Chapter Eight; You're the worst boyfriend on the face of the planet

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{A/N; Heeey so new update after a long while, sorry! I'm trying to write a super long Paris chapter and I've been working on a new litfic so yeah. And also school has been super busy. Anyways hope you guys like this chapter and more is coming your way! Check out my tumblr; <- shameless self promotion I know. Vote, comment and share! Okay thank you everyone who is reading, I really appreciate it!! And enjoy :))}

*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED: the entire Junior class of Chilton getting ready to leave for Paris. Oh lala we can't wait for that drama. Our J and R have reconciled and are burning up, let's hope they leave Paris in the same state they are in now. We haven't heard any news about L and R, trouble in paradise? Let's hope the city of love gives us what we love; drama and gossip.

It was four o'clock in the morning and Rory was stress packing. There was a shirtless Jess in her bed sleeping like a baby. She was stressed out, they had to leave in 2 hours and she knew she was forgetting something. She went through her closet and found a leather jacket. Perfect was all Rory could think. She calmed down and sat down on her bed. "Rory, princessa, come back to bed." Jess whined. Rory stood up turning the lights on, and opening the curtains letting the moon light and blue night sky slip in. She knew that he'll have to get up now. A tired Jess stood up and walked over to Rory who was now standing on the balcony. Wrapping his arms around her waist, she turned her head. He pressed a sweet kiss op her forehead. "Let's start getting ready Rory, we don't want to be late." Jess said scooping her up in his arms. He carried her all the way to her bathroom, they both grabbed their toothbrush. Finishing brushing their teeth, Rory turned on the shower. She undressed and stepped in the shower. Jess went to her walk in closet, where he found the drawer with his clothes in it. He got dressed and went back into the bathroom. Grabbing his wax he started shaping his hair. "Ever worry that if a bird flies into your head it might never get out?" Rory laughed wrapping a towel around her body and drying her hair with another towel. "Yeah, it's just not bouncin' and behaving today." Jess said shaking his head. "Jess, leave it alone. We're going to be on a plane for 9 hours it shouldn't look flawless." Rory said before kissing his cheek. "You always look good, even when you don't try!" He said disappointed by his hair. Rory just smiled and walked over to her closet, picking up the outfit she had left on her poof. She slipped on the oversized blue sweater and wore her over the knee black heels. She blow dried her hair and put it up in a messy pony-tail. She packed all of her toiletries in her blush Micheal Kors handbag. They were both ready to go, snapping one last pre-plane selfie together, Jess grabbed his luggage and and carried Rory's. "You know that we have help for that." Rory pointed out. "I got it, I'm strong." Jess said clearly struggling. Rory giggled and walked straight to the limousine outside. She already said her goodbyes to her Grandparents, her mother and Ana last night, before she snuck Jess in. Rory refreshed her twitter a few times before checking her snapchat and instagram. She wasn't a social media model, but she did enjoy seeing other peoples photo's and stories. She was really interested in photography because of Jess. She was looking through her bag for the camera she had bought for Jess, a little present and hint that he should take photo's of her more often. Every time he took a photo of her she would be the centre of it, the shining star. She loved it more than anything. "Ready?" Jess asked closing the door. "Yeah, let's go." Rory said with a little smile. "What?" Jess asked noticing she was holding something behind her back. "I got you something, and you have to take it. I thought it would be nice for the trip." She said not taking her eyes of his face. Without saying another word she handed him the camera. "Rory, princess, I can't accept it." Jess said feeling a little overwhelmed by the present. "Please take it!" Rory insisted.
He kissed her and muttered thank you at least four times. She was glad he likes it, she wanted to see him happy. Him being all smiley with his camera was worth everything. They arrived at the airport and checked in. After they checked in they started looking for the rest of the class at the gates. Roaming JFK airport the couple looked for the smell of a cheap knock-off Chanel no5 and the last season Louis-Vuitton bags. They may be rich but they definitely weren't stylish, at least not as stylish as Rory. Let's say that they needed her as their leader. Jess spotted the tacky suits, grabbed Rory's hand and walked towards the group. "Miss Gilmore, Jess glad you made it on time." Miss B said, crossing their names of a list. They all flew business, obviously. Some of them could barely afford it. There was one guy Jess noticed, he was wearing probably the ugliest tracksuit he had ever seen. Combined with a old brown worn out leather jacket, Jess could throw up. He stood up and walked to J. Jess stared and noticed the nervous smile J had. "Rory, can I talk to you?" Jess asked. "Yeah sure, be right back Paris." Rory excused herself. Jess showed a toothy smile to Paris while grabbing Rory's hand dragging her to a coffee stand. "2 coffees please, keep the change." Jess ordered and paid. "Jess what's wrong? You look a little worried." Rory asked wondering what she had done wrong. "J and some loser are on a date as we speak. A nobody from our school, some weirdo from a small town. His name is Dean and he and J have been a thing for a little while."
"Wanna go on a mission Mariano?"
"Put on your barette darling." Jess smirked.

