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Anastasia POV

"Can we please go swimming now?" Luke whined, as he left soft kisses on my neck.

Luke has been nagging me for the past hour to go swimming, I never should of have mentioned that I have an indoor pool.

"Fine," I groaned pushing him off of me.

I walked into my closet, closing the door behind me. I grabbed a black bikini and changed into it. I looked at myself in the mirror that hung on the door. I looked down at my stomach, which is surprisingly flat for someone who had a baby; even after I had Autumn my stomach went straight to how it was before.

Once Luke heard the door open and saw me in my swim suit, he immediately stood up from the bed smirking.

"Wow, umm... Ready?" he said with his eyes on my boobs.

"Oh my god Luke, my eyes are up here," I roll my eyes, placing my finger under his chin to lift his face up.

We we got to the pool room, Luke took off his clothes(leaving his boxers on) and went straight to the diving board, driving in the pool. While I sat at the edge putting my feet in the water.

"Come on Annie jump in!" Luke yelled, shaking his hair out of his face.

"Did you just call me Annie?" I raise an eyebrow.

No one has ever ever called me Annie, beside Ashton, and Michael on certain occasions. It feels odd hearing someone else, rather than Ashton say it.

"Yeah? I heard Michael call you that and thought it sounded cute, now come on! Get in with me!" He groaned.

Now by my feet, Luke taked my hands in his and starts pulling me towards him. I finally give in and jump right into his arms.

"Its so cold!" I laughed, turning away from him.

"Its not that b-"

"What?" I asked, clearly confused of why he went silent.

"you have a tattoo," he whispers, I can already feel myself tearing up, but I'm trying to hold it back.

"Luke..." I sighed nervously, walking in his direction, but he takes a step back.

"Why does it say Autumn?" Luke glared.

I look down at the water and a tear drops from my eyes.

"Answer me Anastasia," Luke paused. "why?" I looked up at him and saw that he was also getting teary eyed.

I bit my lip, thinking of what to say. There is no point in hiding the fact that I am Autumn's mom, but I thought I could pull this off a little bit longer.

"Luke I'm-" he cut me off.

"No, you better not say what I think you're going to say," Luke hesitates, stepping out of the pool.

"Luke please!" I cry. "Don't go, please let me explain, you don't understand," I plead.

"I do understand actually, Ashton told me about you and how you just left him with a newborn. What kind of mother does that?" I shake my head, tears streaming dow my face.

" It wasn't my choice!" I yelled. " My dad is the one who I said I couldn't see Autumn because it would ruin his 'reputation'. That's why when he found out I was pregnant, he got me a tutor." Luke's eyes soften, before he could speak, I continued.

" He made Ashton think that I wanted nothing to do with them. When all I wanted was to be with my baby. Then almost three years later I meet you, and who knew how much that would change my life in just two months." I sob.

Luke reaches out for my hand to help me out of the pool. He pulls me into his arms, and hugs me tight.

I continue to cry, feeling terrible about everything. I should of just told Luke about me in the first place.

"My Rebel, I don't know what we are going to do," he whispers in my ear.

"We?" I ask in shock, does he still want to be with me?

"Yeah, how are we going to tell Ashton?" I detach myself from him.

"I was planning to on their birthdays,"

"Their birthdays!" Luke slightly yelled.

" I don't know!"

He runs his fingers through his hair, think of what to say.

"Okay, okay. We'll discuss this later, lets get back to swimming, or do you want to go watch a movie?" he asked, brushing my hair away from my face.

"Movie," I smiled.


"I still can't believe you're, Tummy's mom" Luke said, as we're laying in bed watching zombieland.

"It makes sense though, like I saw it when you came over. You guys look so much alike," he laughed.

"Yeah, I think she looks like Ash too though," she really does though, she has the same eyes and nose, I think.

" Why all A's?" Luke questioned.

" Ashton thought it would be cute, since both of our names start with A," I answer, playing with the hem of his shirt.

It was silent after that. I assume Luke fell asleep, so I decided not to talk anymore.

"Did you love him?" Luke whispered, after a few mintues of silence. "Or so you still love him?" he added.

"No," I said without hesitation. "love- love is stupid."

Luke laughs. "Well that's harsh, Rebel."

I sit up on the bed. Running my fingers through my knotted hair. I can feel his eyes on me, watching my every move.

"He always told me he loved me," I said looking at Luke, his face drops. "but I don't think I ever felt the same. Like, of course I loved him, but not like that, I always loved him as a friend."

Luke sits up, placing his hand on my lower back. "You don't have to explain to me, I understand what you mean."

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked, scared to find out if he has.

"Yes," he sighs. "well at least I thought I was." He adds.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. I wasn't sure if I like the fact that Luke was once in love.

He groaned, but not in an aggravated way, but not sure what to say way; if that makes sense.

"I'll tell you another time, okay? Let's just go to sleep."

We made ourselves comfortable on my bed, not bothering to turn off the TV.

I laid on Luke's bare chest. I could hear his breathing change, so I know that he is asleep. I fell my eyes start to water, and a tear hits his chest.

"I think I love you, Luke."


Ugh I hope this was okay. I kind of rushed the end, because I am currently watching the Vampire Diaries.

Please go check out my new fanfic! its a Niall Horan one!

I really promise this time that the next chapter will be longer!

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