Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to TO EVERYONE

AHHHHH OMG i know ur all going to hate me, scream at me even. It's been 3 months since i've uploaded this and believe me when i say i've actually just been in the mood to sit back and think, how can i take this book farther? i've gotten so confused on how and where i would take this novel. It kept getting great hits, but i wanted to amp the tension. And i think i may have a trick up my sleeve. I want to add a twist into this novel, more like a million twists but it's all good. anyways i love u all, i hope u all read this, and i know u guys will be angry that i have'nt uploaded in so long. Punish me, i deserve it! ;)

Hope u like and please....



I felt like I was floating in the darkness…well I knew I was really.

Everything around me felt warm, not to hot, but just a decent temperature and I felt comforted by something odd, something warm and soft that surrounded me and smelt wonderful.

I could hear something crackling in the background and the smell of spices mixed with vanilla was intoxicating to my nostrils as I inhaled.

I was awake.

I opened my eyes and looked around.

I was definetly not home.

I lay on a bed, in the middle of a wide room with very high ceilings and chandeliers hung above. The walls were a mixture of brown and gold and there were windows that towered above normal feet with long drapery. There was a fire that was lit and burning nearby and I was tucked gently into the bed with a few blankets. The room was extravagant with a desk off to the side and the windows were so grand, at least sixteen feet high.

But where the hell was I?

“your at my pack house…I had to take you here…I didn’t know what was wrong…” murmured a voice behind me.

I turned my head to see Ryce sitting in a black chair, his feet propped up and his hands behind his head as he wore a worried expression.

I felt the sudden pressure enter my mouth and brain…Ryce was my…my mate.

How? How could we be mates? There was no way, it couldn’t be? Ryce was just…he wasn’t for me was he? I wasn’t a were wolf…I knew that for a fact.

“What exactly is wrong with me?” I asked confused as I sat up and turned to face him.

He smirked, got up and slowly walked over to me, decreasing the tension between our bodies and increasing the warmth.

“Nothing really…you passed out from panic…a panic attack…” he explained with a slight smirk as he came to sit beside me on the bed and eyed me warily.

“Are you alright?” he asked curiously and sympathetically, his eyes grazing over my faze with care…he cared….

I sighed as I looked away.

“No…I’m not…I’m freaking out…” I whispered as I took a shuddery breath and brought my knees close to my chest, hugging them tightly.

“I understand…I completely understand If you need time and whatnot…but I will repeat myself when I saw we. Are. Mates. And no matter what meant to be together. You may not feel it as strong as I do, but we are connected, made for each other.” he whispered with faith.

I inhaled again almost choking as I felt my eyes tear up.

Meant to be together? Were we in some type of frricken romance novel? I wasn’t supposed to believe that bull crap was I?…so why did I feel it? The fluttering in my chest? The warmth around my body created by him…he was the reason for it all.

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