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I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. It's strange to say, the only people I ever get calls or text from are either my dad, or my driver.

I groan and rolled over to my side and glance at the time 8:28, then unlock my phone.

"Rebellious, meet me at the European Cafe off of 46th at 9:30... Or something like that, well you lived here longer so you probably know your way around :-)"

I roll my eyes at the hideous yet disturbing smiley face that he chooses to put in every since text. I know exactly the place he was referring to, they have the most delicious crapes and coffee I've ever had.

After a quick shower, applying my makeup, and getting dressed (a sweater and leggings) I stumbled down the stairs seeing my dad in his usual morning spot. Less than a second later he noticed my presents and stood up with a white envelope in his hand.

"It's the first Friday of the month, drop it in the mail carrier," my dad said, rubbing the scruff under his chin.

I took the envelope from his, I hesitate from what I'm about to ask. "I want to-" but of course I was instantly cut off.

"Anastasia, no. I already know what you're going to say and the answer is no," he clarified.

"I'm eighteen though," I sighed. "I know you being the mayor and all could ruin your reputation, but dad I'm old enough now, no one is going to care." I state, biting the inside of my cheek keeping tears from spilling out of my eyes.

"No. End of discussion," he said and pushed right past me.

"Mom wouldn't have care!" I yelled back and he stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. He wasn't happy.

"Stop bring your mother into arguments and when you don't get your way," he says calmly. "I've tried, I have tried my hardest with you ever since she past and you go out and betray the trust I once had in you," he looked to the ground and shook his head. "I'll be home early tonight, we're going out to dinner with friends, and I don't want to hear anymore of this." I nod, and with that he was out the door.

Since I live on the side of Central Park where the cafe is, it didn't take nothing but a five minute walk. I placed the envelope in the mailbox, typing the address in my phone before sending it off. I'm not going to let his words get to me, I'm going to see them one way or another, I just need to figure out how first.

I made it just at 9:30 on the dot. I scan the restaurant over the crowd of people eating their food, and see Luke in the far back corner by the humongous glass window. He was sipping on coffee and scrolling through his phone as I approached him.

I sat down in the chair across from him and he still didn't acknowledged me. "Hello stranger," I laughed and he looked up smiling.

"Hi Anastasia," he said not taking his eyes off me, when he placed his phone in his side pocket, I assume.

I'm surprised how much Luke and I have in common. We talked about our favorite bands, movies, and scrolled through the music on each other phones. Where has the boy been all my life, I never met a single person who is into the same things as me, well except for him, but even then there were things we both had our opinions about.

Luke reminds me a lot of him in ways, wearing band shirts, black skinny jeans, and blonde hair, except Luke doesn't have messy curls.

"Where's your place?" I curiously ask, taking a bite of my nutella and banana crepes.

"I don't know the name of the street, but the townhouse is near here, Central Park area," he clears his throat taking an over size bite of French toast. "my friend is letting me stay with him there is no way I could afford New York." He laughs.

Love is Stupid • hemmings a.uWhere stories live. Discover now