Chapter 3

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Hey guys chapter 3 already up in 3 days!!! i'm so proud of myself hahhaha lol anyways yeah im doing like a 5 day constant upload because this is the first week of semester 2 at my school so i never have any homework and i thought hell i mind as well get this up here now or never so yeah!!! here yall go with the chapter 3 and also a chapter 4 preview at the end!! hope yall like this may be a long chappy so YEAH!!!! please....



I awoke to the bright sunlight that shown through my window and the loud cry of birds outside.

I groaned as I rolled over and glanced at the clock on the bedside table that read six o’clock.

I had school today. The first day at a new school. To no surprise I’d be the loser, the weirdo, why? Because I was just the girl who lost her parents, a person nobody wanted to be near. And my siblings rarely paid any attention to me unless it was to inflict torture and mean words at me.

I sat up in bed, yawned and stretched my arms before I flung the blankets off of myself and headed for a shower.

There were fresh towels in the bathroom already so I stripped down and got into the hot running water, washing my hair and body before I got out, wrapped myself in the towels and padded bare foot into my bedroom and into my closet.

I looked through the clothes I had sorted there yesterday and chose a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with rips, a simple white lace top and a pair of gold gladiators. Nothing to pretty compared to my sisters dramatic wardrobe. The men were like fly’s to food for her. She was the pretty one.

I dressed, before I dried my hair and it fell into there long straight black locks before I parted it down the middle and it fell perfectly flat. I applied some mascara to allow my already dramatic lashes to extend and grabbed my phone, not that I needed it since nobody texted me but…, and my brown messenger bag along with the brown leather jacket I slipped on and hurried downstairs.

I got to the kitchen where Jacob already was in blue jeans, a simple blue pullover and his dishevelled hair as he ate eggs and bacon.

Liz sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen wearing her white short shorts with thigh rips, her long tan legs visible, and also wore a very see through black lace top, similar to my own but mine was made from wool and her’s was actual lace. She glanced my way, her long blonde curls bounced as she eyed me, with her blue eyes enhanced with eye liner and mascara, in disgust.

“Good morning!” welcomed my Aunt as I walked in, she cooked at the stove and I smiled weakly as I leaned against the doorway to the kitchen.

“Would you like some breakfast?” asked my aunt as she eyed me.

I shook my head, “No thank you, I was actually just going to grab a coffee from town before I head to school.” I explained and my aunt nodded.

My sister glanced at me sceptically.

“Want to get me one?” she asked.

I gave her a glance, was she for real? She never asked me to get her anything, it was as if I was going to poison her drink or something.

“Uhm sure…Jacob?” I asked warily.

He shook his head “no”, mouth full and I nodded before leaving the kitchen and heading to the front of the house out the door and to the garage.

With the money my parents left behind we were all able to get our own cars. Something we thought was necessary and also worth the money we got, plus there was still lot’s left over.

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