Chapter 17

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oooohh lala another upload so soon? yeah im awesome like that, you know id love u to just click the vote button because you know im soooo awesome ;) just kidding well about the awesome part not about voting, i love ur votes and ur comments and whatnot btw so just keep sending them this way and you'll make a lucky girl happy ;)



Ryce's POV

I glanced across the room at Alex, her form layed softly on my bed, her hair sprawled around her face and body as her eyes were gently closed and her body seemed at peace.

My hands clenched into fists as the image of my beautiful mate being choked to death by Michael. Her skin had turned a harsh purple colour and her lips were blue from loss of air. Her body was limp and her eyes were closed as she was held against the locker from Ryce's tight grip.

My anger had become out of this world as i smashed michael away from Alex and quickly caught her falling figure, i had called the guys through our link and made them take Michael away, he was to be taken to our pack cellar and kept there till i dealt with him, but at the time all i needed to do was help Alex.

I rushed her from school to the pack house and immedietly had Lucas Zein, our pack doctor, look after her and make sure she was alright.

He concluded that her airways had been smashed together at the time, but luckily she had managed to get some oxygen through her system the second Michael let go or else she could be dead from lack of oxygen.

It killed me, my very soul felt like it was being ripped from my body and my anger was beyond anything i had felt before. I wanted to shred Michael into tiny pieces and hold Alex so close to me, i never wanted to let her go.

I glanced back over at Alex's sleeping form and my perfect eyesight caught the slight movement of her hand that seemed to latch onto the sheets beneath her body. Her face was still calm with serenity but her body seemed out of order as her hand gripped the bed.

I was ontop of the bed within seconds and gently reached towards her, swiping my hand against her delicate cheek and grabbing at her clenched hand. Immedietly her body seemed to relax but i noticed the slight dimple that formed between her two brows from concentration.

Within a second her eyes flashed open and looked into mine, a million different emotions flitting through her eyes, before she shut them tightly and gripped the bed beneath her. Her body seemed to push away from me, her face strangled in fear and horror as whimpers escaped her lips.

I calmly soothed her, gently pushing her hair back from her face as i cooed to her, and her writhers stopped quickly again as she lay underneath me, her face calm but her eyes still shut tightly. she took a slight gasp between her lips before her eyes flashed open and met mine again, the perfect brown spheres made my heart ache and i noticed the brusing along her neck where two hands had gripped her very life almost to death.

Her lips moved slowly as her words came out determined.

"Tell me...." she breathed her eyes focused intently on me, "Tell me everything."

Her words seemed to dance around me, the meaning made me freeze and i felt pure confusion and anger flash through me as well as knowledge. Alex knew much more was going on then just what i had told her. Fear immedietly seemed to smother me as i glanced down at her confident eyes and my voice seemed so far away from me as i tried to form words.

"What? What do you know?" i breathed huskily as i tried to form a proper sentence.

She eyed me, her emotions flickering quickly between many, before she glanced away from me and seemed to think, her brows furrowing as she seemed dazed in our little world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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