Chapter 11

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HEY GUYSSS!!! omg i was surprised i got votes right away and people acutally said they missed the story. I mean u guys actually remembered it? lol just kidding! anyways since i still feel sooooo bad im posting another chappy for u and this chapter has alot to do with the novel!!! there's secrets revealed in this and notice the little hints characters give off in this chapter!!! lol and....



I awoke feeling groggy and like crap.

When I glanced around my room I noticed that it still stood in it’s state that I had left it in only a day ago.

I got up and didn’t bother to take a shower as I threw my hair into a pony and dressed in some simple black leggings and a knit sweater with one shoulder off.

I covered my red blotchy eyes with coverup before I slipped a pair of brown riding boots on and grabbed my cell as I hurried downstairs to kitchen.

You need to go to school , I told myself as I walked down the hall to the kitchen.

I have to, I’ve missed far to much already and there going to start second guessing my judgement of being there, I’m not making a good impression .You. Need. To. Go, I kept repeating.

I walked into the kitchen and almost dropped my cell phone I had in my hand as I saw Jacob and Liz in the kitchen, opposite sides of the room doing nothing but staring into space dimly.

When I walked in there heads snapped to me, and I finally noticed the dark bruises under there eyes, the kind you would only get from lack of sleep.

“Hey…” I murmured as I walked to the fridge unexpectedly and felt there eyes follow me.

“Hi…” muttered Liz as she glared down at the floor looking frustrated.

Jacob watched me warily, “where were you yesterday?” he asked.

I glanced at him as I opened a water bottle from the fridge and took a sip of the cold water that cooled my burning thirst.

“I was with a friend…slept over till late last night….why do you ask?” I wondered confused by his sudden attention to my overall being.

He just shook his head and muttered, “whatever, never mind.” and looked away as he took out his phone and began texting.

I left the kitchen feeling confused, but better yet still hurt.

I knew Ryce was now officially going to be in a cold mood. I didn’t reject him though, yet he took it as if I had. I figured it was because most mates were always together no matter what, there was never a guessing game like we had.

I already felt like my life was messed up, and this had just doubled the drama.

I couldn’t bare to think that there were were wolves, mystical creatures in folk tales, that lived in our town let alone that one of them, the head alpha, was my mate.

I left the house in a hurry and got to school with almost forty minutes to spare.

I went and sat on the bench by the trees and rested my head on my forearm as I thought.

Ryce was my mate, my other half and we belonged together. I felt the tension and the desire between us physically and emotionally but it felt like a declaration to myself if I said yes. A declaration to be out of the norm, not that I ever was a normal teenager but this, this was far beyond normal.

“Alex? What are you doing here so early?” asked a voice behind me.

I turned to see Hailey wearing a knit dress with tights and a pair of moccasins, her hair tied into a high bun and her makeup simple with gloss and mascara.

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