14. I'm (Not) Okay!

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Kira's POV

I can't believe this, the love of my life, my everything, she betrayed me.

But the thing that hurts the most about it is, I still love her, more than anything.

How could she do this to me? I thought she loved me.

I hate my life.

Now here I am, in the backseat, depressed, heartbroken and just straight up hurt.

I try to tell myself.

I'm fine.

I'm okay.

But I'm NOT.

I'm the big sister, I'm not supposed to seem weak, vulnerable. I'm supposed to be the one Phina looks up to as being the strong and fearless one.

At the moment, I don't know what I am.

Alyea was the reason I smiled every day, the reason I seemed like such a badass. Without her I feel...lost.

I never thought that she would do this to me, but maybe she had a reason.

Maybe she was threaten by something, by someone.

I miss you A, I say hoping wherever she is she can hear me through our mate bond.

As I lay behind them, going to God knows where, I look at the way the human looks at Phina, she has so much love and admiration in her eyes.

Alyea used to look at me like that.

Why does it have to be like this? Why can't I just be happy?

Why did the one person I unconditionally love leave and betray me like that.

You're stronger than this.

You are an Alpha.

The Alpha pack is after us and I need to protect my sister and her annoying human girlfriend.

I swear this girl is like the female version of Stiles from Teen Wolf, but less funny.

I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I have to keep my little sister safe.

My mind drifts to Alyea. I try to fight back my tears. I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

Ugh. This needs to stop.

But she is your mate Kira.

The way she smiles, the way her eyes sparkle when she sees me, the way she laughs with pure happiness in her voice.


She betrayed your trust. She used you.

She lied, she didn't love you.

I try not to listen to those voices but they are overwhelming.

I miss her. A lot.

Did Alyea ever really love me or was it all just an act?

I remember our first date like if it was only yesterday...

"Are we there yet baby?" Alyea asked for the hundredth time in the past hour.

We are on our way to a special little surprise I put together for my baby girl that I hope she likes.

It's out first actually date and I want it to be perfect.

I'm so nervous right now I think I might pass out.

I just want to show her how she means to me you know.

As we are five minutes away from our destination, I look over at Alyea and smile.

She makes me so happy, and I can't even explain it.

I get this feeling in my stomach every time she smiles, giggles even when she blushes.

It's awesome.

"We're here babe, you can take over the blindfold now." I said excited as I come over to her door and help her out.

She came out seconds later looking beautiful as ever.

Her hair was falling on the sides of her shoulders and she wore a pink and baby blue dress that brought out her eyes perfect.

And I might say that her booty game was strong.

Hey she's mine, I am allowed to say that.

As we walked over to the place Alyea's eyes grow wide.

It was this restaurant by the beach called "Wildest Dreams" a restaurant I bought when I had nothing to do with money.

I even made sure that only Alyea and I were here tonight.

As Alyea looks over to the crystal clear sea, I was looking at how it makes her eyes sparkle even more.

I was then cut short of my thoughts as the waiter, Elijah, came over to me.

"Hello Ms. Amori, your table is right this way." he said carrying us over to the best table there.

"Thanks dude, but stop calling me that. It's just Kira"

He smiles and walks away.

Alyea's narrows her eyes at him as if, she was going to kill him right there.

"It's okay babe, I love you and you alone I have eyes for no one else." I said sweetly leaning over and kissing the corner of her lips.

She looks down trying to hide her face as she blushed.

Man I love his girl.

The table was beautiful.

We had a blanket on the floor in the sand and it had everything food my baby loved.

She was so happy and so was I.

The night went along perfectly, Alyea feeding me chocolate cake and I fed her strawberry.

At around 11, the light show stared. Yeah I told you I go all out.

While Alyea was watching the fireworks and went back to the car to get her bathing suit.

I gave it to her and she went to the washroom to get dress while I just took off I'm shirt and jeans and went in.

Five minutes later Alyea was out with a black and gold bathing suit I bought her a few days ago looking sexy AF.

If I didn't know any better I thought she was walking in slow motion just to tease me a little.

Don't do it to me Angel.

For the next hour, we just stayed there looking at the fireworks lighting up the sky.

My arm safely around her waist and hers around my neck.

"This is the best day of my life babe, thank you so much" she said before kissing me.

"You are very welcome, but I did it because I love you angel" I said genuinely in love for once.

"I love you too" Alyea smiles and whispers in my ear.

Around 2 in the morning we got out and got back into the car.

As I drove away I realised that my angel was fast asleep snoring softly.

She looked so peaceful and cute.

"I don't know how you did it Angel but I'm hopelessly and unbelievably in love with you, and I wouldn't have it any other way"

I wiped away the last bit of tears and tried falling asleep.

But just couldn't.

The only thing that was running through my mind was her.

I'm still hopelessly and unbelievably in love with you, Alyea.

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