying to distract him. It obviously didn't work because Jess broke the kiss up to ask Rory why she borrowed it in the first case. "We went for breakfast together it was no big deal, my car had some problems and Logan had an appointment in that block. He said it would be no trouble and I needed to come home. I was all the way in New York okay." Rory said looking at her Jess hoping he would understand. "Yeah I guess, just don't get why you didn't call me. Why did you guys have breakfast in New York?" He asked looking up at her. She explained how they were starting to be friends again, he apologized. He nodded kissing her again. "Rory I have to tell you something." Jess said looking a little guilty. Rory's mind started racing as her palms started sweating. "I can't take you to your cotillion. There are some things that I need to take care of in Paris." He said lifting her head. She nodded saying that it really wouldn't matter but that she needed to find a new escort as soon as possible. He gave her a soft kiss. Rory deepened the kiss putting her hand on his jaw. They started making out. Ana knocked on her door making Rory flinch in the kiss. "Ana I will be down in a minute!" She said before kissing Jess again. She pecked his lips before heading downstairs. "Hi sorry I'm so late." She heard Logan saying. "Not a problem, what's that." She said pointing to the bag in his hand. "A suit, you know cotillion. You got a date already?" He asked before correcting himself. "Of course you have." He said laughing a little. "Yeah well my date can't make it. So no I don't, what about you? A dapper man like yourself should have a date by now right?" She said playfully pushing him. He smiled down. "No not yet. You know I just had the craziest idea."
"Do spill." Rory said curious.
"Let's go together."
"As friends, no weirdness."
"Really? Friends. Sure why not."
Logan got his keys and left. Rory texted J that they have to shop tomorrow. She walked back upstairs. "Jess don't get mad." She said sitting next to him. "Why would I get mad?" He asked obviously not knowing what she was talking about. "Logan is escorting me to cotillion. And before you get mad, we are going as friends."
"Okay." Jess spoke after a long silence.
"So you're not mad?"
"Nope not mad."
"That's good."
"Yeah I guess, look I have to go. See you at Christmas." He said grabbing his coat and book before standing up. Rory stood up kissing him. She felt a sad smile against the kiss. After he left Rory sat on the bed realizing that she might have fucked up something really good.

Xoxo, Gilmore GirlsWhere stories live. Discover now