Chapter Twelve; I can't catch my breath.

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{A/N; Omg it has been too long, first of all I am so sorry for not posting for so long. I was drowning in school work, stress and mental health issues and had no motivation to write. I am going to try to update every two weeks but it might turn into three weeks since I am working on another fic. But I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! And I hope your 2017 has been good so far. Follow me on tumblr: zayns-habibi. I post a lot of the 100 since I started that a while ago!All the love! Kisses xoxo}

*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED; a smiling L leaving R's house minutes before J is also spotted leaving her house. J however looked not so happy. Trouble in paradise? Oh no we don't want that especially before the holidays. Let me pull out a handkerchief and pass it to J and D. Lonely boy was last seen storming away from little J. Looks like I'm not the only one who gets emotional during the holidays.

"Rory! Wake up sleepyhead." Jenny said walking over to Rory's bed. "No one more minute." Rory said pulling the duvet over her head. "We needed to shop remember? You called me?" Jenny said pulling the duvet off her. "I did didn't I? Well something important happened yesterday." Rory said sitting up in her bed. Jenny looked at her with a curious look. "Well you see, Jess couldn't make it to cotillion and then Logan asked me." Rory trailed off. "You said no right?" Jenny said raising one eyebrow. Rory smiled before muttering "I said yes." Jenny rolled her eyes. "We are going as friends J. Calm down. But first things first, I need a Christmas outfit. And possibly something cute for underneath it." Rory said walking to her bathroom. "Gross R. So how did Jess take the news?" Jenny said following her best friend. "He said he isn't mad but I don't believe him. Which is why something cute would come in really handy right now." Rory said brushing her teeth. She was walking to her closet exploring it for an outfit. Jenny sat down on a chair in her closet. "Wear the dark blue velvet dress with your Burberry trench coat." Jenny said handing Rory the outfit. "You are a fashion genius! I love you." Rory said with the biggest smile on her face giving Jenny a kiss on her cheek. She went to change as Jenny sat on her bed. "So you and Dean? Did you tell him?" Rory said throwing her slip dress next to Jenny on the bed.
"I did." Jenny said looking down at her hands. "Look you were in the wrong I get that but you told him it didn't mean any thing right?" Rory's voice came out through the room. Jenny didn't answer as she stood up to grab her phone. "Right?!" Rory said stepping out of her changing room. "Oh my god Jenny you are not being serious? Logan? Really?" Jenny looked up before Rory was rambling again. "J I'm not mad just--"
"Disappointed? Spare me the speech babe. We were gonna go shopping right? Let's get going." She said changing the subject. The girls drove to New York. Stopping at their usual spots and looking for the perfect cotillion dresses. Rory had a dress already but she needed a back up dress and one for the after party hosted by Cathy and Taylor, some friends from the Upper East side. The New York elite had their cotillion a while ago but Rory's friends wanted to throw her a party. Skimming through the horrible white dresses Jenny found a beautiful one. "J you have to get that! It would look perfect." Rory said encouraging her best friend. Jenny smiled as she held the dress and went to pay for it. In the mean time Rory found a dress of her own, it was rather revealing and a little provoking but she would make a statement. Doubting her decision she payed for it and left the store. The girls shopped some Christmas presents while sipping on their coffee. 'Hey sorry about yesterday, can we meet later?' Jess texted Rory. Her face lit up as she read the message eager to reply. 'Sure, I'm in the city now but I'll call you when I'm home.'  She hit send. "Someone is happy. Jess?" Jenny said as she saw the smile form on her best friends face. "He wants to meet up later." She said clutching her phone closely to her chest. "Well then we have some shopping left to do!" Jenny said as they quickly walked hand in hand to the next store.

Rory was wearing her black 'agent provocateur' lace lingerie underneath a red velvet dress. She was waiting for Jess to arrive. She put on a Christmas hat as she sat down on her bed. Ana and her grandmother were off planning a DAR function leaving Rory alone at home. She was happy Ana gave her the privacy she so desperately needed.
Time passed and it was now one hour since she texted Jess that she was home. Was he not getting the goddamn message? Was she not clear enough? Was he mad about Logan? He couldn't be, he told her himself. He did look disappointed when she told him. She was now on her bed changed in a vintage Metallica shirt reading a book dozing off a little. She got up so fucking early because of Jenny, but she was ready to fall asleep right about now.
   "Babe?" Jess' voice was low and raspy. He shook her one last time as an attempt to wake her. He realized that he was two hours late and that she was looking forward to it and that she was too tired for him to wake her now. He laid next to her and laced his fingers with hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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