10. Power

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Seraphina's POV

"Again!" Jacus shouted against the empty space.

I groaned under my breath. Jacus is really starting to get me on my last nerve.

We have been at it for the past 4 hours now. I haven't been able to eat no matter how many times I beg him too. There are no windows in here so I don't know what time it is, he refuses to tell me. My throat is drier than the desert, and I haven't seen sunlight in so long. If I was a plant I would have died of starvation.

"You have to concentrate, you are not going to get anything done if you don't focus."

"I have been focusing for the past few hours." I mutter under my breath.

"Rudeness gets you nowhere girl." he said, standing against the wall with his arms crossed and a witty smirk on his face.

I will obliterate this man.

I know there is something not right about him. I'm getting a dark and dangerous vibe from him and I didn't like it one bit. How Kira trusted him enough to train me was beyond my existence. I could barely stand him.

"Normally, a pure witches magic comes from either concentration or an object that triggers it. Has your all powerful mother taught you nothing?"

I touch the pendent my mother gave me before I escaped home, around my neck. It was a raw amethyst crystal hanging from a bronze necklace that held all of her magic, all her power, she never had the time to teach me any of it for all that was going on, but she knew how much power I held. It made me sad that may not get to hear her voice again, her sweet lulling voice that always send me into a peaceful sleep every night.

I squeezed my eyes, trying to hold back the tears of both frustration and sadness. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat, squared my shoulders and faced the infuriating man.

"Yes, she has. She was the one who told me that my powers came from my emotions, the stronger the emotion the more powerful I am." Anger started coursing through my veins.

"So, the next time you think to degrade or insult me or my mother again, I would advise that you think twice." I felt pain and anger bubble up inside of me.

He pushed himself off the wall and began walking towards me, until there was almost an inch space between us. His towering height and broad shoulders didn't intimidate me one bit.

"And what if I do, huh? What are you going to do? You're nothing but a weak little girl who stands behind her family for protection. You can't do anything on your own. Oh look are you going to cry, that seems to be the only thing your good at."

I lost it.

All of my emotions seemed be acting at once, fury, hate, annoyance. I had no control over them. After all these years of being told to hold in my feeling, that they weren't good to show. It felt good, amazing even to let them free and have them run wild.

Thunder clapped louder than an atomic bomb outside. I didn't pay any attention to it, everything around me was a blur of colours and sounds.

I felt so much power around me. There is such thing as too much power, it's like all of the world's energy being pulled into you and you feel yourself expanding to a point where you are ready to explode. It feels enchanting and painful at that same. I crave more but I can't contain it.

Then everything stops, and the earth stops turning.


I pried my eyes open, only to be greeted with bright lights, which gave me an instant headache.

I felt a soft mattress with cotton sheets under me. I could lay here all day. I smelled the familiar scent of lavender and....chocolate?

When I turned my head, or at least tried to, only to be met with a splitting pain from my neck to the top of my head. I moaned in pain, I couldn't think clearly. My mind was fuzzy.

"Kira." I managed to say rather faintly.

I see a sink in the bed, and was met with a soft hand on my cheek.

"I'm right here Sera, I'm right here." Her voice was soft and filled with concern. I smiled a little.

"Where am I?" I finally managed to open my eyes fully and looked around.

I saw Hisarah laying down next to me, facing me. She was asleep. She looked so damn cute.

"We're back at my place. You were asleep for about a whole day. I didn't know you had so much pent up inside of you. You scared me." She whispered the last bit. Her face screamed of sadness and deep concern.

I reached for her hand and held it tight.

"To be honest, I didn't know either. Normally when I felt something strong or overwhelming, this," I touched my mother's necklace. "It's supposed to calm me down, it has the power to do that. That is why she gave it to me."

"Then how come it didn't work this time?" Kira asked as she frowned in confusion.

"I guess I forgot to charge it. With everything going on, it never crossed my mind."

"Charge? What do mean by charge?" It was Alyea who asked, standing by the door with her arms folded and her weight on her left foot.

I hadn't noticed her there before. How long had she been standing there?

"She means that just as the way you charge a phone to make sure it has power, crystals hold power as well but more like a positive spiritual power. So they need to be charged as much as possible for them to keep their power." Kira explained for me.

At least I know she paid attention when mom taught us all about crystals and spirits.

"Well, I'm hungry so let's go get something to eat." I announced.

Kira rolled her eyes, "I swear you're always hungry."

Despite my splitting headache, I got up off the bed to go get ready. I stumbled feeling dizzy, Kira caught me before I fell.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm good" I said, steadying myself.

Once I was sure I could stand, I made my way to the bathroom to get ready to feed my rumbling tummy.


Once I woke up Hisarah, which she was not happy, we got into one of Kira's cars and drove to one of Kira's favourite places to eat.

It was a small dinner and when we walked in, I felt a warm homely feeling radiating from it. No wonder she loves it here, if I could I would live here.

We sat at a table and a really nice waiter took our orders (even though I caught how he stared at Hisarah longer than he was supposed to, but I'll let it slid, this time).

We talked about the world of things, mostly nonsense, while waiting on our order.

All of a sudden, time seemed to slow down as the wind chimes signified the door opening. In walked the person I thought I would never see again. The very first person to have entry into my heart and also the first to break it.

Kira sensed my shock and turned to see what, or rather who, I was staring at. Her features morphed in anger as she looked at her. The conversation stopped at our table.

"Babe, you okay?" Hisarah asks, but I couldn't answer.

All the pain she left me in came rushing back.

Only one name ran through my mind.

Corasha Ventana, my ex-girlfriend.

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