22. Preparations

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Seraphina's POV 

The first thing I woke up to this morning was soft giggles and movement on my bed. 

Then I was pleasantly greeted by three small heads, one pink and two black. 

Then those three heads said "Hi." to me in unison and no matter how many times they do that, I will always find it creepy. 

I may feel like absolute shit right now, but they will always manage to put a smile on my face and make everything so much better. 

All of a sudden their mother bursts through the door.

"There you three gremlins are. Let's go we have to get ready for the ball tonight. Come on. Movements." Isabella says slightly out of breath. 

They all groaned and exited my room with cute exasperated looks on there faces. 

Now that they were out I decided to lay back down and get some more sleep.

"Oh no you don't. You're coming too." She rips the soft covers off of me, displaying the large t-shirt I was wearing, that managed to ride up while I was sleeping and my black silk underwear.


"Don't give me that look. You have been spending too much time inside and it's starting to worry me. You need to mingle and socialize. Nice panties by the way. Now lets go." She proceeds to drag me out of my precious bed and pull me into the corridor.

I'll come back to you my sweet. I thought to myself looking back longingly at my bed.


Isabella pulled me towards her walk in closet. You know what scratch that, it's not even a walk in closet, it's more like one of those stores from Say Yes to the Dress but instead of wedding dresses it's miles and miles of clothes.

And yes I have gotten lost in here. Five times.

"I hope you don't mind. Wait what am I saying? Of course you won't. Anyway, I've had this dress designed and hand made ready for you for years now but there was never a perfect opportunity to wear it until now."

What Isabella revealed to me, took my breath away. 

It was a bit much to say the least. 

What I noticed first was the swooping A line neckline that showed a little bit of boob and the top that was tight at the waist. Then there was the wide ball gown skirt that flared out with large pleats. Finally it was the design of the flowered lace scattered all over the baby blue off the shoulder dress.

It was simple (as simple as Isabella can be at least) yet elegant enough for me. 

Isabella looks at me exactingly. Her face had a wide grin plastered on it.


"I'm afraid to see what your dress looks like." I tell her and meant it.

Isabella is what one will describe as being "extra" always doing the most for the littlest of things. 

"Oh honey it's right here." she turns me down one of the many halls to show me a dress too much for words to describe.

(A/N: I literally could not describe this dress.)


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"Wow..." This is worse than her wedding dress.

"I know right. Come on lets go get our hair and face done" she pulls me down yet another hall to a hug vanity and pushes me down on one of the plush chairs.

"Where is this ball your dragging me to anyway?" I ask as she starts fiddling with my hair that started curling back up to its natural state. 

"It's at the Alpha of the East's house."

Alpha of the East?

"As in Alpha Aquinas's house?" I interjected.

"No his son. Alpha Allecro." she said.

The last I saw Allecro we were children. All I remember about him is that he was Kira's best friend we just used to play together. 

Kira. Where is she?

"You seem surprised what's wrong?" she started tugging on my hair trying to untangle the curly mess. 

"I haven't seen Allecro in a long time." I shrugged 

"Wait. Hold up. You know Allecro. One of the scariest Alphas in the world if not the scariest. How? When? Why were you withholding this information from me." She said pulling my hair so that I could face her.

Allecro? Scary? That is one of the funniest things I've heard in years. Allecro is nothing but a teddy bear. Or teddy wolf in this case.


"Spill." she growled. 

"Ok Ok. We were friends a children but then he moved away and lost contact. Chill." She then proceeded to released my poor hair from her grasps.  

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"Maybe because it wasn't important."

"Well it is Seraphina. this is a possible ship we are talking about."

I sighed. Sometimes I cannot deal with this girl. 

She got the rest of my hair and make up done. She managed to tame my hair and do a middle part and put a half crown made of flowers at the back of it. She did light make up on me with a soft red lipstick. '

"My work here is done. Now every one won't be able to take their eyes off of you." Isabella beamed, then she snapped her fingers and she was fully dressed with her hair and make up done to perfection. 

"After they look at me first of course." She flipped her perfectly curled hair over her shoulder. 

I rolled my eyes and chuckled under my breath. I love this girl so much.

An hour later everyone was ready to go. Valerio was dressed in suave black suit and red tie, his sons matching him and his daughter in a cute pink dress. 

"Ok if everyone is ready let's go." Isabella said, then formed a portal right in front of us.

She held on to Zayd's hand, I held Aziel's and Valerio held Amara's, and we all walked through the portal onto the Alpha of the East's territory.

I sucked in a breath at the massive house in front of me. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I just get the strange unwavering feeling that something is going to happen tonight.

Something very wrong.

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