33 || Memories of Past Lives

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Your POV:

Thomas shot up from his bed; his sweaty face pale and tired looking. In his hurry, he almost hit Teresa who was crouching over him. As he looked around, it seemed as though he was trying to avoid eye contact with any of us.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Chuck demanded.

Thomas glanced up at him regretfully. "This place, it isn't what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. They want survivors to do something important." At that moment, he caught your eye and you saw the pain that filled them. "It all started when we were kids. They'd give us these challenges, they were experimenting on us."

"So we have nothing to go back to when we escape. We were always just pawns to them," You concluded. That was something you had all held on to in the darkest times of the Maze. The hope of a family out there waiting for you. But, it would seem, you had all been with these people — these Creators — for a very long time.

Thomas didn't speak for a while but it was clear he agreed. "Then people started disappearing. Every month, one after the other."

"They were being sent into the Maze," Newt breathed out.

Thomas nodded, "But not all of us."

"What do you mean?" You asked but Thomas seemed reluctant to continue.

The silence dragged on a long while before he gathered his courage to speak. "Guys, I'm one of them. The people who put you here, I worked with them. I watched you guys for years. The entire time you've been here, I've been on the other side of it all. So were you. That's why we can speak to each other inside our heads." He glanced at Teresa with his last words.

"What? No, we. . . wouldn't. How could we? No. . ." She shook her head in panic.

"Teresa, we did this to them. I saw it," Thomas said but he wouldn't look at any of you.

"Why would they send us up if we were with them?" Teresa's eyes filled with tears of regret.

Thomas shrugged half-heartedly, "I don't know, it doesn't matter."

"He's right," Newt spoke out for the first time and you all glanced at him confused. "It doesn't matter. Any of it. The people we were before the Maze, they don't even exist any more. These Creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now. What we do now."

You stood up, Minho too and joined Newt at his side. He was right, always was. Newt smiled, "You went in the Maze and you found a way out. Now we've got to go out there and finish what we started. Because now we have a chance and we can make it out of here."


Newt relayed the news to the other Gladers. The Homestead was full of noise as the other boys struggled to comprehend the news. Throughout it all, Alby had remained in a stony silence.

As he finished, Alby stood up silently. There was something different about him. He stepped closer to the front and rounded on Thomas. "How can we trust a shucking word he says? He put us here; he did this to us. It could be a trick to gain our trust."

"No offence, but that's the biggest load of klunk I ever heard," You defended, "He nearly died trying to find this out for us. So, what, you think that was all an act?"

The boy before you glanced around. Seeing the sceptical eyes before him, he blurted out suddenly, "I did it! I burned the Maps. We can't go back. We can't ever go back."

Gasps of shock echoed around the room as the Gladers surveyed their leader. "Well it's a good thing we saved those Maps," Minho commented sarcastically, "Thanks for the tip about protecting them."

"I'm telling you, we can't go back! I remember awful things. A burned land, a disease. Something called the Flare." A note of hysteria had crept into his voice which rose as he spoke.

"If we stay here, we'll die! It's worse than that?" Minho yelled at him.

"Yes," Alby decided, "Better to die than go home."

Minho snorted in disbelief, "I'm with Thomas, if we're going to die, let's die fighting!"

Thomas nodded to him. "Looks like Minho's in, I'm sure Teresa is too. We're going to get out of here; anyone else can join too. I know how we can escape."

"And what's this brilliant plan of yours?" Frypan asked.

"We're going through the Griever Hole."


GUYS! Thanks a million for 41k reads and over 1.7k votes! Also, nearly reached 1k comments! I try to read every single one (sometimes I miss them when I have loads of notifications). Even if I don't reply, I probably have seen it and I appreciate all the support and funny comments you post. So thank you!

Hope you enjoyed!

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