15. Hidden

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Seraphina's POV

Isabella took us down a huge spiraling stone staircase that went on forever. The clicking of our footsteps bounced off the candle lit walls of the dark castle. The triplets now walked in front of us, talking amongst themselves.

"So, how long have you two known each other?" Kira asks, Hisarah stays quiet beside her.

"A couple hundred years give or take. We meet a little while after you left actually." I explained.

Sadness flashed across Kira's face, but she quickly hid it. I hate when she does that.

"I was roaming the forest trying to get my mind off of things. Somehow I found myself at a river. I remember just sitting there crying my eyes out-"

"Quiet loudly I might add, she was disturbing the forest creatures." Isabella interrupted me.

"Oh hush! Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted," I glared at Isabella, "she just so happened to see me and asked what was wrong, I didn't say anything to her, so she just stayed and comforted me."

"We did that for weeks until she did eventually tell me everything. I told her my troubles and from that day we developed a wonderful friendship." Isabella continued.

We smiled at each other, remembering all those times we cried on each other's shoulder whenever something went wrong. From the corner of my eye I saw Hisarah look at us with jealousy in her eyes. She really needs to stop stressing.

"How far does this staircase go?" Hisarah said trying to catch her breath. Because she was human, her stamina wasn't as high as the rest of us.

"It's only 200 meters down. We have about 185 more to go" Isabella told her, shrugging her shoulders.

Hisarah's eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. She looked to me with stress and desperation in her eyes. I know for a fact that Hisarah hates exercise and will always complain when we have to walk a long distances. Even walking from the bedroom to the kitchen is a damn problem. How this girl stays slim with the amount of food she eats is beyond me.

I sighed, squatted down and told her to get onto my back to carry her the rest of the long walk.

"You're lucky I love you, you know." I said shaking my head. She kissed my cheek and we all made our way to the dragon.


After much complaining, we made it to a large silver door with elaborate patterns swirled all around it. Isabella went before the children and pushed open the door. Inside was I huge library with millions of books in any language and genre you can think of in the world. I've been in here before many times when the dragon would help me practice my magic.

Kira and Hisarah, who eventually got off my back, stood in the enormous room looking around with amazement dazzling in their eyes. I think I saw a tear fall down Hisarah's cheek. A shifting ruffling noise followed by a growl came from the corner of the room.

The triplets rushed towards it, gleeful screams exerted from them in sight of their father. Hisarah inched towards me and grabbed onto my arm and Kira stood her ground, she didn't let her fear show.

"Darling, come out. Seraphina is here and she brought some friends I want you to me." Isabella called.

The ground shook slightly as he stepped out from the shadows. His massive ash grey scaly skin with striking gold eyes glared at us like we woke him up from his sleep. His intimidating stare softened when he heard his children run around his elongated tail.

"Valerio you know we can't talk to you when you're like that please change back." Isabella commanded.

Hisarah and Kira stared at him in absolute awe. He puffed up his chest, probably sensing the alpha in the room.

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