Chapter 14

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I'm here again my lovelies, a second upload this week for all of my followers!!! i'm like 168 on the mystery list and :( sadly only 908 on the werewolf list but whatevs, ur all great readers!!! anyways here's another chappy for u all hope u like!!!




“What’s wrong?” Ryce immediately asked, his gaze intent on me as he sat down beside me and seemed to protectively hover.

“Michael knows…somehow he knows about werewolves.” I murmured, my voice low and nervous. Ryce eyed my face before his expression seemed to dim.

“I don’t understand…how could he ever know.” Ryce mumbled confused. I stared at him as he seemed to contemplate and remembered the time when I had asked Michael to help me look over the book.

“He helped me…once…and he seemed then to know about your history but I caught him in the library reading some book in Latin…it was definitely old…almost like a journal.” I explained. Ryce stared at me in horror.

“A journal? Are you sure?” he asked, his voice tight. I nodded.

“What is it?” I asked, my voice restricted and tight as I took in Ryce’s attitude to the news I just told him.

“I think the journal he has may be the decent journal from my great, great, great grandfather. I mean I can’t b sure unless I have the journal…” he breathed, running his hand through his hair in a stressful manner. I stood up of the bed staring at him.

“I’ll get it.” I stated simply. Ryce’s head snapped over to look at me.

“No.” he breathed, his tone deadly as his eyes burned with pure anger. I knew he’d be against my decision.

“Tell me this, the contents in that journal, how serious are they?” I asked him, already knowing the answer. His eyes dipped, not looking at me as I noticed his hands fist at his sides.

“Important.” he breathed barely, the obviousness was directly in front of us.

“That’s what I thought. Don’t worry I’ll get the journal, but I may me need some help…” I explained as I realized that I would definitely need some help in this plan.

“I know who can help…” Ryce breathed, his eyes intent on me.

“Good…I’ll see you tomorrow and we can try the plan out.” I stated simply as I scooped my bag over my shoulder and walked around Ryce’s bed to him. 

He instinctively wrapped his arms around me as he tilted me ever so slightly so that I bared no weight on the balls of my feet but was leaning mostly on him.

Ryce’s face was only inches from my own and I could feel my mouth watering to taste him on the tip of my tongue. I could never get enough of his addictive taste. It was an odd mixture of peaches and pineapple.

“Can you promise me one thing?” Ryce whispered, his breath fanning across my face and again I smelt his addictive scent as I nodded unwillingly feeling my body practically giving itself over to him.

“Whatever happens, I don’t want you getting in the way if this all goes wrong. I don’t need you getting hurt or worse…” Ryce breathed, his expression pained at the thought of me getting hurt…or dieing.

I leaned closer to him so I could capture his lips against mine and Ryce’s arms tightened around myself as I felt all the pressure of his worries leak away from him. I broke our kiss and smiled at him reassuringly.

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