26 || False Accusations

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Your POV:

Arriving at the Med-jack hut, you were greeted by the panicked faces of Jeff and Clint.

"The girl. . ." Jeff muttered, sounding embarrassed, "She's disappeared."

Alby stared at him. "What do you mean she's disappeared?" He said, eyeing the two of them suspiciously. "I highly doubt she just vanished in a puff of smoke. You mean to tell me that you were outsmarted by a girl who just woke up from a coma, has no idea where she is and probably has no memories whatsoever."

"Well. . ." Clint began, "When you put it like that. . ."

Alby huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. Muttering under his breath, he turned away and put his head in his hands.

"Wonderful, this is just bloody wonderful," Newt piped up from behind.

"Well, have you tried to find her?" You asked. When they gave no reply, the answer was clear. "Let's move then!"


The search for the girl had commenced with almost all the Gladers pitching in. They had spread out, moving from the Med-jack hut and were scouring every inch of the place. There was still no sign but you didn't give up.

Another thing that was bothering you slightly was the disappearance of Thomas. Still, you had not seen him since the meeting in the Map Room.

Pushing all fears and doubts aside, you entered the forest; the only place you had yet to search. Behind you followed Newt, Alby and Jeff. Your leader was obviously still fuming at the Med-jack, who wisely decided to keep his distance.

The quiet mutter of an unfamiliar voice reached your ears and you held up a hand to stop the others. The crunching of leaves and twigs behind you faded away. For a few seconds, no sounds could be heard and you were beginning to think you had imagined it.

Then another hushed voice broke the silence but this time it was one you all recognised. Thomas. That answered your question at least — only to replace it with another. 'Who was he talking to?'

Another voice chipped in, interrupting whatever Thomas was saying. It sounded feminine. Turning around to face the others, you saw they had all realised it too. The four of you ran forward, following the direction of the voices.

Rounding the large trunk of an old oak, you saw Thomas stood beside the girl. There were no signs that she had woken up from a coma less than an hour ago. The face that had looked so still and pale only yesterday had been transformed. Her cheeks were flushed but she looked as pretty as you had imagined her to be when she awoke.

Curiously, you took a step forward. For two years and for as long as you could remember, you had never met another girl. It felt surreal; it changed everything.

The other boys behind you wasted no time in pushing past you to get a good look at the newbie. "How in the. . .?" Newt trailed off, looking at the startled faces the two newest arrivals in the Glade. "How did you get here? Jeff here said you were there one minute, gone the next!"

Confidently, she faced the group. "I guess he forgot to tell you the part where I kicked him in the groin and climbed out the window."

You sniggered slightly, masking it with a cough. Jeff was staring pointedly at the floor, too embarrassed to speak.

"Congrats Jeff. You're officially the first here to get your butt beat by a girl," Newt grinned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked indignantly, "I could kick your butt anytime I liked."

"Keep talking like that and you'll be next," The girl added defiantly to Newt. You grinned at her; it seemed like you two would get along nicely.

Alby stepped forward, his face a picture of anger. "I'm sick of this!" He growled at Thomas, "I want to know who you are, who this shank is and how you know each other."

Thomas visibly paled. "Alby, I swear—"

"She came straight to you after she woke up." He glared at them both.

"So what? I know her, she knows me. At least, we used to. It means nothing! We don't remember anything, He protested.

"What did you do? First the sky, now this!" Alby yelled. You, Thomas and Newt glanced at each other, confused.

"I triggered something. Not on purpose, I swear. The ending. I don't know what it means," The girl replied, more calmly than she should have been.

"What is it? What happened?" Thomas asked confused, as were you and Newt.

"I'll tell you what's happened shank. Been too busy to bother taking a look around? To notice what time it is?" Alby spat at him.

Realisation suddenly dawned on you when you glanced at your watch. You had been too wrapped up in everything else that had been going on to notice.

"The Walls, you shuck face. The Doors. They haven't closed tonight."


Thank you guys so, so much for 9k reads!

Recently I have been working on a Fandom Imagines book which I have just published and I would really appreciate if you could check it out. There will be a Newt one soon!

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