[3] I'm sorry

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I woke up to see that there was a foreign blanket over me as I slept by the foot of my bed. Confused, I sat up and went to the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth.

Wasn't my door locked? I remember locking it yesterday. I'm so confused. I went down to the kitchen. "Good M-" I cut myself off as I see the boys inside the kitchen instead of my parents. "What are all of you doing here?" I asked, glaring at them. "Well, your parents were still asleep so we decided to help out and cook." One of them says. Man, I guess I've really forgotten all their names. I walk out of the house and to the mailbox where I collect the mail. "Look who's up early!" The newspaper man says, smiling at me. "Catch." He says, gently throwing the paper to me. I catch it and thank him, waving as he cycles away. "Oh hey." One of the boys say. I see him carrying a plastic bag. "Oh. You've probably forgotten all our names. I'm Mark and this is Yugyeom." He says, giving me a smile. "Oh.. You're the guy.. Uhm. Okay." I say, walking away as I went back into the house, placing the mail on the coffee table.

"Emily! Come eat." Mom calls from the kitchen. I step in to hear their laughter as the boys share their stories. I sat in the seat at the edge of the table, on the other side of my Dad. I refuse to sit next to Jackson. If he thinks this is going to make up for all the times he's missed out, man is he dead wrong.

I quietly eat my food, not bothering to include myself in the conversation. I look up to see that my empty cup was being filled with milk. I see Mark filling it up. I raised an eyebrow at him. "You have your cup right there." I pointed out, confused. "It's for you idiot." Dad whispers. "What for?" I asked, still confused. Dad literally face palms. I shrug and continue eating.

After the meal, I quietly stood up and went to my room, hoping I wasn't noticed. I went to my room and grabbed the things I needed to shower. I went to the bathroom and hurried, wanting to be out of the house as soon as possible. I changed into black jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves folded. I tie my hair into a ponytail and hang my towel in my room. I spray on some deodorant, and grab my phone and bag.

"Mom. Dad. I'll be back for dinner." I say, taking out my phone and earpiece. "Oh! Let your brother walk you to the bus stop." Mom says, shooing away Jackson. "Uhm.. N-" "Emily." She says, in a strict tone. I groaned, walking over to the shoes as I put on my black vans.

I text the girls.

Group Chat :
Me : Jessica. Tell me you're at the bus stop please.

Eun-chae : Since when does Jessica actually turn up on time?

Yumi : She's probably rushing out of the house.

Me : Damn it.

"Your brother asked me to walk you instead." Mark says. I awkwardly nod, leaving the house without another word. "So.. Where are you off to?" He asks. "Dance." I answer, sticking one side of my earpiece into my ear. "Oh. I didn't know that you've started dancing. How are the classes?" He asks. "They're manageable." I say as we start walking towards the bus stop. "Can I ask you something?" I say, looking at him. I'm determined to get answers out of this boy.

"Sure." He says. Good answer. "Why did I like you?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "No idea either. Oh and by the way, the boys and I didn't mean for our banter to be bullying and insults. We were just so used to being boys. We forgot you were.. a girl." He explains while he answered my questions. "Uhm.. Okay." I say, as I sat down at the bus stop. "You've grown up beautifully Emily." Mark says before walking away as my bus arrives.

I looked at him weirdly before boarding the bus, sitting down and listening to music as it drives off.

"Alright. Thank you guys so much. You are dismissed." We thanked the teacher and gathered our stuff. "I'm going home for dinner. Just enjoy yourselves." I say as we walk out of the studio. "B-" A honk interrupts Yeo-jin. "Hey, I'm here to pick you up." Jackson says. I look over to the drivers seat to see another one of the guys. I groan. "Bye guys." The girls hug me before leaving me to the boys.

I slide open the door and sit down once I get in, shutting the door. I didn't intend to have a conversation with the two of them so I immediately went to my music. I tapped and shook my leg according to the beat. "Hey. Your bag is sort of digging into my ribs." I look over to my side in shock, seeing the other boys. I let out a scream. "How did you get in here?" I asked. "We were here the entire time." The boys answers, desperately pointing at my bag. I put it on my lap, apologising. "I'm Jr. That's JB. This is BamBam. That's Youngjae. He's Yugyeom and you already know Mark." He says, introducing the boys.

I quietly listened to my music again.

They had conversations about the weirdest things. I noticed that their banter was more playful compared to last time. Maybe what Mark said was true?

"Hey. We're here." Jb says. I look up and see that we were parked in front of the house.

I grabbed my bag and got out of the van, heading towards the door where I unlocked the door, kicking off my shoes as I quickly went to my room and changed into fresh clothes. I threw my used clothes into the laundry bin and put my bag away. "Ah!" Someone shouts from behind me. I scream and grab the nearest thing to me, pointing it to whoever was behind me. It was one of Jackson's fencing equipment. "That would've ended badly." Dad says, taking it from me. "Why'd you scare me?" I asked as I let out a yawn. "Food time." He tells me. "Piggyback." I request, moving my arms around. He squats down and I jump on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck as I closed my eyes, using the opportunity to take a short nap.

"I'm dropping you." Which he actually does. I fall to the ground, letting out a painful yelp. I glare at him before going to my Mom. "Hey Ma. What are you cooking?" I asked, peeking over her shoulder. "I'm cooking some pho." She answers as she throws in the vegetables. I thank her before running off the couch where I wrapped myself in a blanket and used one of the couch pillows to support my head, taking advantage of the moment to take a nap.

"Em. Wake up." I hear someone say. I start to move my arms around, trying to get them away. "Yah. If you hit my junk I'll actually throw you into the pool." The voice belongs to Jackson. "Is there food?" I mumbled. "Yeah. It's 11pm. The boys and I ate with Mom and Dad. They wanted for you to rest." I immediately stood up, going over to the kitchen to see my Mom cleaning up. "Sorry I didn't wake up earlier Mom. I'm really tired." I say, giving her a hug. "Mom. Leave it, I'll help do the cleaning." My Mon smiles and nods, going off the bed. I take a bowl of pho and quickly eat it while I call the girls.

"Tell me why I'm being called." Jessica mumbles. "I'm eating pho alone." I say, as I take another scoop. "How tragic. I just got my sleep disrupted." Jang-mi says, groaning as she sits up. "You guys look like you went through natural disasters." Yumi says, laughing. "Honey, look in the mirror." Jina says, laughing at Yumi's state. I laugh, seeing how Yumi had her eyeliner and mascara still on, smudged. "Take off your makeup before you sleep." I remind, laughing as she screams a "Thanks Sherlock." "Hey guys. I have an idea." Eun-chae says. We all wait for her to speak. "Let's bring the boys for a barbecue." My eyes widen. The girls were totally up for it. "Deal. As long as all I have to do is cook." I say, smirking at them.

"Deal. Who tells them?" Jessica says. "Not it." I say. "Not it!" "Nope! "No!" "Not!" "Not it!" "Damn it." Jina says with a groan. "Good luck." I say as I hang up. I quickly wash up the dishes and put them on the drying rack. I bring my phone up with me as I brush my teeth and jump into bed, letting the night take over me.

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