chapter 5 : should I? could I?

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** ( u.u) So I got a request to make my stories longer so that's what I'll be doing from now on making the longer.  I will try mortals!  I usually don't write a lot about this stuff buttt since I love you so much I'll do it now let me get writing before Zeus starts questioning mehh*

you guys know I don't own anything only my great imagination

Georgia seemed happier than me when I got back.  she was excited and ready to know who my mystery man was.  sitting on the carpeted floor I told her a few facts but not enough to let her know it was Jesse.  I'm sure that would break her heart. 

"so what was he wearing?  did he look hot in it?  "

"umm well it was a blue t-shirt " I said placing a finger over my lip "and I didn't have a good chance to look at him since he kissed me, ........ "

"he what! ?! oh my God Ella that's great!  when's your next date!  "

"some time this week he was gonna call me about it"  I lied already knowing where I would meet him tomorrow. If she only knew I was talking about Jesse .

"where are you going for winter break"  she blurted out.

"ummm I'm staying on campus. . my relatives live too far away" 

"oh cool I'm going with my folks to a cabin I asked Jesse if he wanted to go but he had to complete a course he's behind in. "

"oh I see"  I was so happy inside he probably made up an excuse to stay with me this spring break.

wait. . what am I thinking. . why would I think he'd want to stay here with me?  I'm so stupid

I felt so ashamed that I had thought that he would stay for me.  the colors started rushing up to my face and tears welling in my eyes.  Georgia looked up at me and got surprised at my sudden mood change.

"are you alright?  " she said looking at me with those emerald eyes. 

all I managed was to nod.

" you must miss your parents"  she added softly.  and then she hugged me. 

I felt a part of me die how could I lie to such a sweet girl like Georgia?  I hate myself so much for hiding this. ... but she would hate me if I told her.  I had no choice.  I have to keep quiet at least for now. 

after a while of hugging and consoling I finally washed my face and went straight to bed.  I tossed around for a while and tried to clear my mind.  but that kiss with Jesse kept popping up in my mind.  after a few hours I finally got some sleep


one minute till study hall started I felt my palms get sweaty.  this was the most desperate I have ever been to get out of a class.  at last the bell rung and the period was over I tried not to seem in a rush but I couldn't help it my feet carried me swiftly to the abandoned basketball field.

my bag bounced slightly against my hip as I walked  in a rush.  finally getting there I felt some one hold My waist from behind my hand instinctively went to look for my rape whistle.

Jesse laughed "calm down its just me don't worry" 

my heart was beating quickly and I swallowed. 

"y-you scared me. " I managed to choke out. 

"its alright, I'm here. ... I didn't mean to scare you"  I felt him place a small kiss on the crook of my neck. 


"yeah.?  "

"ummm I"  this was it this was the moment to tell him I didn't want anything with him unless he was going out with me. 

"what is it" 

I turned around slowly to meet his gaze.  his eyes were sparkling in the sunlight. could I?  should I?   my thoughts suddenly shifted to how flawless his face is.  he smiled and I couldn't resist him ... the way he looked at me

"I know I do too"  he said leaning down to kiss me

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