Chapter four; Morning Mimosa's

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*Gossip Girl*
SPOTTED: J and R having breakfast together? Are my sources starting to see things or has the impossible become the possible. Surprise, surprise who would've thought that R forgives and forgets, we know she is up to something. Let's hope they don't find Chanel no5 at the crime scene.

"Can you believe it, still spotting and blogging. Like does she have a life God!" J said mocking our precious GG. "She is our generations hero, Jenny. Take example at her low-key and respectable attitude" Rory said bored already with her morning mimosa. "You haven't changed a bit you know that Rore" J said happy. "Well I certainly hope you did, I wouldn't want you sleeping with my soon to be fiance again" Rory spat out while finishing her drink. "Rory, how.." "How did I find out? Well maybe you 'accidentally' called me while fucking him, and it was all over GG. You couldn't live with the fact that I was happy could you?" Rory practically screamed. "You know what J" she mocked the nickname "don't bother anwsering that, I don't even wanna know anymore. But consider our so called friendship over!" Rory yelled for the final time. She felt like plotting and scheming. Time for revenge. She knew exactly what she was about to do.

J felt horrible about her best friend finding out. She never wanted it to happen but the sexual tension between her and Logan had been going on for-ever, it was bound to happen. It just happened, well she didn't exactly fall on his dick or anything but she didn't want her best friend, only friend to find out. She loved Rory, she did she loved her more than anything. Rory always had been there for J, she was there when J was only 12 and already in rehab. Or when J's troublemaking friends let her get caught smoking crack at the age of 14. Rory made sure nobody knew, or at least she made sure that whoever would speak another word about it, their life would be miserable. Rory was the best friend anybody would wish for, sweet, caring, powerful and honest. J took that for granted and she is bound to feel the revenge and anger of Rory Gilmore. J left from the restaurant to go home, she wanted to make up with Rory and needed to plan and plot. She needed her best friend back.

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