Chapter One; the Start of it all

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Rory desperately searched for a cigarette in her new Louis Vuitton clutch. She never imagined the day her sweet, charming and honest boyfriend would cheat on her. And with that slut that dares to call herself a best friend. If she won't leave voluntarily I'll make her leave, mark my words when I say her life will become a living hell. Rory thought. I will deal with the stupidity of my soon to be ex boyfriend later, I first need to ship off a blonde, dumb whore to a boarding school for special girls like J. She won't know who was responsible for her departure until she arrived at boarding school. Rory's rant continued.
*Gossip Girl* Hear it here first, spotted: R having a meltdown in Barnes and Nobles we hear her best friend J caused it all. What did J do to make R this upset? We hope that it isn't too wild, we all know what R is capable off. And haven't you heard J? R is the crazy bitch around here.
Fast forward a year later
Rory dialed the number of her mother as soon as she came home. "Mother, the wicked witch has left for at least 3 weeks, come by and celebrate!" She squealed in excitement. "Of course hun I'll be right over I just need to wait for 1 last client, see you later! Oh and I'll bring every pie that Luke has! Bye" Lorelai, Rory's mother hung up. Rory lived with her grandparents during school time since she went to the most expensive and exclusive school in the entire state, yes you could say that Rory was one of the luckiest girls in the world. She was beautiful, intelligent, funny and above all a real bitch. She was the Webster dictionary definition of perfect. She also had the richest family in the entire state of Connecticut and not to mention her boyfriend was a Huntzburger, yes the one and only Logan Huntzburger was her boyfriend. Aside from him cheating on Rory multiple times and never really giving a shit about her feelings, he was a perfect boyfriend. The only reason Rory was still with him was the amount of money on his trustfund, yes that and her grandmother Emily wouldn't want her to end up with a poor man. Rory's mother did and is now never to be seen in one room with Emily, thank god we don't want a murder happening here in our perfect little Hartford. "Rory come down! There is a new show added on our Netflix!" Lorelai screamed. Burning cigarette in one hand and a martini in the other Rory paraded off the stairs, she was only 16 but here in Trustfund land nothing was forbidden, except getting pregnant before your marriage and keeping the child. Another thing Rory's mother did to rebel to her mother. A child is allowed to smoke in her house and pop a few pills but as soon as she wants to have sex she is mentally ill. Lorelai didn't even know what to say when she saw her sixteen year old with a martini. All she could do was just stand there, not giving a reaction. Rory soon realized that it was her mother and not Emily so she got her act together and greeted her mother with a proper hug and a kiss. "So what show is new?" Rory asked trying to get her mother to forget what just had happend. "Uhm it's called Queen Bees and wannabes, I found it hilarious because it reminded me of your life kido" Lorelai said smiling like a four year would do in a candy store.

{A/N; So yeah this is the first chapter, let me know what you guys think and also comment and share :)). My tumblr is so you can hit me up whenever you like and give me any ideas about the story :). That's all byeeeee}

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