The class was almost seated. 'God why these seats' was all Rory thought. She sat in between Jess and Logan. Yes the best seats *sarcasm*. It was business so she wouldn't be bothered by Logan but she just wanted to cuddle with Jess. She put her phone on airplane mode and fastened her seatbelt. She must've drifted off to sleep. She woke up three hours later with the Arctic Monkeys blaring through her headphones. She looked up and saw the purple light strips. She got up and knocked on Jess' door. She peeked through the door and saw him watching a movie already half a sleep. "Jess? You up?" She whispered. He shot up. "Hey Princess you're up." He said in a raspy voice. She smiled and sat next to him. He pulled her on his lap and kissed her cheek. She laid down and rested her head on his chest. He played with her hair while his other hand was stroking her arm, making small circles with his thumb. The movie played on in the background, Rory not really focussing on it and Jess admiring Rory's face. They were in a comfortable silence, neither of them feeling the need to say something. Rory closed her eyes for just a second and felt her mind fading. Jess saw that she fell a sleep. They had a couple of hours left, he pulled her closer and put a blanket over the two of them. He loved this, he never wanted to leave. "Jess, bro what the fuck?!" Logan opened the small door. Jess sat paralyzed in his seat. Not knowing what to do he closed his eyes pretending to sleep. Logan obviously didn't fall for that, he saw the boy awake seconds ago. "I know you're awake, I also know you and my let's say girlfriend are a thing. I don't want any of it happening anymore, she's mine back off!" Logan said knowing he would have no choice other than to be this stern with Jess. "Look man she doesn't want to be with you, you cheat, treat her like crap. You are the worst boyfriend on the face of the planet. She chose me already, I actually care about her. She means the world to me, and you took her for granted, I'm not planning on doing that. Beat it Logan." Jess said softly trying not to wake up Rory. Little did he know, she was wide awake, her eyes still closed she heard everything. She smiled to Jess' chest. After Logan left Jess kissed her forehead trying to wake her, a half hour till the landing. She had to go back to her seat. Rory kissed his chest before starting to kiss his face and eventually his lips. He was caught of guard. They were making out when they were awkwardly interrupted by the flight attended asking Rory to go to her seat since there were only fifteen minutes till landing. Rory had red cheeks walking back to her seat, head still down. She sat down and noticed a small pink envelope in her bag. It had her name written on it, she recognized the handwriting. 'Why would Logan write her a letter?' was all Rory thought. She opened it very careful not wanting to tear it accidentally. She couldn't believe it, he wrote her a love letter? In all the years they have been together he had never bothered to make such a romantic gesture. She thought he didn't care, well he started caring when he knew he had competition. "He doesn't belong with you, I do. It was planned. Please Rory, don't cheat, be with me." was written at the end of what was a beautiful love letter, atleast the beginning looked like it. She sat in disbelieve looking at the letter with tears in her eyes. She was going to break up with Logan, and she was going to be cruel. As her Grandmother always said; You have to be cruel to be kind.

The group arrived at the hotel. Everyone was trying to get to their room as fast as possible. Rory and Paris shared a room, but Jess got himself a private room so she already told Paris that she was going to sleep there. Paris nodded and didn't ask any questions, she really couldn't care any less. Rory grabbed her beige Burberry trenchcoat and walked out the door. She grabbed her cigarette and lit it. She was freezing, it was still warmer than in Hartford. "Rory can I get my lighter back?" Jess asked standing next to Rory. She smiled, throwing her cigarette stub in the nearest trashcan and handed it to him, he instead took her hand and lead her to their room. "Jess, Jess, Jess! Where are we going?!" She managed to giggle out. "You'll see, but first close your eyes." He said kissing her hand. "No peeking Princess!" He said mocking a stern tone. He guided her through what seemed like a never ending hallway. She heard a door unlocking before he told her to open her eyes. She couldn't believe it, he got them the most beautiful room in the entire hotel. It was the penthouse you could say, except this room had a balcony with a pool. He was mesmerized by Rory, the way her face lit up when she was happy and the way she would put both her hands on her face hiding her blush cheeks when she was excited. And that he could make her feel so happy made him one of the luckiest guys in the world.

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