24 || Hope Amongst the Dark

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Your POV:

Still refusing to make eye contact, Newt shook his head slightly. You took another step forward.

"Newt, please," You begged, but still he wouldn't budge, "We've always been there for each other, stuck in this godforsaken place. Why won't you tell me?"

He took a deep breath, "I just wanted to say that you've been the best friend I could've asked for in this place."

You raised your eyebrows. Abandoning his bucket, which was only half-full with fertiliser, he began to limp quickly away. You stared at his retreating back in disbelief. You knew when he was lying. He was your best friend after all.

Half a second later, you had made up your mind. Throwing down you empty bucket, you began to run in the direction he had disappeared.

This time you didn't stop. Bounding over tree roots, you tore through the woods behind him.

You were a Runner, a fast one at that. In a matter of seconds, he reappeared into your line of vision. With one last jump over a protruding trees root, you halted a few steps behind him but he didn't turn.

A few long strides and you had reached him. You leant forward and grabbed his hand firmly.

He spun around to face you. "Look, I wanted—"

But you never got to find out what he wanted. You slammed your lips onto his. For a few seconds, he didn't react, just stood rigid with surprise. Then he was kissing you back. Softly, but passionately.

The kiss spoke words neither of you had the courage to say out loud. All the tension from the past few days melted under your touch. All the fear and confusion that had been a constant since you arrived in the Maze, drifted away as your lips moved in sync.

For the first time in two years, your life had felt complete. The final pieces of the puzzle fell into place. This was meant to be. Not even the Creators could change that, no matter how much they tried.

Nothing existed in that moment but you and him.

Someone behind you cleared their throat. You and Newt jumped away from each other, stumbling on a root as you went. Your cheeks flamed, so did Newt's, as you saw the boy stood in front of you, averting his eyes.

"Shall I come back later? It's just we really need the fertiliser. But if I'm interrupting. . ." Zart trailed off awkwardly, coughing to try and mask his discomfort.

"We kind of left them," You admitted sheepishly, jerking you thumb in the direction of the abandoned buckets. Interlacing your fingers with Newt's, you set off in the direction you had come.

"Good, I'll just be. . ." You heard Zart mutter as he strode purposely out of the forest. 

You glanced up at Newt and both of you burst out laughing. Fingers locked together, you strolled peacefully amongst the trees. It felt familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.


So, that happened. . .


I hope it wasn't awkward, cringy or badly written. I'm sorry if it was.

Don't know about you, but I just always imagined Zart being really awkward in times like that.

Thanks so much for 6k reads!

If any of you want to message me to talk about anything, please do!

I'm awkward like Zart okay?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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