30 || Fire in the Glade

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Your POV:

Newt reached the crazed boy in front of you first. He grabbed him violently by the back of his shirt and yanked him back. Gally tore free. Flailing around in viscous anger, he sent Newt sprawling backwards into you.

Both of you crashed to the floor, collapsing in a twisted pile at Minho's feet. Thomas launched himself on top of the Builder, pulling him away from the door — not that it made much of a difference now.

The Griever's lethal metallic limbs reached the destroyed door and tore at more of the wood. Again and again, it reached, grabbed and ripped off plank after plank of the sturdy structure.

Gally shoved Thomas away, eyes popping with madness. "The Changing. . . It showed me what it was really like. You don't want to remember. You don't want to know." With these final words, he launched himself at the pulsating body of the Griever.

The thing reacted instantly, grabbing at his body and lifting it effortlessly into the air. As if that had suddenly satisfied it, the creature turned and ran at an impressive speed towards the Maze.

Without a word of explanation, Minho raced out of the destroyed door and took off full pelt after the Griever.

"Minho!" You cried out and made a move to go after him. Newt grabbed your arms and held you back. "Hey! Let me go after him!"

"I won't let you go out there!" He whisper-shouted to you.

Defeated, you slumped back onto the floor, staring out the place Minho disappeared.


"There he is!" Thomas shouted after an agonisingly long wait.

You turned towards the door and ran angrily at him. "What were you doing out there?"

Minho took a few gulps of oxygen before he spoke. "I had to. . . make sure," He panted and wiped his forehead with his hand. "I had to make. . . sure they. . . went to the Cliff. . . to the Griever Hole."

You shook you head in annoyance. "Well? Did they?"

Minho grinned up at you all and nodded.

Sighing, you wiped your hand across your own face and smiled slightly. At least you were sure of something. "We have bad news," You admitted to the boy in front of you. "You can see the smoke over there." Jerking your thumb over your shoulder, you pointed out the direction of the Map Room which was smoking slightly. "Someone set fire to the Map trunks."

The Runner looked up in shock from his panting. "What? Who did it?"

Newt sighed too, "We don't know but they burned every single one of them."

"Let's go and check it out then." Minho gestured for you all to follow. You and Newt set off immediately but Thomas headed off in the direction of the Slammer, presumably to talk to Teresa.


You had taken but a few steps when a harried-looking Winston came pelting across the grass towards you. "I found Alby outside the Map Room. Looks like he's been knocked out."

Glancing sideways at your friends, you saw they wore the same expressions of worry and anger. You followed Winston towards the still slightly smoking room and were greeted by the sight of many Gladers crowded around in a circle.

Newt shoved through the whispering mass of boys, with you and Minho close behind. Alby lay unconscious on the dusty floor, the side of his face streaked in shining blood which gleamed in the morning sunlight. A small pool had formed below his head, staining the floor in an unattractive, murky colour.

You crouched down beside him and ripped off part of your t-shirt to stem the flow. Gingerly, you pressed it to his forehead and he moaned softly, but did not wake.

"Who the hell did this!" You commanded but the onlookers grew silent.

Shoving through the crowd, Thomas arrived, eyes growing wide at the sight before him. "What happened?"


Hellooooo everyone,


Anywayy, I'll stop with the caps lock now.

As you have probably noticed, I have changed the way the titles look. I went back and edited all the chapters. Hope you like it!

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