Chapter Five; Eight o'clock at the Oasis

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*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED: Our Queen R playing a dangerous game, plotting and scheming just like the good old days we see. But without our beloved J? O god we sure do hope that all this isn't against J, she will be ruined. I do have to say R really knows how to ruin a life.

Jess read the blast and couldn't let his precious friend group break up. He still didn't believe that J slept with L. How could they hurt R like that? Did he care? No he can't care, he is Jess Mariano. He has a new girl sucking his face every other hour. Well not since Logans party. He swore that if L opened his mouth about the imaginary feelings he could hypothetically have for Rory. He didn't by the way. Walking down the Chilton hallways he looked for a victim of his charm. All the girls immediately swooned as he walked past them until he saw a certain Queen talking, no yelling, to her minions "God madeline do you have no self respect, you can't let him cheat like that and then fuck him again. He doesn't deserve you." Rory said nicer than intended. "Wow Rory, you finally got a heart" Jess chuckled "Can I now feel the warm spot above it?" He smirked.
"Oh jesus christ Jess, get of my dick, it's never gonna happen"
"I'd rather have you on my dick"
"Jess for the 100th time get out of my face!" Rory screamed in annoyance. "I love it when you squirm darlin'!" Jess yelled while Rory stormed off. Could he be any more of an asshole, Rory thought. She stormed into her French class and sat down in her 'throne' , it was just the best chair and table in the room. Everybody knew that is where Rory Gilmore sits, nobody else. "Okay class let's begin" miss B started "Bonjour, we will discuss our paris trip today" she stated stern. "You will be working in pairs today and the rest of our trip" as soon as she said that the entire class started to discuss who they wanted to work with. Rory had her eyes set on Paris Geller. She was, besides Rory, the smartest student at Chilton. "No need to discuss this class, I already made the pairs. And I don't want to hear a word about it. As you all know this trip is also a history trip and a Literature trip. Yes you may all calm down, we are going to be in Paris for three weeks" miss B finally managed to shush the class. "Paris darling you will be working with Jennifer, Miss Gilmore you will be working with Jess, Logan you will be working with Sarah" she said loudly. You are so dead miss B was the only thing Rory could think. How in the world is she going to spend three weeks in Paris with the piece of shit called Jess Mariano. "Darling, you know we can buy cigarettes legal in Paris right?" Jess walked up to Rory. "I am a Gilmore, I can buy anything anywhere and no one would question me" Rory said very annoyed by his presence. Of course she could have it worse, working with J was possibly the worst thing ever. The girl was dumber than a rock. Rory felt bad for Paris until she realized that L was working with S. He will probably hook up with her during the entire trip. And then Propose to Rory just a few months later. Yes they were going to be engaged from the age of seventeen to whenever they were ready to actually get married and get kids. Rory's entire life was planned out for her, but that's not how she wanted it to go. The final bell rang and the weekend started. Rory hastily packed her books and finally getting to go home.

