the note

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if there is one thing I've learnt about college is that it is extremely hard and nothing like the movies.

sure there are parties but they're only for very, VERY popular people.  it's kinda like high school all over again,except that no one is seen tied up in the bathroom. after getting out of my English lesson I made my way to the dorm room to fix up a bit because I was probably looking like a zombie already.  upon opening the room Georgia shoved a paper in my face.  "looooky here!  you've got a love note!  " she waved the paper. "don't be silly Georgia dudes run away from me all the time"  she stepped aside letting me in" won't you read it?  " "ummm I need to get to my next class but I'll take it "

once Georgia was out of sight in quickly scanned over the note.  who ever left this note wanted to go on a date on Saturday and they left their number too. biting my tender lip I shoved it into my pocket.  'I think this is a chance I'll take'

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