16.I Don't Know

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Kira's POV

Man I gotta get me one of these houses.

So here I am, lying in bed wonder what's​ my next step in trying​ to save everyone.

Knock knock!

"Come in." I say as the door slowly opens to reveal my little Phina.

"How you feeling?" Phina asked with concern plastered on her face

"Never better." I lied.

"I know you're still upset about Alyea but you can't let it get to you, you're my big sister, the girl that's afraid of nothing, feared yet respected​ by all, where is that Kira? "Sera said trying to cheer me up.

She always knew how to cheer me up when I feel down, and I do the same for her.

"Sera, I don't know what to do okay. I feel like every move I made till this point is what made Alyea betray me the way she did and- urgh sis I don't if I can be an alpha or not. I can't even protect my own sis..." I said that last part more to myself so she wouldn't​hear me, but she did.

"Kira I know what that's like. You of all people should know that. You remember when Corasha betrayed me and left me. You remember what you told me that night when you found me in the river. You said that this is not the end. That I can't allow this one being to ruin my life. You told me that things will get better and it did.

"Kira if it wasn't for you the south pack would have taken us captive. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't​ have half the knowledge of the power I have now...sis you did so much for me you don't even know" Seraphina said with hope that I'll actually feel better after, which I kind of did.

"I don't know what the next move is Phina but I know we have to move fast, I get this feeling that someone or something followed us here and is wait patiently to act" I said somewhat on edge.

"I feel it too, and it's okay that you don't know the next step to take. Please just don't stress yourself out, just take it slow. And to be completely honest, I'm kind of scared Kira, I'm not ready to fight yet" Phina said with actual fear in her eyes.

"Hey, I'm here okay I'm right here...come here" I say quietly as Phina sits next to me and she hugs me like it's the last time she'll ever see me which broke my heart.

"You know what, I have som-" I was stopped mid-sentence when a blood cutting scream echoed through the estate.

"Hisarah..." Sera gasp almost too soft for me to hear.

She took off after that and sprinted down to her room. I hot on her heels. Phina slammed the door open an entirely empty room.

"HISARAH!" she moved around the room, turned over tables and chairs and anything she could put her hands on.

I've never seen my sister like this.

As she looks beside the bed she sees the human laying there lifeless.

She's actually died... Jacus told me it would take at least two weeks before it actually worked... it's been two days.

I didn't realize I said that out loud until I saw Phina look at me with pure hatred in her eyes.

That was the first time she has ever looked at me like that before and it honestly broke me.

"Phina I-" I stopped mid-sentence when she told me the one thing I never thought she would say to me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! STAY OUT OF MY LIFE OKAY,I HATE YOU." she yelled out of complete frustration and hate.

"Phina, just let me explain, please." I cry out hoping she'd let me.

"Just leave me alone." that was the last thing she told before I left the room.

I was too hurt to stay here any longer.

I can't do this, if she wants me to leave, so be it.

I grabbed my clothes and dropped it in my car ready to head out.

I told her best friend, whose name I really don't care to remember the entire story of what I did and told her if Phina doesn't believe her to give her a note I wrote for her.

With that said, I was off to who knows where to be honest. I just couldn't stop the pain in my chest from those simple words she said to me.

I sped off into the night not really caring what happens to mesa's I was about to turn into ​the woods an enormous truck turn onto the opposite side of the road.

I forcedly pulled on the steering wheel and crashed right into a tree.

I hate you.

Those were the last words I heard before I blacked out.

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