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"Do you know if Ashton has told Autumn that I'm her mom yet?" I curiously asked Luke.

We're walking through Central Park going towards Ashton's place, which I feel kind of awkward about since things went down really weird between us the other day. I wasn't expecting the first time I would see him again to be so intense and to be in his house without him actually knowing I'm dating Luke. 

Especially after he confessed he still loves me after all this time he thought I was trying to stay from him and Autumn. I know for a fact that I don't love Ashton the way he supposedly loves me. A part of me will always love Ashton, but not in an affectionate romantic way. I don't think I ever could again. 

"I don't know, Ana" he sighs. "I'm pretty sure he'll tell her soon, don't worry babe," he assures me and kisses me on my temple. 

Once we arrive at the steps of Ashton's place, we could automatically hear the yelling coming from inside. Luke and I debated if it was alright to go inside or not, but we decided against it. We ended up just staying out on the cement steps for five minutes until we heard the front door open and Luke and I stood up. A girl, obviously Ashton's girlfriend, came out with 3 bags in her hands. 

"You," she points a finger at me, dropping her bags on the ground. 

"This is all your fault," oh god, I turned to look at Luke and he is just as in shock as I am. 

"Um, excuse me?" I hissed back, I took a step forward to show I wasn't afraid of what this b itch has in mind. 

Luke puts his arm in front of me to block me from going any closer. 

"You had to just come back into my boyfriends life and f uck it all up!" she yells as she tries to get in my face. 

"ASHTON!" Luke cries for back up. 

I literally have no damn clue of what is going on right now, but I am really not in the mood to deal with this psycho chick. 

Ashton made it out rather quickly and saw how Luke was struggling hold both Piper and I away from other. He wrapped his arms around Piper's torso, which made her get even more mad as she began to attempt to kick and hit her way out of Ashton's grip. 

"What the hell is going on?" Ashton screamed. 

"Your psychotic girlfriend is trying to f ucking fight me!" I try to explain, but Luke covers my mouth with his free hand. 

"Screw you! And to think I was telling Ashton that Autumn should know that you're her mom" she revealed "If I would have known you were to break up our relationship I would have never suggested it!" 

Did Ashton really break up with her because of me? If he did, I don't understand why he did, I thought I made it clear to him that I am with Luke and want to be with Luke. 

I wonder what Luke is think right now. I hope he doesn't think I am going to dump his as well so I can be with Ashton, because that is not going to happen. 

"Rebel is my mommy?" a serene little voice came out of nowhere and we all turn our attention to it. 

Autumn was standing in the doorway with her coat in hand. Ashton instantly let go of Piper and picked up Autumn and held her tightly in his arms. Tears started to form in my eyes. 

"Autumn, sweetie lets go back inside with Lexi," Ashton cooed. 

Autumn nodded without any argument. She stared at me with puzzled eyes as she was carried back inside. All I wanted to do was to chase after the both of them, but I knew it was not my place to do that. 

"I hope you guys are will be happy together," Piper said breaking the silence "Call me, Luke if she ends ups doing the same to you," she adds. 

"Are you done yet? I get it, I ruined your relationship" I cried, ripping Luke's arms off and me and running away from here. 

I don't even know where I am going, but I continue to run. I could hear Luke shouting my name over and over again to come back. As I got further away I didn't hear his voice anymore, he gave up on me and I don't blame him. 

I didn't even realise where I was until I ran out of breath. I took a look around to see where I was and I never thought I would be back in this very spot again, but I guess why legs knew where to take me; the Brooklyn bridge. 

It still even looks the same as I remember it a few years ago. I look down at the still water that a few sailboats are sailing across. I blinked a few times to realise what I am doing. I started to hyperventilate at the thought of how high up I am standing on this bridge. 

Maybe this was a sign to come back here after all this time. I ruined so many peoples lives, my father's who wants to keep his perfect reputation, leaving Ashton all alone, now I ruined his relationship with Piper, and Autumn. I haven't even known my daughter for too long and I already ruined her life by not being it after almost three years. 

Now Luke. I haven't ruined Luke yet, but one day I will. I love him so damn much, but I don't want to ruin his chances to have a good life with a girl who won't ruin him like I will. 

I read once that only twelve people have survived jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, maybe I'll be one of them. I stepped a but closer to the edge, feeling the cool Manhattan breeze on my skin, I can feel my heart beating rapidly almost like its going to pop out of my chest.

I closed my eyes and took one last deep breath. 

"Anastasia!" I heard my name being called from a voice I could recognise anywhere. 


Lots of things happened in this chapter...

I wonder who that could be... 

Comment who you think it could be. Please vote!!! 


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