Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Nic ( My Inspiration)

Hey guys!!! sorry this took a while to upload but i was trying to get ahead in writing and im currently writing chapter 8 soo YEAH ME!!! lol and also i've been trying to decide where i'm taking this etc. etc. but anyways i believe u may all want to get to the book so u shall!!! lol and also the picture on the side is my new cover!!!! hope u like it!!! comment vote etc.!!



I awoke to the bright sunlight shining in through my window once again.

I groaned and rolled over in my bed, pulling the pillow over my head.

I was exhausted from the constant tossing and turning during the night. The howls of wolves and frequent drift of wind that also howled through the night caused me to sleep with my eyes open.

I sat up in bed and glanced at the clock. It was six. I had an hour and a half to get ready.

I got up and through my blanket down onto my bed as I walked over to the window and glanced outside, the bright sunlight breaking through the tree’s of the forest causing shadows along the edges to appear.

It was all so beautiful.

I would’ve liked to take a run but It seemed to late, since I needed a shwoer, dry my hair, get dressed and also eat.

I rushed into a shower, hurrying washing myself in the warm water that sprayed down on me, relaxing my stiff muscles from lack of sleep and awoke the tiredness from my eyes. I rinsed the soap from my hair before I hurried out, towel drying as I rushed out of my bedroom only to slam into someone.

“Ouch! What the h-” I began until I glanced up to meet my brother’s eyes.

“Oh my god- ugh EW! God damn Alex! Why are you only in a towel!” exclaimed my brother as he turned in a haste and I felt a warm blush cover my cheeks as I also turned, hugging the towel around my body closer.

“I’m in a towel because I just got out of a shower, In. MY. Bedroom I must say. So what are you uhm…doing in here?” I asked the sarcastic gestures slightly fading as I realized how much damage my brother actually could do to me.

He glanced my way with a dirty look, “I came to ask if I could borrow your phone charger?” he muttered annoyed.

“It’s downstairs by the couch…” I mumbled as I heard the slight anger and frustration in my brother’s voice.

He mumbled, “Thanks.” and hurried out leaving me to feel lonely and still embarrassed.

I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of black skinnies pulling them on over my underwear and slipped on a lace bra before I grabbed a simple white v-neck top with a pocket on the left breast.

I dried my hair into it’s normal straightness and applied my usual eye liner and mascara before I slipped on my ankle booties and brown leather jacket.

I hurried downstairs in a haste to come to a halt in the kitchen where my sister sat, leg’s crossed eating. Today she wore white jeans with a tummy revealing shirt and had her hair tied into a high pony. She wore her usual makeup, while my brother wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

I glanced at my brother who gave me a look of disgust, while my sister just stared.

I felt as if I was being eye raped from there stares and the stares I got yesterday. Did I have something permanent on my face? Smudged makeup? Anything?

My aunt and uncle were still gone at the hospital so I grabbed some orange juice from the fridge and a bowl of cereal, sitting across from Liz who gave me an awkward stare.

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