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Luke's POV

Early that morning

Crying. Every morning I awake to the same high pitching sobs of a two year old. I take the pillow that's underneath my head and shield my face and ears with it; trying my hardest to block it off.

After what seems like thirty minutes when it's only been five; I'm a bit of an exaggerator. I lazily rolled out of bed and head down stairs, only in my boxers, and not bothering to see what I look like.

"Daddy, I said I didn't want Cheerios," I hear Ashton's daughter say angry from kitchen and then hear a thump; which I assume is the bowl. For a two year old she has a quite big vocabulary.

"Dammit, Autumn we can't do this every morning," Asthon says trying to tame is anger. "Here's the nutella."

I am grateful for Ashton to take me in after my big move from California and letting me live in his townhouse.  I never asked him how he can afford this luxury place, but I chose not to ask questions. Especially the biggest question of who is Autumn's real mom.

Ashton has been dating this girl, I forgot her name, ever since Autumn was about two or so months. Anyways, Autumn thinks that Ashton's girlfriend is her mom which makes me feel so bad for the kid and Ashton; not so much the girl since I don't know her.  

The only knowledge that I know about his ex, are that she pays a great deed amount of money for child support, she lives in Manhattan, and that she is eighteen which makes her younger than Ash. What I don't understand is if she live in the same city as her child, why doesn't she have the to come and see her.

Ashton was about her age when Autumn was born, so she had to be about sixteen at the time. From what I can see, Ashton is a pretty good dad, I never doubted that he possibly couldn't do this. Me on the other hand I would never survive being a father, a single father let alone.

"Look who's up," Ashton points at me while he cleans up the milk and Cheerios off the white tiled floor.

"Lukey!" I smile at the sight of Autumn in her high chair, with her face covered in nutella while both of her hands were in the jar.

"Tummy!" I mock her little voice.

I bent down to attempt to help out Ashton with a red rag I grabbed off the counter. "No man I'm good. Lexi should be here soon, so you can go out and explore the city," he patts my shoulder with his clean hand.

"Just ring me if you need anything," I stand up, placing my hand on the counter to keep my balance. "Bye Autumn," I add.

"Bye-Bye!" She yells back.

I quickly through on a t-shirt (Nirvana), the usual black skinny jeans, and a pair of vans. The only shitty part of living on the East Coast is the weather; it's so fucking cold especially in December. If it wasn't for Ashton letting me borrow one of his coats, I would be freezing my ass off out there.

I stand in the middle of the concrete steps that are plastered in white, shivering. I peek my head out to the left and then to the right, wondering where I should go. I never been to Manhattan before so I don't know where anything is. 

I walked and walked, until my feet couldn't take it anymore. Each skyscraper looked the same to me so I have no idea which direction I'm heading in, nor how to get back to Ashton's place.

I came across a Panera Bread and jolted through the door to the warmth. I stand frozen taking in all the heat for my body to defrost blocking the entry way.

A minute or so I'm pushed to the side by a brunette girl with various amounts a bags in her petite hands. I roll my eyes, at the sight of a  typical rich spoiled New Yorker teen. She literally bumped into me and didn't say sorry, I know I'm not that invisible to the people, but there's something called manners.

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