Chapter Ten; Cruel Woman

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{A/N; Hey guys long time no update, I wrote this kinda as a filler chapter because my life had been a little busy but I will have more time to write since it's almost winter break. I hope you all enjoy the chapter!! And read my other litfic since I am super proud of how it turned out so far. Love you guys!}

*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED; Our queen R has made her choice. She would rather spend a night with the dark prince instead of with the white knight in shining armor. She and Jess seemed to have spend an interesting night together, down at his new burlesque club. Rumor is that now that L is out of the picture R and J are ready to go official. We hope that neither of them goes back to their old habits.

Rory looked at him. She saw a glimmer in his eyes. The sight of it alone made her smile. "What do you propose we do?" Rory said with a devious smile on her face. "Get dressed." He said walking into the bathroom. She stood up walking to her suitcase. Grabbing her black skinny jeans and a black sweater. She stood in her lingerie when Jess decided to walk in. "Princess if you don't put something on, I'm afraid we won't leave this hotel room."
"Really?" Rory said walking over, still half naked. "Really." He said biting his lip. Just as he was getting close enough to kiss her she walked away. "You're torturing me princess!" Jess shouted while clutching his heart in a dramatic way. "Well too bad." Rory said putting on her clothes. "Cruel woman." Jess said while giving her a kiss. Rory brushed her hair and put on a velvet choker. Wearing her black thigh high boots and her leather jacket she waited on Jess. "I can't believe you aren't ready." She said checking her instagram feed. He came out wearing a similar outfit. He fumbled around with his hair a little bit before Rory dragged him out of the hotel room. They ran of the enormous marble stairs of the hotel into the quiet lobby. Grabbing her hand Jess lead them to a vespa. "A vespa? I'm impressed Mariano." Rory said. "Hop on." Jess said while holding her helmet.

They rode through the streets of Paris before stopping near the Eiffel tower. They got of the vespa and ran up the stairs. The rooftop they were on was looking out on the Eiffel tower and the city. Rory's eyes sparkled in the moonlight as she was taking it al in. She spotted the red roses near the champagne bottles, walking towards it she saw a note near it. 'What do you think about cotillion? JM' she smiled turning around seeing Jess with a cheesy smile on his face. "So?" He said walking closer. "Yes, Yes! Of course!" She said meeting him half way for a kiss. They opened the bottle of champagne and stayed on the rooftop for another hour. After they were drunk enough to bear this cold they left. Roaming the Paris streets in the moonlight, it was truly magical. Rory and Jess got high of some Parisian drugs. Walking on the crooked paths they were having the time of their lives. They stopped when they heard a street musician playing the violin and danced, right there. Rory laughed while Jess was leading her. Her fingers brushing over his lips before kissing him softly. He smiled through the kiss, making it much sweeter. The sun was creeping through the dark blue sky, warming up the faces of the couple. It must have been around Eight o'clock in the morning. Rory and Jess were currently in a fast food restaurant feeding each other fries. Jess ordered enough fries to feed twelve. Rory pressed a french fry on to Jess' lips while she stuffed her own mouth full. Rory smile while seeing what could be the love of her life eating a fry this early on the day. While making photo's of each other on their phones, Jess' camera and a strangers polaroid they were singing along softly to whatever song they heard in the restaurant. Gathering all their stuff they left back on the streets. Walking hand in hand, and hanging a locket on the bridge. "This one is for us." Jess said holding a lock with two keys. Rory eagerly locked it on to the bridge throwing one key in the water. Jess put the other one on a necklace, for Rory to wear it and never forget this moment. They were walking back to the hotel together, holding on tight to each other. When they had arrived the class was leaving for a field trip to another museum. Jess decided to skip this one to sleep before heading back to his newly bought club. Rory could use the extra sleep as well. She dragged her tired body up to the room. When she finally hit the pillow she was off in dreamland. Jess on the other hand had trouble sleeping. He was watching the breathes escape her mouth. She looked so peaceful. Jess laid down next to her and tried falling asleep. He closed his eyes and started thinking about how perfect he was going to make Rory's cotillion. With that thought he dozed off himself.

Rory woke Jess up a couple hours later. They laid in bed, facing each other. Rory held his hands and played with his fingers. He was admiring her face. He looked at every feature, every crinkle and every last muscle. They laid like that for hours. Enjoying each others presence and feeling warm. When the clock hit six the couple decided to get up. Still feeling exhausted Rory sat up on her knees on the bed. The bed frame had an orange red color lighting. Jess came out of the bathroom and saw her frame in the lights. Slowly but steadily he sneaked up behind her kissing her shoulders. "Jess." Rory trailed off. She was in a euphoric state, as he started to kiss her face. They were making out and breaking it off to catch small breathes. Panting and sweating Rory was lacing her fingers through his thick hair. He placed his hand on the small of her back and the other one was latched onto the back of her neck. He laid her down easily. Starting to remove every piece of clothing until she was completely naked. As she laid there he took all her beauty. He kissed her one last time before going down on her.

Rory grasped the bed sheets firmly between her petite fingers. She was riding her orgasm off before looking over at Jess who had just rolled over to lay beside her. She smiled and kissed him. "That was lovely." She said pecking his lips before getting up. Looking at her in awe he followed her to the bathroom where she stepped into the shower. "Ready for round two?" He said joining her in the small shower cabin.

The early Paris sunshine was creeping through the window it was time to go home. Rory had packed all of her bags ahead and was currently on the balcony enjoying her last cup of coffee in the hotel. She admired the view and read the newspaper. She refreshed her social media, checked her inbox and all of that. She lit up her cigarette before smiling seeing her Jess. They still hadn't figured out if they were a couple yet. They did everything a couple did but they had never confirmed it. Rory didn't want to think about it anymore. Jess walked up behind her holding his own cup of coffee sitting down next to her. Holding hands they looked over the view. He kissed her hand and picked her up bridal style carrying her to the room. Rory's mind was still clouding her thoughts as she continued packing. He had felt that there was a weird feeling that Rory had. And so kelt Jess his distance while still trying to be there for her. This topic just took up most of her thoughts as she was walking through the airport halls. She excused herself and looked for a quiet spot where she could think, get her head sorted. Walking over to a small bench behind a division wall. She sat down with her coffee in one hand and closed her eyes for a bit. That was until she heard familiar voices coming from behind the small wall. Standing up she got a close peek to who sat there. She got out her phone and snapped a phone. 'Perfect'. Was all Rory thought.

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