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Hey this should be a short little speal but here it is!!! i hope u liked, this is new and i feel driven to this book for some reason but here this is. Hope u all like and please....



If you ever asked someone how they expected there life to actually turn out…they may say something like “perfect, duh!” or something like “I’ll grow up, marry, have kids, invest in our money and have a perfect life.”

You know I used to act like that. Say my life would be guaranteed perfect. Of course my dreams slipped. My life took a change for the worse, and I now find myself alone most of the time.

I glanced out the passenger window, seeing the constant blur of green and brown of the woods outside our passing car and the fields.

I looked away from the window to my left where my brother sat on the very far side of the car farthest from me, earphones in ears as he blasted some music and slept. Upfront my beautiful bottled blonde, blue eyed sister sat in the passenger seat, legs on the dashboard as she eyed the front windshield with speculating eyes. Last in the driver’s seat was my Aunt Margaret. My new guardian. Our new guardian.

It had only been a month since my parents had passed away from a car accident. A car accident I had been involved with.

I was in the backseat as my dad drove me and my mother from the ballet recite I had just performed in. My mother had a wide smile plastered on her perfect tanned skin, her brown eyes wide with laughter as she fidgeted with the music knob and my father joked about her horrible sense of music. I sat cosy in the back, gently playing with the lace trimming of my black lace dress I had worn for the production of “The Black Swan.” me, of course, being he black swan.

I had a passion for ballet and most things dance. I loved to feel free, strong on my two feet. Twirling and moving to the music. No matter what anyone thought I loved to dance, to have fun.

My mother finally settled on a music channel and sat back in her seat. Her eye drifted to the rear view mirror and met my own, she winked, and I laughed as my father still rambled and my mother shushed him.

“Good Lord John are you still complaining about my taste in music?” she tisked with a smirk.

I smiled at my mother’s teasing tone, and my father’s teasing glare at her as they gave each other loving looks and then my father focused his attention back on the road.

It was then, just as my dad began to drive through the intersection when a blur of white lights caught my eyes and I gasped before I felt the force of something hitting the car.

I felt the air leave my lungs with immense force and felt crushed.

I don’t remember much after that. Darkness, screams, the smell of smoke and the sobs of someone.

The next thing I remember after that was waking up in the hospital alone, lights shining brightly and an I.V in my hand. The second I opened my eyes I could remember my parents and myself in the car, the lights which I only figured were headlights, and when I looked down at my body I saw immense bruising, scratches and slight burns on my forearms.

My parents didn’t survive the wreck.

Yet the thing was I had.

After a while I the police came to interview me and I couldn’t give them much since I didn’t know a lot about the accident. They explained that are car had been hit by a drunk driver and that the driver had left the scene of the crime immediately after we were hit. It also seemed odd but the police mentioned that when they arrived at the scene of the crime I was laying on the pavement nearby the car, but safe, with scratches, burns and cuts. My parents perished in the car’s fire.

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