[7] Guess Who's Back?

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"I'm coming over now. You're not stopping me." I see Jina putting on regular shoes instead of her bunny slippers. "I'm not. Anyway, what do you girls think?" I asked. "Why do you want to quit the lessons?" Eun-chae asks. "Hear me out guys." I tell them as they break into a conversation about this situation.

"Throughout my teenage years, I've spent them in pure hatred. In the shadow of my brother. Let's be honest guys, I've always hated dancing. I never really thought about it until now. Which is why I want to tell you guys. I think I'm going to focus on my music career. You've seen the music I've written. That's something I've been passionate about. So I hope you guys will understand." I tell them. Their expressions changed from confused to proud. "Yah.. You're really growing up well." Jessica says, giving me a smile. "We're here for you Em. All you need to do is explain this to Jina. I'm pretty sure she already left." Jang-mi says, sighing.

I laugh and give them a nod before I continue on with my work, only to be interrupted by a knock on my door. "Yeah?" I called. "Jina's here."

I sigh and stand up, going downstairs only for her to engulf me into a hug. "Yah. What's up with you?" I ask, uncomfortably patting her back. "Why are you leaving dance?" She whines. My brother looks over to me in concern. "You're quitting the dance lessons?"

Thanks a bunch Jina.

I spent the last 20 minutes, explaining everything to them. Only for Jina to be relieved and leave right after.

"Jackson." I say, pulling on him arm. He looks over to me. "Yeah?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Mom and Dad. I'd prefer to tell them by myself." I say. He nods. I stand up and head towards my room, only to be stopped. "Emily. I'm proud of you." I smile before I run over to him, jumping to give him a hug.

It's not everyday that I can hear Jackson say something like that.. and I'm glad. I'm glad that I have the brother I've missed. I'm glad he's here.

"I missed having a brother." I whispered as he hugs me back in shock. "I missed you too Em." He says, patting my back gently. "Aw! Group hug!" Yugyeom insists and with that, six other pairs of arms wrap themselves around us. I see BamBam in front of me as he hugs my brother from behind. I grab his cheeks, pinching and shifting them around, making me laugh as he lets out a groan. "Yah. I'm supposed to be your Oppa." He says, giving me a frown. I stick out my tongue at him, making him laugh. "Can you carry me up to my room?" I ask Jackson, still holding unto him. He scoffs, letting go off me as I fall to the ground. "Yah!" I scold, kicking his thighs as I lay flat on the floor.

He laughs and picks me up. I dust my clothes before crossing my arms. "So much for having a moment." I huff, walking up to my room.

"I'm back." I tell the girls as I sit down at my table. "Emily.. I need to tell you something... But don't hate me okay?" Yeo-jin says. I could never be mad at her. Why would I hate her?

"Just tell her, Yeo-jin. It's not that big of a deal." Jina says as she ties her hair up. "Okay. Okay." Yeo-jin says before clearing her throat and sighing. "I like your brother." She admits. My eyes widen before I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Y-You... Like my brother!" I mimic, laughing as I clap my hands. "Yah! Why are you laughing!" She whines, frowning. "Because it's Jackson. Oh my gosh." I say, wiping away my fake tears.

"Oh yeah. Emily, my brother's back from America." Eun-chae says. Oh.. right. Eun-chae has a brother that I've always had a crush on. We were inseparable. Then he moved to America to continue his studies. "Jimin! Come say hi!" She calls. Then, the familiar figure sits down beside her. His eyes find me among our group of friends. And once my eyes land on him and his lands on mine, it's like he never left.

"Hi." He says, giving us a smile. "Aigoo.. We're here too you know." Yumi scolds, rolling her eyes. "Hi Unnies, Dongsaeng Twins and Emily." He says, his eyes diverting to each one of them before they land fixed on me. "Annyeonghaseyo." Jang-mi greets, breaking the silence.

You're probably wondering why I'm not as excited to see him. That's because before he left, we had necklaces for each other. His had an 'E' for Emily while mine had an 'J' for Jimin. I still have the necklace. It's in its container. I confessed how much I liked him during one of our skype calls. I didn't know that his girlfriend was there with him. Yes, he got a girlfriend in America. This broke my heart. After that day, we always had tension in between us and I never wore the necklace anymore.

"Guys. Let's go visit Emily. She looks like she's spacing out of the conversation again. It's odd." Jessica says. The rest nod, agreeing without my consent as they all slowly hung up after their goodbyes.

Here's the thing. The girls don't know about what happened. Because if they knew, Eun-chae wouldn't have asked Jimin to greet us. They knew how close we used to be before he left the country. But I guess I was asking for it, right?

Jimin wasn't terrible looking. He was always quite the ladies man. Having girls flock to wherever he was. Jimin treated me like his little sister. He was the reason why I would go to school, looking forward to seeing him at least once. I didn't have to tell the girls how I felt about him.. Because it was crystal clear. I fell in love with a boy I knew I had no chance with. He was the talented good-looking guy with a chubby best friend. I should've known that him being in America meant that there would be girls who were good looking and probably with great personalities. People who were better than whatever I was.

Apparently, he was now in a band.. BTS? I don't know, I've never paid attention these these things. I don't listen to Kpop that much either. Which is probably why I found out that he was in a band, a long time after it had already happened. The girls never told me because they assumed that I knew. Which I obviously didn't.

I stood up from my chair, adjusting my shirt and going downstairs to get some water. I was beyond nervous. The first time in a few years seeing Jimin. I've only seen how he looked like in posters and during that skype call earlier. He didn't change that much. Still the boy that my world revolved around.

 The doorbell rings, interrupting my thoughts

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The doorbell rings, interrupting my thoughts. "I'll get it." I say as I place my cup in the sink. The boys were sitting on the couch, talking while watching tv. I opened the door and saw all of them, who quickly rushed in. I saw that it had started raining and the shelter of the porch protected them from getting wet but not from the cold breeze. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I knew that the boys were looking towards us as the tv had gotten silent.

I locked eyes with the familiar boy, a smile on his face as he sees me. "Hi." We greet. Jackson clears his throat, raising an eyebrow as he sees him. "Who are you?" Jackson asks, crossing his arms. "Hyung. Have you really forgotten me?" Jimin asks, smiling at my brother. "Woah! Jimin. You grew up while you were in America." He points out.

Yes Jackson. That's what happens when someone's gone for a really long time. "I'm sure you know the boys." Jackson says, pointing to the rest. "I didn't know that you guys knew each other." Jb adds after they all exchange greetings. "I didn't either." I muttered, looking down to the floor. "Uh.. Emily. Can we talk?" Jimin asks, looking at me. "Aren't we talking already?" I spat, biting the inside of my lip. "I meant, Can we talk alone? In the kitchen if you want." He clarifies.

I start walking towards the kitchen, avoiding the concerned looks from the rest. I sat down on one of the chairs, playing with my fingers as Jimin steps in.

"I know you probably hate me. I don't blame you. But I need to explain something." Jimin says as he takes the seat beside me, shifting his body in order for him to look at me. "Okay."

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