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Chapter 12 : I would never.

I woke up with a blanket draped around my shoulders but I was still at my dressing table. I looked up to see mascara running down my cheeks and my lipstick smudged. I used a makeup wipe, gently removing the makeup. I removed the blanket from me and folded it, going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

I walk into the kitchen and give my parents a hug before sitting down in the middle of Jackson and Yugyeom. "How was your sleep?" Dad asks. "Huh? Oh.. It was okay." I answered, taking a sip of water before starting to eat. I feel a foot touch mine from under the table, I look up to see Mark, eating his food and avoiding my gaze. It was probably unintentional.

"Gaga. Give the Nutella to your sister." Mom says as she passes him a jar. "Thank you." I mumbled, spreading a thin layer on the toast before taking a bite. "Joan's coming by again." Dad says. Jackson and I groan, as I lean my head unto his shoulder. "Why does she keep visiting? It's not like we want her here." I spat, rolling my eyes. Jackson laughs, giving me a high five. "Whether you want her here or not, she's unfortunately a family member." Mom says, defending and insulting her at the same time. I smirk and let out a chuckle.

"Mom, why didn't you tell Uncle not to have children." Jackson complains, earning a smack behind the head from her. "Imagine me, telling that to you." I say, clapping my hands. He nudges me. "Okay. Let's eat please." Dad says, stopping my hand from hitting Jackson across the face. I frown and bite into the toast again.

I sit at the piano of the house with BamBam and Youngjae where they attempt to teach me how to play piano. "Stop stretching my fingers! My hands are small!" I whine, hitting BamBam. "Yah!" He scolds, frowning. "I give up." I say, standing up as they laugh when I messed up. "Aigoo.." Youngjae sighs as I sit down on the couch next to my brother. "So are we continuing the little act?" Jr asks as Youngjae and BamBam sit down as well. "They don't have to if they don't want to." Jb says. "Let's tell her that you guys broke up then." Yugyeom says. I wasn't fazed. I didn't really care because it was a fake relationship.

Yes, I did like Mark. But if I were to experience these things with him, I'd want it to be because we both love each other. Not because of a dumb act.

The doorbell rings and we all let out a groan. "Rock, paper scissors!" Jackson and I say. I show rock while he shows scissors. "Best out of three." He reasoned. I shook my head, shooing him off. He groans and gets up to unlock the door. We all stood up, bothering to greet her as she steps in.

She looked gorgeous effortlessly. She wore a large basketball tank top with black jeans and a flannel wrapped around her waist. Her hair was wavy and she had a light pink lipstick on.

"Hey guys." She says, giving them a smile. They greet her with Hellos before going back to the couch. I sat on the carpet by Yugyeom as we all talked around the coffee table. "Oh. Mark Oppa, why aren't you sitting with Emily?" She asked, a shocked expression on her face. "We've broken up." He says bluntly.

That's the most childish answer that has come out of his mouth. If it were me who asked him that question, he would come up with something witty and slightly rude to keep me quiet.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I looked away. "Oh I'm sorry. What happened?" She asked, concern filling her voice. I kept quiet, trying to listen to the other conversation that consisted of the other boys. "It's nothing too major."

Nothing to major

Is he really making it seem like he didn't care about this 'relationship' ? "Oh.. Then can I give you a go?" I felt my breath hitch as she said this, resulting in a hiccup. "Do you want water?" Jr asks as he stands up. "Yeah. I'll just get it myself." I say, standing up as well. He laughs and tugs my arm, bringing me to the kitchen with him.

"I know how you might be feeling about their conversation. But try not to take it personally, okay?" He says as he tosses me a bottle of water from the fridge. I nod, giving him a small smile. "Can you be completely honest with me? Do you actually like Mark?" He asks. I chew on my bottom lip, looking down to the floor. "Yeah.. I do like him." I respond, letting out a sigh as I look back up to Jr. "We can tell, Emily." He says, giving me a laugh before we left the kitchen. I frown and sit down, frustrated as to why they thought it was obvious.

"Unnie. While you were gone, I listened into their conversation. Mark said that he would never do that to you because he cares for you. Good move, right?" Yugyeom tells me. I sat up once I heard this. Is this coming from Mark knowing that I like him or Mark going through with the act of being in a broken fake relationship with me?

Geez. I didn't know it would be so frustrating. I looked over to Mark who laughed along with the boys as they talked. Joan sat by him, laying a hand on his arm now and then only for Mark to remove it in the most polite way possible. I looked away and out of the window, looking at how peaceful it looked. "I'm going to the pool." I tell Jackson as I stood up. He nods.

I slide the doors open and sit on the edge of the pool with my legs hanging into the water. I hummed a song while I dipped my finger in, making patterns through the water that were visible on the pool floor because of the reflection of the sun.

I smiled, wishing that my life would always be this peaceful. It would be better for me to live my life like this. I'm going to be 20 soon. Time does fly by rather quickly when you're having fun.

"Mind me joining you?" A familiar voice asks. I look over to see Mark, kneeling down behind me. "Not at all." He sits beside me and lets out a sigh.

"You seem to always be at the most peaceful spots." He says, looking at the surroundings. "I guess I like the silence." I say, giving him a shrug as I kicked my feet slowly in the water. "So why did you leave the group?" I asked, looking over to him. "Well, I didn't really have much to say during their conversation. And you were out here by yourself. So here I am." He says, copying me as he kicks his feet in the water as well. "So you came here to keep me company?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you not want me to?"

I shake my head, "I'm okay with it." He smiles and nods. "So, are you going to let Joan have a go at you?" I asked, trying to make my tone as neutral as possible. "Were you listening to our conversation?" He asks, laughing at me. "Answer my question." I said, nudging him. He sighs. "Do you want me to?" I stopped kicking my feet in the water and leaned back, using my arms to support myself. "I don't really have control over what you do." I say, as I looked up to the clouds. "What do you mean?" He asks. At the corner of my eye, I can see him observing me.

"I mean, I don't have a say in what ever it is you choose to do. I don't have the right to do anything." I say, looking over to him as well. He ruffles my head. "You're making this conversation super depressing." I smile and let out a chuckle. "I tend to do that to a lot of things." I say, letting out a sigh as I brought myself to look at the clouds again. "Emily. I would never do that to you." He says. I look over to him again, confused. "You told me that you liked me. I wouldn't date another girl knowing that it would hurt you. And plus, I don't even like Joan." He says, laughing. "That's good." I say, giving me a small smile. He sighs and brings me into a hug. My eyes widen, as I stayed there before wrapping my arms around his torso.

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