Chapter Three; the walking Calvin Klein ad

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*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED: little J making an apperance at Logans party, but isn't R there too? This should be fun kids.

You have got to be fucking kidding me
Rory's fucking nightmare was here.
The devil herself.

"Omg Rory honey How are you!"

Fuck. My. Life . Was all Rory could think, she was the most intelligent student at her school, at not just any school but the best of the best; Chilton. But now all she could think was "Fuck my life".
"J it's been too long" she says with a cold look in her eyes.
"Rory you know that I hate it when you call me J, only GG and minions call me J, you my best friend do not!" she said with a little hope in her eyes. "Look J I would love to catch up but maybe another time? I have to be somewhere" Rory lied with the fakest smile plastered on her face. "Oh, uhm yeah I guess I'll just text you or whatever" J said with the disappointment evident in her posture and voice. "Yeah whatever... bye" Rory quickly excused herself. She left the pool and went into the living room. "Rory baaaby" Logan managed to slur out. "Someone is drunk" Rory laughed silently "let's get you to a clean bed." She said rather stern. "Oh come on roreee, hey your name sounds like ROOOAAR you know the sound a lion makes" Logan giggled. "Logan bed now" Rory said not amused. "Here let me help" Jess came to carry Logan to bed. "Awe Jess my best friend in the whole wide world is here to help me how sweet, it would be sweeter if you didn't have a thing for my 'girlfriend'!" Logan spat out, clearly going from 0 to 100 real quick. "Logan shut up, you're too drunk for this conversation." Jess sighed.
As two or three hours of singing lullabies went by Logan finally fell asleep. "Rory?" Jess whispered careful not to wake the drunk boy lying in his lap. "Yes Jess?" Rory asked rather confused, what Logan said about Jess having feelings for Rory didn't make any sense, at least that is what she had thought. "Can I have my lighter back, I could use a cigarette right about now" Jess muttered. She handed him back his lion engraved silver lighter. "You looked a little tense today when J came by" Jess said whil blowing out smoke. "Yeah well, fucking my first real boyfriend who I thought I loved made her enemy number one. I didn't expect her back so soon you know, it threw me off I guess" Rory said, it was kinda relieving, talking to Jess. He listens to her, no interruptions. "Maybe I could help with the tension dear" He smirked. "Gross, Jess fuck off" Rory said angrily. "Well my little mary, it does help with the tension in your body" he said very cocky. Rory had thought about Jess, clothed and well not clothed. He was a walking Calvin Klein underwear ad, with that white bright perfect smile, to the way he could roll a blunt so perfectly while quoting Ernest Hemingway. She had to admit that she wasn't the biggest fan of Hemingway but Jess made him sound so different. What in the hell is she thinking about, Jess, our Jess, that Jess is a piece of shit who needs to stay the fuck away from her. Rory snapped out of her thinking and realized that the James Dean wannabe had left. She picked up her phone and noticed the time, she must get going, tomorrow morning breakfast with the one and only J, she couldn't wait.

{A/N; this is a filler chapter, so don't worry. The next one is probably longer. That's all :) please share and check my tumblr out it's : xoxo}

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