Chapter 1

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Amelia struggled to open the door to her apartment as the key kept sticking when she turned it. She let the key sit in the lock for a moment and took a step back to take a deep breath. This really wasn't her day. It seemed like every day since she'd been here wasn't her day. She left without her briefcase on her way to work and remembered right when she walked out to the street. After a couple minutes of shimmying the key, she finally managed to get the door open and saw her bag sitting on her counter. Amelia struggled over to get it and made her way back out to head to work, now she was late too. Great.

She walked out to her car and was immediately annoyed when she saw the countless cars piling up. She hated this traffic. She turned on the radio to try and get her mind off things as she forced her way in front of a red Toyota to get on the highway.

Thirty minutes late, Amelia finally found a parking spot and got out of her car to face the unbearable heat in her blazer.

"Dammit." She said to herself as she was blinded by the sun walking up to her building. You'd think being in contract sports law, Los Angeles would be the most exciting place for you. But, not for Amelia. All she wanted was to go back home to New York and feel a damn breeze.

"Morning Amelia!" Her coworker, and women who'd through time before Amelia's friend, said as she walked in.

"Hey Miya." Amelia greeted as she made her way to her desk.

"How was the drive in?" Miya asked, following her to her desk and leaning against the cubicle wall.

"Great as usual." Amelia replied sarcastically.

"Hey, well at least you made it." Miya shrugged.

"True." Amelia laughed slightly, as she began settling in.

"Oh perfect, Miya, Amelia!" Their boss Freddy exclaimed, walking over to the pair, "We got three tickets to the Clippers game tonight, if you wanna take someone else here there yours." He offered.

"Really?" Amelia asked, normally she wouldn't be so excited, but the Clippers were playing the Knicks tonight and she could really use a piece of home.

"Yeah." Freddy nodded, "Plus, I know you used to work with Carmelo back home, Amelia." He smiled. Amelia did used to work on Carmelo's contracts in New York, so she thought she'd be doing the same sort of stuff here when she got this 'promotion', but so far she'd gotten nothing to work with.

"Well I'm in if you are!" Miya smiled.

"Totally." Amelia nodded, "We can ask Bryan to go?" She suggested.

"That's what I was gonna ask too." Miya nodded, "I'll go see if he can!"

Amelia hadn't made too many friends in LA, but her, Miya and Bryan were sort of a trio.

"Alright, awesome." Freddy nodded, "Have a good time guys."


Amelia was meeting Bryan and Miya inside, and again she wasn't pleased to do so in the LA heat. Waiting to get into the Staples Center was one thing, but dealing with all the people unnecessarily pressing up against her was another. She finally made her way past security and ticket check and made her way to the right where they planned to meet up. Amelia was surprised to see that Freddy had gotten them courtside seats, where'd he get these from?

"Amelia!" Bryan called, getting her attention.

"Hey, sorry I'm late."

"It's cool." Miya nodded, "We still have some time, you guys wanna get anything?"

I Hate LA  // Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now