Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to ANY ONE WHO READS THIS! ;)

Hey guys!!! i'll keep this simple and sweet. If you commented or voted on the last chapter i thank you so much, i appreciate any support!! so thank you. And i've mentioned that i'd like to keep up with my updates so please keep up with them okay? thanks guys, you all gave me inspiration to right this!! thanks all so much and dont forget to!!!



I decided to take a nap, my heart ached and my heart yearned once again for the my parents.

I wished things could just be the way they used to.

Simple, sane, and friendly.

Now I was nothing but my sister and brother’s abused toy that they could tease, and slowly rip apart.

I gently laid on my bed and laid my head back onto the pillow as I closed my eyes and the flashes of the screams, the smell of smoke and the darkness lurked before my eyes.

I opened them, feeling the tears as they came to my eyes, and wiped them away gently when they fell.

This happened often, the nightmares were worse though. Those lurking memories of what I could remember always seemed to be on the edge of my mind, waiting for my eyes to close so it could torment me, tease me because I was the reason my parents were dead.

I would never forget the time when my sister and brother accused me of my parents death.

I had been in the hospital for a week and was finally being let out.

I sat on the edge of the bed as my sister passed the room, her hair knotted in a bun and she looked sick. She gave me glares as she ranted and my brother joined her as he sat in the chair of the corner in the room, arms crossed tightly.

“If you just didn’t go to that stupid recital they’d be here! They would be here! Not dead, here! Alive! God damn Alex this is all your fault! You’re the reason there dead!” argued Liz as she shot me a glare and I cringed, feeling the tears come to my eyes.

“Maybe if you didn’t need to take those damn ballet lesson because of your fat butt they’d still be alive!” my brother said which caused my heart to ache and a tear to slide down my cheek.

“You can cry Alex, pity you, but guess what, were all parent less we have no mommy or daddy now, and you can’t cry to me because guess what? I have no parents either, remember that Alex? You didn’t just strip me of parents, you stripped us all!” she screamed as she grabbed her hair with her two hands and tugged.

She looked as if she was going crazy and I sobbed as I felt myself give in to there words. I killed mom and dad, I was the reason, if I had never taken those stupid lessons they would be alive….all my fault.

I winced to think of those memories. I felt like a failure to everyone, like the reasoning behind my parents death. I wish I could argue against my siblings but in the back of my mind I wondered if I truly was the reason behind there death…if I caused it…and better yet, why I lived?

“Hey loser, aunt Margaret wants you down for dinner!” hollered a voice that I new as Jacob’s and I sat up, wiping the tears away before I hurried down the stairs and down the hallways, going downstairs and began my search to the dining room.

I rushed into the dining room, tieing my hair into a ponytail as Jacob and Liz shot me glares, so I passed there seats and sat opposite them at the wide, twenty seating dining room table, which I thought was pretty extravagant, before we all began to eat and talk.

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