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Anastasia's POV

I opened my eyes and looked over to the side and see Ashton standing about 20 feet away from me. I hesitantly took a step back looking back at the water, realising that I was about to jump off.

The next thing I knew Ashton's arms are wrapped around me so comforting. "Oh my god, Anastasia, what the hell are you thinking?" he choked, running his hand through my hair.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything to Ashton. I'm in complete shock that he is actually here at our, well what use to be our spot. I don't understand why he even came all the way here to me.

Why didn't he just tell Luke that I might be here? Why did he have to be the one to basically save me from almost... I cannot even say the word, but why did he need to save me? Is this a sign?

"Annie, breathe!" Ashton shouted, making me realise that I was hyperventilating.

"I almost... I almost-"

"Shhh, Annie, stop okay?" Ashton advised me, hugging me tighter than before.

I feel myself slowly calming down from just being in his arms. I can't deny that I miss this. I have missed this for the last 3 years being apart from Ashton. Maybe Ashton coming here was a sign that him and I are meant to be. I just can't see myself with him like I see myself with Luke.

"I''m sorry," I managed to choke out. 

He pulled away from me instantly, revealing the tears in his eyes.

"Anastasia, all that matters is that you are okay now," he assures me and places both of his hands on each side of my face.

I stare into his teary hazel eyes for a seconds before looking away from him, feeling absolutely terrible that I have caused him even more pain than I did before. I know now that hurting myself isn't going to solve anything, I know it will just hurt those around me more than it would myself.

When I glaze back at Ashton I notice that his eyes are fixed on my lips, just how he would use to do after we could get in an argument or if one of us was sad. Apart of me wants him to just kiss me so I can prove to myself that I don't have any sort of future with him, but at the same time I want to be faithful to Luke.

Once I noticed that Ashton was leaning in, I knew it was best to stop him from kissing me. "Can you please take me home?"

"Of course," he frowns and take my hand in his.


"Thank you for walking me home," I tell Ashton, as I am fiddling with my keys to unlock my door.

He nods, running his hand through his hair. I can't tell exactly what Ashton is thinking, but I can tell he wants to say something to me about what happened back at the bridge. As much as the both of us want to express the tension between us, we're smart enough to know that it isn't the right time.

"What is going on?" I hear my fathers angry voice say.

I turn and see him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. He must have just gotten home, since he is still in his suit and tie.

"Dad what are you doing home early?" I nervously ask.

He laughs and shakes his head at me, "Well when you're informed by your assistant that your daughter caught by paparazzi that it looks like she's about to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and then is saved by her ex-boyfriend, you have no choice but to leave your duty as mayor!" he yells, but not too loudly that neighbours could hear.

"Get inside, the both of you," he adds and walks into the house, expecting us to follow him.

I gave Ashton and apologetic look, but by his expression he doesn't look that surprise by this. When we were together this is what would have always happened when the media would see us together. We're just lucky that they never caught us with Autumn.

Yes, the media had their suspicions with Autumn, when Ashton was first seen with her. But then the media figured that it was his little sister or something and just left him alone after we were never seen together for a while.

Ashton and I took a seat on the couch in the living room- a few seats away from each other. I could feel Ashton's eyes on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him, so I kept my teary eyes on my father.

"Dad, Ashton had nothing to do with this," I explain "I found him and Au-"

"Anastasia, for once in your life shut the hell up," he shouted angrily, causing me to jump back.

"You don't have the right to talk to her like that! She's f ucking 18 years old!" Ashton fights back.

I turn my attention towards Ashton, and by his expression- he doesn't seem the least bit afraid of my dad. I placed my hand on his and he didn't even move at my touch, he still kept his eyes fixed on my dad's.

"You know what, you're right" my dad agreed.

Ashton looked at me and smiled at me to assure me that it was all going to be fine now.

"You're 18, Anastasia and that means you can leave this house immediately," my father said without any hesitation.

I let out a gasp. I cannot believe that he actually said that to me. "Dad-"

"Pack your stuff Anastasia! Leave," he yells and walks out of the room.

I stood up and followed him straight to his office "where the f uck am I suppose to go?" I screamed at him.

He rolls his eyes at me, clearly annoyed that I am still here "Don't worry, Ashton's house is completely paid off you can stay there, I'm not going to leave you homeless," at least he still cares about me, in his own way...

He then takes a seat in his chair, pulling out paper work from his brief case. After standing in front of him for a few minutes waiting for him to say something to me, he doesn't. I closed my eyes and let out a breath and decided to just give up and leave.

"Bye dad," I sighed and walked out.

He didn't even bother to say anything after that. A part of me wishes he at least said that he loves me or bye , and that I can back soon, but sadly those words didn't come out of his mouth.


"Welcome home," Ashton cheered as we both walked into his house with my luggage.

I smiled at him, knowing that he was just trying to make me feel welcomed and ease the mood from all that has been going on today.

All of a sudden I hear little steps coming down the stairs, "Daddy!"

I make my way out of the hallway, because I feel embarrassed to even face Autumn right now, especially after her mother figure left just hours ago. I feel so bad for all the pain I have caused in just in a matter of hours today. Hopefully everything will get better soon, when I decided where I want to go. I know if I leave it will be better for everyone.

"She's gone," I hear Ashton inform me as he walks into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I just can't face her right now I feel terrible," I honestly tell him, hoping that he understands.

He nods "Annie, she might not call you mom for a while, but she is still your daughter, who you will now be seeing everyday."

I place my hands on my face to cover my teary eyes. I lost count of how many times I have cried today and I don't want to show my swollen red face any longer.

I feel a pair of arms around my body, pulling me into their chest. This is what I needed all day, to be in Luke's arms again. "I love you," Luke whispers in my ear.

"I love you more," I cried into his chest.


tbh I don't know who she wants to be with...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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