7.All in time

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Alyea's POV

All of us, me and the human that is, stood and watched as Kira tries to help her sister with her powers.

What was the human's name again?




I really can't remember and I really don't care.

"Okay Phina, I need you to really concentrate this time. Focus."

"I've been doing that for the past 2 hours." Seraphina spat through her teeth at Kira.

"Just relax." Both parties are clearly frustrated.

"I'm trying." Seraphina closed her eyes and took a deep breath and tried again for the 100th time.

We all stood back and waited for something to happen, but nothing did.

Seraphina screamed out of frustration.

"This isn't working!" She cried and pushed past Kira to go sit on a chair in the room and put her head in her arms.

I really feel for her in a way, she travelled all this way running from some pack that is trying to use her for her power.

Poor girl.

She looked tired, drained and unable to do anything. I feel sorry for her.

The human girl went to sit next to her and started hugging her from the side in an effort to console her.

How cute.

Kira's lamp post figure walked over to me to stand next to me. Honestly Kira isn't that tall, she is just a few inches taller than me. It's just whenever she stands next to me I feel like the imp from Game of Thrones.

"What do we do?" Kira asks me.

I stay quiet, thinking of a way to make Kira a little less disappointed about not being able to help her sister. That's when I felt a light bulb turn on in my head.

"I know what we can do." I looked up at Kira with a smirk on my face.

"What?" she looked at me with a sceptical mixed with a confused sort of look.

"We can go to that witch doctor you were telling me about."


"Why not?" I huffed with my shoulders sagging as if I was a five year old.

"You know why I'm never going back there." Kira narrowed her eyes at me and turned around to walk out the door. I followed after her.

"Oh come on, she can't be that bad. Plus he might be able to help Seraphina."

She stayed quiet.

"Please?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. She always gave in to this look.

I can see her resistant walls begin to crumple and fall.

"Okay fine." Her shoulders sag and irritation spreads across her angular features.

She's probably irritated at herself because there is no way she would be irritated at me.

Just saying.

I hugged and squeezed her like a snake coiling around its victim. I mumbled a thank you against her chest then turned around and a kipper out of the room and into the hall downstairs.

I laughed aloud to myself.

I don't know why, just get a feeling inside of me. I don't know how to explain it. Please don't question it it's just who I am.

Don't judge me.

As I skip and think about goats, (yes goats) I feel my phone vibrate in my pants pocket.

Ugh, I hate it when my phone vibrates. It's so annoying.

I pull it out and look to see that it was a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Is it done?

I knew who it was.

Goat Queen: No, not yet.

Unknown: Then when?


Goat Queen: Patience old friend, all things will happen in due time.

Goat Queen: Everything is going to plan.

I took off the screen and put my phone back in my pocket, not bothering to check the next message.

I went back to my skipping with a big grin on my face.

They will be in for a big surprise.

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