It was a calm sunday at the Gilmore mansion. Emily and Richard weren't coming home for another week, her mother was busy with her small town life and well Logan pissed her off. Rory didn't really mind being home all alone, it was quiet, calm, she actually really liked it. She woke up, gave the maids a day of and made her own breakfast. That's something she hasn't done in a while. The doorbell rang for the sixth time before Rory realized that the maids had a day off. She rushed to the window to see who would bother her on her relaxation day. All she saw was a black limo and she didn't need to stress her mind about who it was. A very annoyed Rory opened the door "What do you want Mariano?"
"Wow Gilmore lookin fine" he smirked while checking her out. Rory totally forgot that she was just wearing her grey Calvin Klein sportsbra with a matching set of underwear and grey sweats. She also wasn't wearing any make-up and her hair was up in a messy bun. She still looked beautiful according to Jess. "What are you doing?"
"Apart from undressing you with my eyes" he smiled "just came by." He said innocent. "Oh please Mariano, you never just come by, what do you want?" "Can I come in?" He asked in a sweet tone. "Jess what do you want?" Rory asked obviously not wanting him here. "I'm not telling till I can come in" he said cheeky. "Fine if you must come in, now you're in. What the fuck do you want you ass?"
"Princess, calm down. It's not like you're busy. Let's take our time." He said while walking to the kitchen. Rory followed clueless and unaware of his intentions. "Jess cut the crap, why are you in my house?" She felt tired of repeating the same sentence over and over again. "You have nothing in your fridge, that's it I'm ordering some pizza. What do you like? Mozzarella? I will order just that for my princess" he avoided her question, again. "Yeah mozzarella is fine, get some wings with that" she said giving up and leaving the kitchen heading towards her bedroom. "Hey princess where you going?" He practically yelled since she was upstairs and left him alone downstairs. "Covering up you perv" Rory giggled. She actually didn't mind him coming over. The fact that he basically undressed her with his eyes when he saw her made her incredibly happy. She didn't have a crush on Hartford's own manwhore, she just liked the attention she was lacking from her boyfriend, you know the one that keeps cheating on her. She had the 1975 blaring from the speakers connected to her ipod. Standing in her walk-in closet Rory had no idea on what she should wear now that Jess is here. She had to look semi-cute but not like she was trying too hard. Rory was startled when she heard the raspy voice booming through her room. "You have good music taste Princess"
"Jesus christ can you knock?" Rory said still unsure why he had to come upstairs in her room, Rory's own oasis. She found it strange that someone else besides her and her maid stepped into her oasis, Logan had been up here once and left after several painful and awkward minutes. She decided not to fight Jess coming upstairs, he wasn't going to listen to her, no matter what she'll say. "And thank you, not alot of people like them, but then again that's kinda why I like them"
"You know you don't have to get covered up and put on make up and stuff, we're just gonna eat some pizza and watch a movie. If your lucky we might even fuck" Jess smirked. God Rory hated it when he smirked, he got even hotter, if that even was possible. "Knock it off Jess, we can only watch a movie if I can pick one"
"Fine, but please not a sappy Nicholas Sparks movie" he whined.
"If I hate someone more than J it is Nicholas Sparks, stupid cliches. We are gonna watch Roman Holiday" she smiled in victory. Rory decided to not get ready and stay clothed in just a sports bra and sweats. She didn't change her bare face. She got a boyfriend anyways Rory belted along."Princess come downstairs the food is gonna get cold if you stay up longer!" Jess yelled from the living room. Rory grunted and turned her music off, she grabbed her phone and a charger and made her way downstairs. She couldn't believe her eyes; there were two bottles of Moët and one bottle of Grey Goose on the table, 3 pizza's, a whole lotta chicken nuggets and wings and Roman Holiday on a plasma. Jess Mariano did all of this for her? She thought he hated her, the feeling was semi-mutual. But she was wrong. "Don't look so surprised princessa, I know how you like a proper movie night" he said calmly and sweet. "I'm impressed Mariano, how did you know what a Rory Gilmore movie night consisted of?" She asked when her eye spotted two joints rolled to perfection. She couldn't help but smile to herself. He was actually kind of sweet. "You could say I know you better than anyone else. Shall we begin with sparking these up Princess?" he whispered in her ear. Rory got shivers and Jess found it amusing and cute that she was nervous. A soft 'hmmm' was all Rory could get out of her mouth, she was so lost in her thoughts and Jess decided to kiss her neck. He had a soft spot for the crook of her neck. He didn't want to overwhelm her so he pressed a soft kiss tracing her hips with his fingers. "Jess, what are you doing" Rory hummed out. She soon realized that it was wrong and snapped out of the wonderful trance he put her under. "Rory, I'm so sorry. Let's just watch the movie" Jess said in a panicked voice. Rory Gilmore made Jess Mariano nervous, who knew? Well except for everybody with a pair of working eyes. They sat in silence until the movie was over. "God Mariano this is awkward, want a glass of Moët?" Rory asked trying to break the silence. "Princessa you know the rule, no drinking on an empty stomach and no smoking without food. I suggest we smoke, then eat and then drink". She knew he was right, she also thought that if he was gonna let more of that Italian slip trough tonight she might kiss him back... What was she thinking! Rory couldn't believe her own thoughts. She was actually considering doing something someone, other than her boyfriend? He was always the cheater and she wasn't, she was the good one in the relationship. The one everybody will send gifts to if they ever broke up. Which will obviously happen after five unhappy years of marriage. "So princessa, what were you planning on doing to J, that life ruining plan?" He asked too interested. "If you really want to know, I know that she never lost her virginity to you. You would've gotten an STD. I knew she lost it months before you, I knew and nobody else does, well except you. I found out when I followed J into the church outside of town. I planted a microphone in the confessional booth, and just waited till J walked in and started to talk. I was furious she didn't tell me. She doesn't know I know, but beside releasing the pages of her diary to GG I will plant 600 grams of blow in her locker at Chilton. She'll have no choice than to drop out and go britney 2007." Rory sounded proud of her plan. Jess admired the way she spoke so passionately about ruining a life. Her blue eyes sparkled and her soft pink lips formed a smile at the end of every sentence, she seemed pleased with herself. "Sounds like a great plan, can I help Princessa?" He had gotten used to this nickname for her, it was perfect for her, a picture perfect princess was what she was after all. Rory noticed that Jess was staring at her lips, not her tits like she expected him to. He looked in some sort of trance by her presence. She enjoyed this sort of attention, she loved that he was finally quiet. She knew he would soon make a sarcastic perverted comment so she quickly said "Jess why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what doll?" He asked being snapped out off his trance. He knew exactly what she was talking about he just wanted to hear her say it. "Like you are already fucking me in your mind" Rory glanced at Jess' face for a brief second before downing a glass of champagne. "Because Princessa, I am" he said while biting his lip. "Really?" Rory teased raising an eyebrow.
"Really" he said almost silent, they moved closer and closer to one another and before Rory knew what to do he cupped her face and kissed her perfect soft lips. Rory panicked. WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Rory stopped thinking and their lips moved in sync, they never had a kiss so pure and full of love before. And Jess kissed almost half the population of the earth while Rory kissed about the entire state of New York. They broke it off to catch their breath, they put their foreheads against each other stared into each others eyes. This is such a cliche Rory thought. "You can kiss like a pro Princessa" Jess managed to mumble. "Yeah thanks, not so bad yourself Mariano" Rory muttered, obviously uncomfortable. "Let's do some shots!" Rory said excited after a couple of very awkward minutes passed.

