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thank you taylorsparkes for reading and voting!! It really means a lot! I'll read your fanfics once I'm done with this update!

Luke's POV

Today Ashton wanted to spend some alone time with Piper, so Michael and I agreed that we would both take Autumn to Central Park, since she begged and begged for the past hour to take her there. I texted Anastasia to meet us there, but she hasn't responded yet.

Its a cold January Sunday afternoon, so there's not many people in the park. There were a couple groups of teenagers strolling around, and couple of families with their children. I look down at Autumn who is kicking the back of Michael's leg, who is too busy texting to even notice.

"Autumn knock it off," he groans playfully, not taking his eyes off his phone screen.

"Who ya texting Clifford?" I asked, lifting Autumn up into my arms.

"A-" Michael stopped himself from saying her name. "Rebel, is wondering where we are in the park," why is he texting her? They literally just met a few days ago and already exchange numbers.

Before I could question why he's texing my girlfriend, "Rebel is coming!" Autumn yells excitingly.

"Autumn I think your broke my ear," I say holding my hand over my ear, which made her giggle.

Michael and I sat down on a bench in silence while we watched Autumn play. There were a few other kids around her age playing with another, but Autumn didn't even bother to go play with them. I found it a bit odd that Autumn never plays with other kids. Ashton says she is shy, but there has to be something more than that.

"Hi guys," Anastasia greeted Michael and I, but kept her eyes on me.

Instead of taking a seat next to me on the bench, she made herself comfortable by sitting on my lap.

"Where's Autumn?" She asked moving her head around scanning the park.

I started wondering the same thing, shit, I haven't been keeping a good eye on her. I moved Anastasia off my lap, standing up trying to find Autumn.

"She's right there you idiots," Michael laughed pointing in her direction.

She's sitting on the edge on the slide looking down at her feet, looking miserable. Autumn normally didn't act like this at the park, the park is her favorite place to be. She usually would lying down looking up at the sky or running around in circles, even swinging.

"Tummy!" I yelled and she instantly jolted her head up, smiling once she saw Anastasia right next to me.

"Rebel!" She runs towards us almost falling over due to her huge purple coat she's wearing.

I look at Anastasia who has the biggest grin on her face. I don't know if I noticed before, but she has so many similarities as Autumn, they basically look like each other, except Autumn looks like a younger version of Ana.

Anastasia bends down and opens her arms for Autumn to run into.

"Hi Autumn," Ana said sweetly wrapping her arms around Autumn.

I find it weird how they only met a few times and they have this weird bond with each other. And from what I remember and understand Autumn isn't really social with people, especially new people. Well I guess I'm either, but Anastasia is different, I don't know how to explain it.

Ashton's POV

"Ash, what if she answers the door?" Piper asked nervously pulling my hand back, keeping us from going up her steps.

"She's not," I lied. I literally have no freaking idea if she's here or not. A part of me is praying that she is, but at the same time I just don't want to see her.

I knocked twice on the door, before someone answered.

Mr. Becker answered the door wide eyed seeing me on his door step.

"Ashton, may I ask why you are here?" He asked leaning on the door frame not even bothering to ask us to come in. Well I can see that he is still just as a prick.

"I- I don't know my girlfriend insisted we com-"

"Where is Anastasia?" Piper groan, obviously annoyed with this situation.

Tyler laughed shaking his head. "She left about an hour ago to meet her new boyfriend somewhere, I don't know," he paused raising an eyebrow. "Wait... Why do you ask?"

Really? She makes time with her boyfriend, but doesn't even bother to meet her daughter. She really isn't the girl I use to know.

"I think it's time for Autumn to meet her," Piper answers for me.

"No!" both me and Mr. Becker screamed.

"No?" I questioned him.

Who does he think he is? Anastasia is fucking 18 years old she can make her own decisions. I know and remember how controlling he use to be towards Ana and her mother, but she's grown up now he shouldn't have this much control anymore.

"Yes, no. She is doing just find with out her," he says blankly.

"Does this have to do with her mom?" He raised an eyebrow, curious to where I am going with this. "You know how much she supported Annie and I when she heard about our situtation, because you guys were once in the same place,"

He stand there speechless at my words. "That's what I thought, I'll see you again very soon when Anastasia is home," I added, taking Piper's hand in mine leaving.

Anastasia's POV

"You're really good with her," Michael said out of no where.

We're sitting at a Starbucks, waiting for Luke and Autumn to come and join us with our drinks.

"Thanks..." I mumbled, not really knowing how to reply to that.

"Annie, I'm serious," he said, putting his hand on top of mine, and continues. "I know that you've only been around her a few times, but babe, you're doing so well with her even though she has no idea who you really are," I nod, trying to cry. "You have to tell Autumn and Ashton eventually,"

I nod, whipping the tears from under my eyes. "I'll tell them on her third birthday, which is also As-"

"Ashton's birthday," Michael said worryingly, finishing my sentence. "Do you really think that's a good idea? We're in January now and their birthdays are July 7th. Annie, once Ashton finds out you've been 'Rebel' all this time, what if he doesn't allow you to even see her?"

"I honestly have no idea, we'll find out then," I sigh, smiling towards Luke and Autumn, who are bring our drinks.


UGH! Well I finally updated after like a month!! This chapter might be Sh*t because I kind of rushed it. And I'm sorry that its really short, I just really wanted to update something.

I'll be on a two week break starting on the 26th so I'll have better updates then! If you have any suggestions on what you want to happen in the next chapter or in future chapters let me know!

Thanks for reading, if anyone is reading lol

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