Chapter 8

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AHHHHH omg guys so i got a BIG hit on the last chappy and i cant keep my readers waiting, right? lol sooooo heres chapter eight and a teaser for chapter nine and i love ur comments so just tell me whatcha think? k? lol pleae vote etc. and yeah!!! hope u like...this is going to so many places!!!!

comment/vote/fan/like etc.!!!!


It clicked…like puzzle pieces that suddenly formed together a million things seemed to fly into my memories and within a second, I had the answer.

“You’re a were wolf…” I whispered in horror, my eyes wide in shock, my breathing raged and my blood cold as ice.


I was still, to still, rigid in his arms as everything clicked and I wanted to move, to run, to get away from him, the thing, but something held me in place. Something in the back of my head soothed me, tried to calm me and told me to relax…to breath…to trust him.

“Please Alex don’t freak! You are right, and I swear I’ll explain, but please don’t freak out!” pleaded Ryce concern lacing his voice and also was soul deep within his green eyes.

His hair fell flat, dripping wet, from the pouring rain around us, his warm arms wrapped around me reassuringly and his breath, sweet with a hint of mint mixed with my own and gently caressed my face as his pleading eyes burned into my chocolate one’s.

“Please?” he begged, his arms tightening slightly as he inched closer.

I nodded, no words able to escape my dry, cold mouth that felt lifeless.

I couldn’t feel my body, my limbs or anything else by that matter.

I was shocked by my realization.

Ryce Hendrick’s was a were wolf. A fricken god damn were wolf. A. WEREWOLF! How the hell could I deal with this? How was I supposed to get over the fact that I fricken needed to trust him? A huge canine beast under the bright full moon and the hottest guy at school? How could I see him as Ryce a human when all I could imagine was a huge grey wolf, canine’s bared with drool covering them, a hasteful look of anger and determination to kill me. The image haunted me behind open eyes.

“Do you want to go home? I can drive you home…” offered Ryce, his eyes pleading.

I then realized that I was cold, not cold but freezing to death. My body shook, soaking wet in my clothes and I nodded since my chattering teeth made it hard for any words to escape.

I wrapped my arms around my body and Ryce let go off me only to strip off his grey hoodie and handed it over to me.

I didn’t complain as I took it with a grim expression and slipped it on, the size ten times t large but it was a warm, snug and it smelt wonderful, just like Ryce.

I gasped when I went from standing straight to tilted and I realized Ryce had scooped me up in his arms bridle style and was carrying me around to the passenger side of my car.

I didn’t complain as I latched my arms around his neck until he opened the door and set me in the car, reaching across me, his body heat close driving me slightly insane for some weird reason and put my seatbelt on.

I sighed when he shut my door and his body warmth left slight traces of heat across my body where he had brushed his hand or arm causing my heartbeat to race quicker.

He got into the driver’s seat and started the car up, without words we drove away from the parking lot, leaving his truck behind and drove past the forested area in silence.

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