the awkward date

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gahh I'm so sorry guys I'm such a slow updater I kinda for got about this story yeah I do that don't be sad tho this story will carry on!  ***

**I don't go to college so I have no idea what it's like most of the stuff on here are based on movies and pitch perfect which I do not own* *

looking at the final product in the mirror I thought to myself 'I am a gorgeous sex goddess (( Angus thongs and perfect snogging reference >.<))

Georgia came around and looked at me.  "that fits you perfect" she said placing her hands on my waist and giving me a flirtatious wink.  Georgia decided that she would clean the dorm room this week since I was going out and Jesse had something to do she thought she might as well entertain herself.

"come on!" she exclaimed "you'll be late for your mystery date"  she made her kissy face and started prancing around the room.  I took one final look and gave my good byes to Georgia .

walking out of the dorm I checked my purse to see if I had everything in there.  phone,money,lipstick....rape whistle.  taking it out I exclaimed "yes!  I finally found it! !!!!" I held the whistle up in the air like it was some kind of trophy.  some girls out in the hall looked over at me laughing or choking down laughs.  my face was crimson red and I rushed on by

finally making out into the fields I remembered the note: 

at 5:00pm by the oak tree I'll be there

looking around I found the oak tree I spotted it in the other end of the field. I stood there for a moment or two . It was already 4:56pm.  if I were to be late-night as well be fashionably late.  I started making my way over being careful not to trip over some students reading on the grass. when the oak tree came cleaerer into view I saw someone sitting there . rushing over I said

"hey I'm here for a date at 5:00 pm" 

the mysterious boy checked his watch and said "you're ten minutes late" he sounded awfully familiar.  "better late than never " I instantly blushed I was being such a diva to the poor dude. 

he turned around and I swear my heart melted.  it was him!  Jesse brought me out here on a date!  but then I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my chest.  what would Georgia think if she saw me out here, With her boyfriend?

I took a step back "J-Jesse. ... I- "

I was cut off by his hand taking mine.  "let's take a seat "

I reluctantly sat down.  it was a good thing I never wore dresses on a date.  I decided to go for some jeans that fitted my figure perfectly and a t-shirt with a rose on it.  I was a quite simple dresser, even for fancy dates I never dress out entirely.  "look at that " Jesse pointed to the sky.  this was the most beautiful Sun set i had seen and I quickly became dazed by the colors forming in the sky

out of the corner of my eye I caught Jesse looking at me and immediately snapped back into focus. 

"I-I shouldn't be here your Georgia's boyfriend and I'm her roommate" 

I clenched the rape whistle in my pocket.  "Jesse I - " I was silenced by his lips crashing into mine.  his lips were cool as if he'd been dabbing them with ice.  instinctively I kissed back his lips were soft and moist against my quivering ones.  "relax " me mumbled as he took my lips again.  I had never been kissed this way before with such passionate feeling. 

it was the first kiss any girl would gave wanted in middle school but I ended to quickly.  he pulled away slowly looking at me straight in the eyes. "you have to promise not to tell Georgia" 

I didn't know how to respond to that.  he looked at me firmly "I-I'll try" I mumbled

satified with the answer he glanced away.  "meet me by the abandoned courts during study hall"  he gave me a small squeeze before kissing me lightly and leaving.

Jesse sure was a mysterious boy ....

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