Chapter 16

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YES!!! u can beat me and hit me and everytrhing u want im completely alright with that because i know i am a horrible person for not updating in so horrible lol but here is an upload that im hoping u guys will all like and cherish!! I tried hard to include various aspects into this so please try to catch those and yeah....hope u like my lovelies!! hugs and hearts! ;)



I could'nt seem to keep my thoughts coherent as i tried to listen to my teachers speaking but caught barely anything. My mind seemed off in some other place as i kept rethinking over the plan. How could we get away with the plan? and better yet how could i make this good for ryce? and yet also good for the pack? my future pack...

I shuddered at the thoughts, ryce's words flitting through my head. How could i become a luna? someone so powerful and perfect...i was nothing near any of those things and i fell way below the scale of perfection and royalty, so why had i been chosen to be Ryce's mate? it befounded me...i never had an answer.

"Alex? Hello earth to Alex?" called an unfamiliar tone. I snapped my eyes away from the trees outside i had been staring at and glanced around to see that my entire science class was gone and only a random girl i never spoke to in my class was staring at me oddly, books in her arms as she stood by the door to leave.

"Oh, uhm, hey sorry, thanks for taking me out of my dream world!" i joked as i picked my things up and she nodded at me, a glint of curiosity flashed in her eyes before she strutted out of the class and i let out a sigh of relief the second the stranger girl had left. 

I was so tied up in my own little world that i could barely concentrate on anything around me. I needed some serious mental help.

I hurried out of my class into the already settled halls. The lunch bell had obviously rang a while ago but i was far to slow and out of it to realize that the bell had run to begin with.

I hurried to my locker, my hall dead quiet, and i twisted my lock in the various directions as i tugged my locker open and sighed at the chaos inside it. I had'nt payed much attention until now in how much i had destroyed the contents within my locker. I had no time to actually put my organizing skills into my everyday life...not with the drama that had swiftly surrounded my life the second i had came to this town, my entire life had flipped.

I sighed heavily as i set my books down in my locker, figuring i would get the time sooner or later to clean the mess i had made up, and shut my locker door quickly before something swiftly grabbed me around my waist and twisted me, my back slamming against the front of my locker as i gasped loudly and my head smashed against the back of my locker.

I sucked in air through my lips that i had bitten my lips down on in pure pain. I flinched away from the unknown person i knew was standing in front of me, my instincts telling me to scream or run but i knew that i was far to weak to be able to push the person off, no matter who it was.

I opened my eyes and came face to face with the one person i had once considered a friend.


Immedietly my mind seemed to fuzz at the anger that coursed through me. Was this guy serious? he wanted to come to my locker and whip me around like a rag doll? obviously he had no intentions on being smooth and flawless, did'nt he realize that Ryce would just come after him?

I bit my lip tightly as i glared at Michael, my body still aching from the powerful contact my body had made to the locker and my head was poudning, a slight throb building in my skull as i tried to concentrate all my attention onto the one person in front of me.

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