Chapter 21

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Theo pushed my chair into the fireplace and flooed us to my house.

The living room had my dad, mum, aunt, and uncle. I figured Hermione went upstairs to my room. Bellatrix hugged me lightly and dad and Rufus just stared at me.

My aunt looked at me and the room went silent.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine," I replied.

She slapped me, hard.

"Then why the heck did we find out you were in the hospital this morning?! You were gone for two bloody days!" She shrieked.

Theo pushed her back.

"He just got out of the hospital! You can't just go slapping him around!" He yelled.

Rufus stood and pushed Theo.

"You do NOT lay your hands on my wife," he growled.

"Your wife my NOT lay her hands on my patient," Theo growled back.

Rufus drew his wand, Theo soon after. My parents and aunt just watched in amusement. I quickly dug in the bag for my wand.

"Cruci-" Rufus started before a familiar voice cut his off.

"Stupfey!" Hermione yelled.

I looked behind me to see she had my wand. Rufus stood frozen. Everyone looked shocked at Hermione. She dropped my wand and ran. I face palmed.

My aunt ran after her, yelling curses. Me, Mum, and Theo couldn't do anything because she was of "lesser blood."

We wanted to help but Theo was set on keeping me safe and we couldn't let others know we were traitors.

It took everything I had not to flinch when Hermione's screams echoed down the large halls. I could hear he begging for mercy between each curse, Bellatrix screaming curses and yelling about how Mudblood's have no right to use magic.

I heard many different kinds of curses. The cruciatus, sectumsempra, and many more.

After a bit she came back with a bright smile.

"Theodore, I suggest you take Draco to his room and keep the little brat from bleeding to death on the carpet," Bellatrix told him.

He nodded and used magic to get me upstairs. He rushed to my room and left me in the doorway. I instantly rolled my chair to the cupboard and started pulling out potions.

I waited for him to come in the room. I seemed really calm on the outside but on the inside, I was a wreak.

Hermione can't die. She won't die... she's fine.... Theo will heal her....

I tried to reassure myself over and over.

It was about ten minutes before Theo walked through the door. His body blocked me from seeing Hermione but blood was slowly dripping in a trail on the floor. My heart sank at the panicked look on his face. Theo never panicked.

As soon as he set Hermione on the bed my breath was caught. Her skin was white and she had streaks of blood all over. Her clothes drenched in blood and she was unconscious.

Theo grabbed the potions from my hands and got right to work. I stayed out of the way.


Theodore and Draco rushed upstairs. I really hoped Hermione would be okay.

"Cissy, perhaps you should make sure the Mudblood survives. Draco spent two grand on her. I would hate to see her die so easily," Bella stated. "She is a valuable Mudblood after all."

"Yes, of course," I replied, heading to Draco's room.

As soon as I made it up the stairs I spotted a blood trail leading to Draco's room. Feeling sick already I quickly ran to his room.

When I walked in it was a bloody mess. Draco was searching for potions and Theodore was frantically trying to heal Hermione. Blood covered the floor, bed, Theo and Hermione.

"Narcissa, there is a box of potions on the desk in my room. I need it now," Theodore said.

I didn't ask questions just apparated, grabbed the box, and returned it. He thanked me and pulled out tons of potions. Many he was making her drink and others stopped the bleeding.

I started muttering healing the counter curse to sectumsempra as he used more potions.

After a long, long time, we finished. Hermione lay bruised, pale, bloody, and unconscious. Draco had his face down on the bed and his hand entwined with hers.


Hermione's hand was cold. I didn't like how cold she was. Mum was trying to clean the blood from the place to no avail. She looked at Hermione and summoned a rag.

I watched as she started to wipe blood from Hermione's face, never releasing her hand.

"Do you... do you know when she will wake up?" I asked Theo with a strangled voice.

"There's no way to tell really... I've never seen someone hit with so many curses. Days? Weeks?" Theo replied. "She might be on a coma... that's a possibility..."

I could feel my heart sinking lower and lower by the second.

"Theodore, can you pick her up so I can get rid of these sheets?" Mum asked.

Theo hesitated.

"I... I don't think it would be a good idea...." he trailed off.

Mum sighed and started using multiple cleaning spells. After a bit the blood was out of the sheets. She did the same to the rug.

Me and Theo were silent as she summoned a bucket of water. She washed all the blood from Hermione's skin, being extra careful around the wounds.

When she finished, her arms, legs, and face were blood free. She then went to the cupboard and pulled out a pair of pajamas. She instantly changed Hermione's clothes with the flick of her wand.

"Better.... ish," she replied, looking at the clean room, then at Theo. "You should get yourself cleaned up," she told him.

Theo nodded but helped me lay on the bed first.

"You shouldn't sit like that all day, it might hurt your chest," he told me.

He apparated. Mum kissed mine and Hermione's heads before exiting the room, locking it on the way out.

I just sat there, and watched Hermione.

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