Rory woke up with a headache that could kill her, she opened her eyes and looked for her phone. She felt two strong, protecting arms around her. What the fuck, Who the fuck, When the fuck. Was all Rory could think. She turned her head enough to see a sleeping Jess in her bed without a shirt and finally silent. She tried to get up but he held her so tight she couldn't, didn't want to get up. "Princessa lay down for a couple minutes" Jess spoke in a raspy, sleepy voice. "As much as I want to, I have lives to ruin" she said calmly. "Hey princessa" he said laying still with his eyes closed
"Yeah wassup?" She asked while turning around to face him.
"I made sure everybody knew to stay away from you, you're mine" he said in his deepest voice, trying to get Rory hot and bothered. And she has to admit it was working, "I am not yours, I have a soon to be fiancé you know" Rory said trying to mess a little with Jess. "My princessa, you know that Logan and you won't last. I have a pretty spectacular trust fund, why not be with someone you want?" His hands sneaking up behind her waist, pulling her closer to his body. She felt it, he wanted her so bad. Too bad he would just have to wait. "And how exactly did you manage to make sure everybody knew I am Yours?" Rory asked really curious. "See my baby, my queen, I gave you a beautiful mark that will remind you that only one will always please and tease you" he said kissing the mark of last night's hickey again. Looks like Rory is gonna have to start wearing turtlenecks. She checked her phone 'Eight o'clock' it said. She got up and started getting ready. Jess grabbed a cigarette and went outside to smoke it.

{A/N; this was my favorite chapter to write. I'm so excited for the next couple of chapters! So yeah enjoy y'all. And please make sure to check out my tumblr; xoxo}

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