Chapter 22

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"Ah," Amelia let out in panic, "You know, like I love you, bro." She tried to play it off, as a wide grin just spread across Blake's face.

"Oh?" He laughed, "I mean I was gonna say I love you too, bro."

"Really?" Amelia asked, with surprise. She didn't mean to say it – it just slipped.

"You okay?" Blake asked, making a confused face, "Amelia, I knew I loved you a while ago." He admitted with a laugh.

She tried to hide her smile and took a deep breath, "I haven't told someone I've loved them in a long time." She revealed, as he grabbed her hand in hers, "I just, it came out."

"That's good." He chuckled, "You're not scaring me off, Washington." He assured, "I mean you're already leaving soon anyways, so..."

"Can we not talk about that right now?" She sighed, looking up at him from his shoulder as he gave her a slight nod.

"You're right." He agreed, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss.

"I know." She shrugged, earning an eyeroll from Blake.

"Am I rubbin off on you, or something?"


The next week and a half where just like this – perfect. Almost too perfect. It was like the two were in their own little bubble, completely ignoring the idea of Amelia leaving. Until the time finally came.

"Hey," Amelia whispered, as the two had fallen asleep at Blake's to some dumb movie that was on tv.

"Hmm?" He asked groggily, blinking a few times.

"I gotta go." She frowned.

"Nah, c'mon, stay." He insisted, closing his eyes again.

"Blake," She laughed, giving him a quizzical look, "I can't, you know that." She shook her head, getting up.

"What?" He yawned, sitting up.

"I have to finish packing." She shrugged, as tomorrow morning she would be leaving.

"No, you don't leave until..." He trailed off, looking at the date on his phone, "Fuck." He said suddenly getting up.

"Yeah." She half laughed as he approached her, "You can help me pack?" She offered, giving a cheeky grin.

"Seriously?" He groaned.

"Maybe I'll reward you for all your hard work." She shrugged, with a slight smirk.

"Let me get my shoes."


"This is it?" Blake asked, taking in the very few boxes around Amelia's apartment.

"Yeah," She shrugged, "What were you expecting? I don't have too much."

"Yeah, you have nothing." He corrected, earning a look, "Why didn't I notice this before?" He asked to himself, out loud.

"Okay," Amelia laughed, "C'mon just help me bring them downstairs, pleassse." She dragged out, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her chin on his chest.

"I don't know." He bit his lip, "Maybe if you can't take your stuff, you'll have to stay."

"But Blake," She fake pouted, giving puppy dog eyes, "I'm just one person, I need your help." She pleaded.

"Dammit." He shook his head, grabbing a box and heading for the exit.

"Thank you." Amelia smiled sweetly.

Before either one of them new it, all the boxes were packed away and ready to be sent out of here. Walking back up to her apartment, the two just saw a very sad looking, empty space.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." Blake let out, closing the door behind the two.

"I know," She frowned, resting her hands on the back of his neck, "I'm gonna miss you too."

"I get you, Washington, just for you to leave, huh?" He said, trying his best to make light of the situation.

"C'mon," Amelia bit her lip, "Can we not talk about that right now." She nodded, inching closer to him, "Maybe we can do something else?" She suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm," He let out, snaking his hands to her hips, "I can think of something." He smirked, suddenly pushing his lips into hers.


Dj, Miya and Blake all came with to take Amelia to the airport. And, Amelia couldn't help but notice at just how quiet Blake had been on the way over.

"I'm gonna miss you, so much." Miya breathed, holding her friend in a tight hug.

"I know, I'm gonna miss you too." Amelia smiled, "I'll call all the time."

"Good." Miya pulled away, a few tears in her eyes.

"Oh, don't cry you big baby!" Amelia teased, as Dj just put his hands-on Miya's shoulder.

"Shut up!" She defended with a laugh.

"We're gonna miss you around here, Washington." Dj smiled, pulling the much shorter women into a hug.

"Keep him in check, please." She insisted, pointing to Blake who had been awfully quiet the whole way here.

"I will." Dj laughed, going back to Miya.

"Hey," Amelia whispered, bringing her hands to Blake's chest, "C'mon, we're gonna see each other all the time." She assured, trying to get him to look at her.

"Will we?" Blake asked, realization setting in – maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. He kinda figured he'd be able to convince her to stay.

"Blake." She said, her eyebrows coming together. She didn't understand where this was coming from, he knew she had to leave.

"I'm just saying." He shrugged, looking up.

"Guys, c'mon!" Miya interjected, trying to lighten it up, "No fighting!"

"Why are you being like this?" She asked, taking a step away from him, "You knew I was gonna have to leave." She reminded.

"Yeah, well. Maybe I thought you wouldn't." He shrugged.

"You know I can't do that." She raised her eyebrows.

"Stay." He pleaded, finally looking into her eyes to see frustration.

"You're supposed to tell me to go." She shrugged, taking a deep breath, "You know I can't stay, Blake, don't make this harder than it already is."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, patting her on the back, heading for the exit – leaving her and Dj and Miya stunned.

"Are you being for real, right now?" Amelia called after him, anger and hurt swirling inside of her.

"Have a good flight!" 

I Hate LA  // Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now